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Am I the only one who thinks this should be in the tank tree and not the dps tree? I really dont understand the arrangements of the trees in this game. Some of them make no sense. Some tree points reduce or add to things on skills that you might not get for 5 to 10 more levels.
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Am I the only one who thinks this should be in the tank tree and not the dps tree? I really dont understand the arrangements of the trees in this game. Some of them make no sense. Some tree points reduce or add to things on skills that you might not get for 5 to 10 more levels.


Other specs take damage too, if you place all the utility in a single tree then things become too one-dimensional.

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The skill unstopable is not really a skill to decrease damage. It makes you immune to knockbacks and cc type abilities when you force leap. This would seem to be a skill more inline with tanking and not dps.


As a tank, I have to grab aggro. In HMs I am knockback and or stunned 3 to 4 times on initial pull. This makes grabbing aggro a pita during the first 15 seconds of a fight. This skill would be invaluable to a tank and not so much DPS. Problem is that it is in the 3rd tier and would have to give up too much in the tank tree to get it.


DPS doesnt really need a skill like this imo. Maybe if solo but you dont face these things solo very often. You do face these things in a group, as a tank, on a constant basis.

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They could at least move it down to the first or second tier so the tanks could get it. I understand that dps finds it useful for pvp, however a tank spec could use it in both pve and pvp.


So many times I charge in to grab aggro just to be stunned and knockback while then the mobs run all over and I have to go run all around trying to get them as they are usally spread out to the point where i cannot just aoe taunt.


It makes no sense to have this talent up the dps tree where its out of range of the tanks unless we dont go full tank spec.

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it's a great dps talent that insures you are not CCed/stunned after leaping in.


it prevents an initial "gang up" by a mob of npcs while incapacitated, survivability general a valuable asset for any role


It is valuable for either role. It hardly happens that often in normal play though. It happens just about every pull in HM instances....which dps classes dont need in there.


Im not saying take it away... Id be happy if they moved it down to a tier that I could feasibly spec into it.

Edited by Soluss
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Is it broken though? I've been using this as MT, forsaking the last three talents - and I still manage to get pushed back almost immediately after a leap. I love the increase to armor though which is always nice. Some mobs still break my chain by knocking me back before those four seconds are up.
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If you want it dont go so high up the Immortal tree, simple as....


You view seems very PvE bias, from a PvP point of view its a huge bonus for a damage spec to be able to stay in damage range.. Not so important for a tank to stay in damage range as your job is protection and migration which both can be done from range or short time in Melee range.

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If you want it dont go so high up the Immortal tree, simple as....


You view seems very PvE bias, from a PvP point of view its a huge bonus for a damage spec to be able to stay in damage range.. Not so important for a tank to stay in damage range as your job is protection and migration which both can be done from range or short time in Melee range.


Its not as simple as that. As a tank, I would lose a lot for it imo. What you are telling me to do would be the same as if I asked you to give up the last of your DPS talents to put points into 4 tiers of a tank tree.


My view is very PVE biased, that is correct. I play on a PVE server and PVP is very small part of the game there. Like I said earlier. I am not asking them to take it out of the DPS tree... Id be happy enough if they moved it down even 1 tier.

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