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Ability delay STILL isn't fixed.


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Hi, I just had a game, where - an Imp was trying to defuse a bomb.


They had half a cast bar left to go, and was out of range to melee them, so I casted Project, knowing that Force Wave is a complete bunch of ********s to use anyways.


Well, my rock pops into the air, hangs there - and she finishes her defusing, then - it hits.


My GCD had already finished by the time the damage HIT her.




This is - cast, and hope it decides to go off, before the Imp is doing whatever he's doing, or pray it lands before the effects that require it to be triggered wear off.


This isn't the only spell in the book that has silly delay on it - still.


Imp animation = Instant.

Republic animation != Instant.


Get this fixed. It's effing rediculous.

Edited by Dorkfrey
Title wasn't entirely correct - my initial anger at the problem didn't allow me to see reason.
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Funny - I say I'm a melee...


And I didn't want "wicked" burst.


I wanted damage, that second. Well, actually - anywhere in that second and a half that I had to interrupt the cast bar.


If an Assassin/Sorc casts project, the damage in INSTANT. If a Shadow/Sage does this, it is not. This isn't a case of me being "bad". This is a case of - only effect I had that "could" have interrupted her that wasn't on cooldown or near enough to be used.


This is a case of the DAMAGE not being applied until the animation is over. Something which Sith do not have to deal with.


I wasn't trying to set up WICKED BURST. I was trying to stop a bomb from being defused.


I'm a freaking Tank Shadow. Not a DPS Sage.


If I was playing a Sith, the effect would have happened immediately. This is not in balance.

Edited by Paralassa
removed rude response to rude response
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I rolled a Republic commando to quell the boredom (have a 50 imp char) I definitely see what you guys are talking about now. When I use Mortar Volley the cast bar is half way done before my first volley even goes off and I am still using the skill when the cast bar is gone. Same with Pulse Cannon, I hit the hotkey and the animation takes for freaking ever to go off.


These are just a couple examples, but I see why Republic have been complaining.


Get you stuff together BioWare.

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I rolled a Republic commando to quell the boredom (have a 50 imp char) I definitely see what you guys are talking about now. When I use Mortar Volley the cast bar is half way done before my first volley even goes off and I am still using the skill when the cast bar is gone. Same with Pulse Cannon, I hit the hotkey and the animation takes for freaking ever to go off.


These are just a couple examples, but I see why Republic have been complaining.


Get you stuff together BioWare.


Don't get my started on Spinning Strike either. See someone casting a heal spell at low health, and I try and hit them with it to finish them off, and my jedi poser just *has* to do a long winded flourish before the effect hits, except they're not at <30% health anymore.


These little things make the game SO UNFUN.


Imp damage - applies much faster or instantly in almost every case, and people try and defend this, saying it's good - like the poster who answered this thread first.


Even with damage being equal... man.. that delay is just ludicrous.

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I always use a spell that is too slow to stop a cap/plant/disarm to... stop a cap/plant/disarm.


Good job using your head bro.


Was all I had off cooldown that could hit them in time/had the range to hit them.


If I was a Sith, this spell would have worked, and I wouldn't be frustrated.




Was too close to Force Pull them off, too far for melee, Force Breach/Slow Time on CD, and Force Wave would have taken even longer while I hang there like Neo.


This is a hideous flaw. Nice to see you support balance between factions though.

Edited by Dorkfrey
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Was all I had off cooldown that could hit them in time/had the range to hit them.


If I was a Sith, this spell would have worked, and I wouldn't be frustrated.




Was too close to Force Pull them off, too far for melee, Force Breach/Slow Time on CD, and Force Wave would have taken even longer while I hang there like Neo.


This is a hideous flaw. Nice to see you support balance between factions though.


Thats just bad luck then duder, I can't even tell you how many times I couldn't stop a cap because of cooldowns. I guess I should start making threads about how bioware favors the other side because of bad timing.

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Thats just bad luck then duder, I can't even tell you how many times I couldn't stop a cap because of cooldowns. I guess I should start making threads about how bioware favors the other side because of bad timing.


Sunshine, get this - Project has a delay, the Sith equivalent "SHOCK" does not.


Once you realise this, you can then rattle it around your head, and then apologise if you're big enough to do that.


I don't complain about my spells - being on CD. I complain about one spell having a delay while the animation messes around, while my counterparts on the other side do not have this issue.


End of story.

Edited by Dorkfrey
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Thats just bad luck then duder, I can't even tell you how many times I couldn't stop a cap because of cooldowns. I guess I should start making threads about how bioware favors the other side because of bad timing.


Having played a Shadow DPS in Voidstar we've flat out lost because of this issue, and it had nothing to do with bad timing. A Shadow has very limited ranged skills.


This also isn't Project. Half of the Republic's skills are delayed in some fashion. It's ********.


Republic has a disadvantage in basically every aspect of this game.

Edited by savionen
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yupp, playing a marauder still feels like you have a 1000 ms.


Getting killing blows or even snares in is such a challenge each game. Try a sorc and you can basicly go afk and be a million times more useful and have an easier time.


When using my more complicated binds for off gdc abilities with bigger cooldowns I actually have to spam the bind around 5-6 times before anything happens and that is an INSTANT OFF GLOBAL COOLDOWN ABILITY and having to keep my eye constantly on my action bar to see if it actually went off. Losing a ton of time I could have spendt actually figthing.


This is the worst game I've ever played. I wonder what the game engine is made up off. My guess is a pile of *********.

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There is nothing wrong with project, only your ability to use it.


Except for.... all the issues with it.


-Someone stealthing and the damage not impacting because of the travel time. The object just hovers and spins.

-Not being able to interrupt someone on a tower or door because of the travel time.

-Not being able to kill somebody before they heal because of the travel time.

-Being killed in a 1vs1 situation when you casted first, because of the delay.

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There is nothing wrong with project, only your ability to use it. Having gone from a Sith Assassin tank, to a Jedi Shadow Tank, I love project way more than shock.


You previous post would state that you're wrong.


There is a delay on it - that is silly in length. It's been fairly well documented.


I honestly think you are still just trolling in what you're saying here, because as a Shadow Tank, the number of times I've lost my Particle Acceleration procs because of the ability delay is more than not when doing anything which requires half a rotation (trying to keep debuffs on a target, and shields up - and maxing Harnessed Shadows).


Any Shadow tank will tell you - that the delay is pretty much suck in both PvE as well as being game losing in PvP if you're a defensive sort.


You saying that you've rerolled and prefer it, is either just stupidity or plain lies. Pick one.

Edited by Dorkfrey
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Thats just bad luck then duder, I can't even tell you how many times I couldn't stop a cap because of cooldowns. I guess I should start making threads about how bioware favors the other side because of bad timing.


Shock damage is INSTANT, as in right when you press the button. Project doesn't do damage till the rock in the animation hits the target. I had the exact same stupid crap happen to me today. This game is ****.

Edited by Meluna
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I don't complain about my spells - being on CD. I complain about one spell having a delay while the animation messes around, while my counterparts on the other side do not have this issue.


End of story.



Whoa Silver, calm down...we are in the same boat with ability delays even though certain abilities like Project may make you feel otherwise.


My Shock is not always instant- in the same case as your above...it may fire 1-2 seconds after I hit the button. I do understand that you may suffer from the animation without recourse while Imps do not- but everyone's abilities are broken with the ability lag.


Chain Lightning is the one that infuriates me the most...taking 3 seconds during it's insta cast proc to cast while my Sorc runs around with curled fists at his sides. I may as well have casted with it's normal cast time...luckily, this is sporadic and not always the case.

Edited by Tourne
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Whoa Silver, calm down...we are in the same boat with ability delays even though certain abilities like Project may make you feel otherwise.


My Shock is not always instant- in the same case as your above...it may fire 1-2 seconds after I hit the button. I do understand that you may suffer from the animation without recourse while Imps do not- but everyone's abilities are broken with the ability lag.


Chain Lightning is the one that infuriates me the most...taking 3 seconds during it's insta cast proc to cast while my Sorc runs around with curled fists at his sides. I may as well have casted it with it's normal cast time...luckily, this is sporadic and not always the case.


If you combine ability lag, with animation delay - we're still coming out worse off. This isn't a "MAY" or "MIGHT" or "PERHAPS" we suffer an added delay on our animation. WE DO. Roll a Consular, Roll an Inq, go out at level one and see for yourself. There isn't a "maybe" about this. Animation goes of, we twiddle thumbs, GCD resets (or near as), damage hits. To the point that I've managed to reset the Harnessed Shadows proc on it, from a subsequent Double Slash before the damage has hit from Project - and seen it reset from a half duration remaining proc.


Sorc/Sage Chain Lightning will have the same problem on both sides assuming all animations are equal.


Sorc/Assassin Shock - doesn't have to put up with the ANIMATION delay as WELL as the Ability Lag that Sage/Shadow do.


So, my Buttercup - we're back at the beginning here - hence my opening post. So - you might have some lag - we have worse.


And it doesn't just affect PvP - as I explained above.


The guy who rerolled a Commando - noted the same thing too with Mortal Volley - Death From Above - the BH one, starts applying damage immediately. This is down to the "added" delay Republic gets. Not the "overall" one. For the "most" part - the game feels a lot more responsive than it did a few weeks back. I still get buttons locking up - but that's another story.

Edited by Dorkfrey
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As of the patch, I'm not having any delay issues...except for when my FPS gets all f@$ky...so maybe it's just a certain group of people that are experiencing the problem...or maybe Bioware gave me the account with the "Golden Butthole". Either way, it's fixed for me....for now at least....I just hope it doesn't come back with a vengeance lol
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