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Robes me the wrong way.


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Hi everyone!


I know, I know.. another person interested in talking about the design of the Sith Sorcerer/Assassin robes, but just bare with me. :eek:


I'd just like to start off saying that I completely love the game, but as you guessed it, the robes aren't hitting the right spot for me. It's just hard to imagine an assassin fighting crime in a dress, or thats atleast how I see it. ;)


Social Gear: I know a lot of people are like, "Hey, just buy the social pants." but I've seen players do this and in all honesty, it still doesn't look that well.. most of the pants are skin tight and wouldn't go well with an Inquisitor's top piece. (Picture of Social gear pants below)



In my opinion I think both the Sorcerer and Assassin would benefit from something like this or varients of this. (See picture below)



It's a NPC by the way...

- The slit in the front gives room to show the inner pants and the shortness of the robe gives you room to show off the boots.


Benefits of a style like above:

-You'll be able to see your full boots and not just your toes peaking out from the robe.

-You'll also be able to see more pants as well as keep some of the "robe style".

-Could work well with both Sorcerers and Assassins. Giving Assassins more of a combat readiness look and Sorcerers can still have some sort of draped clothing.




















- No reason to click on them all, just players with the same interest.


I'm all for feedback.. good or bad.

Just thought I'd get my 2 pennies worth.


Oh! .. and I think you should be able to wear your full faced helmet and hood at the same time :)

Edited by bulletkuha
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While I agree there should be more pants and half-robes like OP suggested, it actually surprised me how easy it was to get some decent looking pants for my inq.


Social items vendor in Dromund Nexus Cantina sells moddable Formal Pants, I am loving those!

Imo these look good with plenty of the upper armor we get.


Also found Supreme Inquisitor's Legwraps on GTN relatively easy.

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While I agree there should be more pants and half-robes like OP suggested, it actually surprised me how easy it was to get some decent looking pants for my inq.


Social items vendor in Dromund Nexus Cantina sells moddable Formal Pants, I am loving those!

Imo these look good with plenty of the upper armor we get.


Also found Supreme Inquisitor's Legwraps on GTN relatively easy.



I have been looking for the Supreme Inquisitor's leg and chest since the game came live. I haven't found one set on the AH at all. Where have you found them?

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I think armor like this would fit better...





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I did look at your post. The choices you linked were way too plain IMO, for anything high level. Maybe for starter gear. My big problem is the lack of chestpieces with hoods, they had it right at some point in beta, I even have a screenshot of an awesome chestpiece thats red with mechanical looking features, but then they changed it to the crap we have now.
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I have been looking for the Supreme Inquisitor's leg and chest since the game came live. I haven't found one set on the AH at all. Where have you found them?


I found them on the EU server Chuundar. I checked the GTN on Dromund Kaas and found the Supreme Inq's Legwraps for I think 8000 creds or something. Could be that I just got lucky.

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I agree completely. I *hate* robes, but love Inquisitor. I would really enjoy rocking something more akin to a "space pirate" social gear with boots, pants, and flight jacket.


Also, I was excited to get the Formal Pants on Dromund Kass so I could ditch the skirt...then I saw it was male only which made absolutely no sense. What would prevent a female from wearing pants?

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The worst part is before the game came out all our class pictures were masks and hoods. None of...whatever we have now. I don't know what they were going for but I hope they don't do anything like it ever again.


Side note: The imperial trooper pants give a good armoured look.

Edited by Blitzak
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I agree completely. I *hate* robes, but love Inquisitor. I would really enjoy rocking something more akin to a "space pirate" social gear with boots, pants, and flight jacket.


Also, I was excited to get the Formal Pants on Dromund Kass so I could ditch the skirt...then I saw it was male only which made absolutely no sense. What would prevent a female from wearing pants?


Everything you say? Yes. Agreed 100%. I'm especially irked about the formal pants on DK being limited to male characters. *sigh*


The new Imperial Pilot Pants on one of the Starship Upgrades vendors at the Fleet are a nice choice for Assassins, and they look pretty good; the only problem is they require Social III and about 200+ fleet commendations from space combat. *headdesk*

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The worst part is before the game came out all our class pictures were masks and hoods. None of...whatever we have now. I don't know what they were going for but I hope they don't do anything like it ever again.


Side note: The imperial trooper pants give a good armoured look.


Unfortunately, those cost $150.

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can you mod social gear?


Yes you can.


Due to the armoring mod not being removable (at least until next patch) the endgame gear pieces are still superior to modded custom gear, even without taking set bonuses into account.


I think Bioware is doing the right thing making the endgame gear pieces fully moddable (can take all mods off) so we dont have to look at that garbage ever again.

Edited by Karkais
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Yes you can.


Due to the armoring mod not being removable (at least until next patch) the endgame gear pieces are still superior to modded custom gear, even without taking set bonuses into account.


I think Bioware is doing the right thing making the endgame gear pieces fully moddable (can take all mods off) so we dont have to look at that garbage ever again.


I think what they will implement is the mods ripped out of set pieces will be restricted to item slots. As in you can't rip out the armoring from a chestpiece and put it in your boots. The reason BW first locked in the base mods was because they didn't want people Needing on something they already have (over it being an upgrade for someone else) b/c they can rip out the mods and put it in another piece of gear. Also it'd allow people to get fully geared in just a few runs.

Edited by jkcheng
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