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My thoughts on Marauder PvP


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Marauders are hard to play. That is your problem.


At first I was smashed in nearly every warzone, barely could do anything. I started reading Marauder forums, that they are weak, underpowered etc. I started believing it.


I played more and more, getting better and better.


Now all I have to say - I LOVE MY MARAUDER. What the hell are you people talking ? No utility ? Squishy ? Are you mad ? I only die 2-3 times in each warzone and if i focus on DPS i am in top3 dps.


But I usually score balls in hutball with my 80% speed Predation. I am playing Annihilation. Which is the spec I recommend you play in PvP. Carnage is ok, you can get constant 3.5-4k crits with Scream, but that's about it and plus it is very Rage consuming spec. It's not worth for the 2 roots. I won't say nothing about Rage, since it's the worst spec ever.


I sometimes melt enemies in 5-6 seconds when I have my berserk on.


Squishy ? Stealth, Undying Rage, AoE Fear, Predation, Saber Ward. You can escape 1v5 situations easy with upgraded Predation.


You just need to play more your Marauder and L2P. You have to use all skills, marauders have a lot of them. I Actually use twice as more Keybidings than on my sorcerer.


To be exact I actively use 25 Key bindings and that is not counting Adrenals/Relics/Bloodthirst/Frenzy which i also bind.


Buttons I use are - 123456 QERTYFGXV SHIFT+QERTFGXV F1F2F3F4F5F6




I can post screenshots from the games I have if you want.


If you want an easy class, go play another class and stop filling up forum with your cries.


Feel free to ask me any questions.


TL;DR Marauders are fine, L2P Casuals.

Edited by yokubou
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Marauders are hard to play. That is your problem.


At first I was smashed in nearly every warzone, barely could do anything. I started reading Marauder forums, that they are weak, underpowered etc. I started believing it.


I played more and more, getting better and better.


Now all I have to say - I LOVE MY MARAUDER. What the hell are you people talking ? No utility ? Squishy ? Are you mad ? I only die 2-3 times in each warzone and if i focus on DPS i am in top3 dps.


But I usually score balls in hutball with my 80% speed Predation. I am playing Annihilation. Which is the spec I recommend you play in PvP. Carnage is ok, you can get constant 3.5-4k crits with Scream, but that's about it and plus it is very Rage consuming spec. It's not worth for the 2 roots. I won't say nothing about Rage, since it's the worst spec ever.


I sometimes melt enemies in 5-6 seconds when I have my berserk on.


Squishy ? Stealth, Undying Rage, AoE Fear, Predation, Saber Ward. You can escape 1v5 situations easy with upgraded Predation.


You just need to play more your Marauder and L2P. You have to use all skills, marauders have a lot of them. I Actually use twice as more Keybidings than on my sorcerer.


To be exact I actively use 25 Key bindings and that is not counting Adrenals/Relics/Bloodthirst/Frenzy which i also bind.


Buttons I use are - 123456 QERTYFGXV SHIFT+QERTFGXV F1F2F3F4F5F6




I can post screenshots from the games I have if you want.


If you want an easy class, go play another class and stop filling up forum with your cries.


Feel free to ask me any questions.


TL;DR Marauders are fine, L2P Casuals.


absoloutly love this post... tho i disagree on one topic in a sense... i play anni for pvp that i agree on because its just adding to my survivability. carnage however it seems easier to stay on target even without the less cd on leap... rage i agree and disagree with you... i like it for the doors in deathstar and nodes on civil war cus not only are u stoping 5 ppl in one hit u actualy put decent dmg ont hem however after that i find the single target dps in rage too lack and tho ppl say its vetter target managment i have yet to figure out how cus crush is only one move

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I'm a level 27 marauder...

My friend was like: "Don't go marauder, you can't do anything!"


Well, my first game was at level 24 and I did 200k damage... I broke the 300k damage twice already and with cooldowns up I don't lose 1v1 fights.


Not to mention huttball... XD

Grab the ball, hit predation... run around the acid poll, drop to the speed buff, hit your defensive cooldowns, charge someone ressing on their team and score, it's just perfect to counter-score since their team is on your field fighting the ressers and their field is pretty much empty saving for the guys going to ress. (the ones who just scored on your goal)


I tried every single class in the game, they self either clumsy or just plain boring to play. (stoped playing my merc at level 21.. tired of tracer missiles, how can people get to 50 with that? it's boring!) and finally found a high challenging-high rewarding class.


The more people crying about marauders, happier I get to know I can top 3 damage almost every match.

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absoloutly love this post... tho i disagree on one topic in a sense... i play anni for pvp that i agree on because its just adding to my survivability. carnage however it seems easier to stay on target even without the less cd on leap... rage i agree and disagree with you... i like it for the doors in deathstar and nodes on civil war cus not only are u stoping 5 ppl in one hit u actualy put decent dmg ont hem however after that i find the single target dps in rage too lack and tho ppl say its vetter target managment i have yet to figure out how cus crush is only one move


Yes, Rage can be quite fun in Void Star, i agree with you. But you shouldn't bother with that spec.


When I just hit lvl 50, I was playing Carnage for a long time. Yes, you can stay on your target long enough, but for me that "staying on the target" didn't feel that rewarding. Once I went Annihilation I couldn't go back to carnage. And for me staying on the target isn't a problem.

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Yes, Rage can be quite fun in Void Star, i agree with you. But you shouldn't bother with that spec.


When I just hit lvl 50, I was playing Carnage for a long time. Yes, you can stay on your target long enough, but for me that "staying on the target" didn't feel that rewarding. Once I went Annihilation I couldn't go back to carnage. And for me staying on the target isn't a problem.


oh yea i wont pvp with anything other than anni.. i had to go back to carnage for pve aka lvl'ing... just couldnt stay up well enough as anni but as carnage i just blew them up from the harsh force screams and massacres only costing me 2 rage

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Marauder is a hard class to play, yes.


Is Marauder also the weakest class at the moment, yes.


Do we need tweaks, yes.


Is it satisfying being spanked by one force lightning in full pvp gear, err.. no?

Edited by Kodokai
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Marauder is a hard class to play, yes.


Is Marauder also the weakest class at the moment, yes.


Do we need tweaks, yes.


Is it satisfying being spanked by one force lightning in full pvp gear, err.. no?


Weak ? I don't consider Marauders weak and I don't feel like other classes can kill me easily I barely lose 1v1 fights.


And what do you mean getting spanked by force lightning ? If you like to stand there and get spanked it's your deal, man !

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Weak ? I don't consider Marauders weak and I don't feel like other classes can kill me easily I barely lose 1v1 fights.


And what do you mean getting spanked by force lightning ? If you like to stand there and get spanked it's your deal, man !


Yes, cause i can control every situation where im getting zapped. Normally i'd force camo out of it but it's a little hard with a ball.

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Weak ? I don't consider Marauders weak and I don't feel like other classes can kill me easily I barely lose 1v1 fights.


And what do you mean getting spanked by force lightning ? If you like to stand there and get spanked it's your deal, man !


he just said 2 sorcs on him.... that shows me he wants to be op tot he point he can handle 5v1 with ease.... thats 2 stuns dude and 2 knockbacks... u v 1 sorc u should dominate... and you didnt state any ways that we are weak all you did was give a BS scenario of 2 sorcs stunlocking you... thats like 2 mara's on 1 sorc you think hes going to win? hell no then should he go in forums saying we are op cus he got beat in a 2v1?

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he just said 2 sorcs on him.... that shows me he wants to be op tot he point he can handle 5v1 with ease.... thats 2 stuns dude and 2 knockbacks... u v 1 sorc u should dominate... and you didnt state any ways that we are weak all you did was give a BS scenario of 2 sorcs stunlocking you... thats like 2 mara's on 1 sorc you think hes going to win? hell no then should he go in forums saying we are op cus he got beat in a 2v1?


Oh its you again.

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Oh its you again.


dont start i made a post appologizing for behavior... i asked a simple question i didnt bash on you in any way... you gave a scenario that even a op pt or merc would lose in... now if you were getting ravaged in a 1v1 on a sorc id see a problem however your talking about odds being against you in the sence of numbers not skills

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Yay, you can play your marauder against trash pugs.


You're gonna get creamed if you grab the ball against a good premade. Predation doesn't make you root or snare immune, so expect to have that on you 100%. Your charge doesn't make you CC immune (like a juggernauts does), and you cannot leap to allies. If you wanted to be a -good- ballrunner, you picked the wrong warrior AC.


Furthermore, while I do not doubt that marauders have excellent survivability, they (annihilation specs especially) lack good burst and cannot get 100% dps uptime on skilled targets. In fact, in terms of dps uptime, marauders probably have the lowest amongst all damage classes. Ranged dps, played at equal skill levels, will outperform marauders, its that simple.


Is the class hopelessly broken? No, the amount of CC and knockbacks in this game is.

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dont start i made a post appologizing for behavior... i asked a simple question i didnt bash on you in any way... you gave a scenario that even a op pt or merc would lose in... now if you were getting ravaged in a 1v1 on a sorc id see a problem however your talking about odds being against you in the sence of numbers not skills


Ofcause i dont lose 1v1, dont be silly. I was stating that the amount of damage a spammable instant cast does against us is stupid, majority of the time thats all they'll do.


But i guess you can blame it on these talents. I've seen 1.5k ticks & with just under 16k in pvp gear it's highly depressing.




Yay, you can play your marauder against trash pugs.


You're gonna get creamed if you grab the ball against a good premade. Predation doesn't make you root or snare immune, so expect to have that on you 100%.


Even if we do get "creamed" we would of already grabbed the ball, wasted our trinket & passed it onto someone else behind us. It's not a total loss but i agree all the knockbacks are highly depressing.

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Ofcause i dont lose 1v1, dont be silly. I was stating that the amount of damage a spammable instant cast does against us is stupid, majority of the time thats all they'll do.


But i guess you can blame it on this talents.






Even if we do get "creamed" we would of already grabbed the ball, wasted our trinket & passed it onto someone else behind us. It's not a total loss but i agree all the knockbacks are highly depressing.


nope because you just said it yourself... of course you own them 1v1... so you think your weak because you were outnumbered and got killed? OP just let them QQ ill welcome a buff anyday anyways because ill just shine that much more while they get on par

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nope because you just said it yourself... of course you own them 1v1... so you think your weak because you were outnumbered and got killed? OP just let them QQ ill welcome a buff anyday anyways because ill just shine that much more while they get on par


You're thinking to black & white mate, have you ever ran the ball past a force lightning spamming sorc on the above platform? :rolleyes:

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nope because i drop right to the bottom and leap to the goal line everytime... never gets old


Then you're relying on spawn timers, idiots who are dumb enough to go near the ledge but the majority of the time Marauders have no choice but to live in the pit with all these knockbacks.

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Yay, you can play your marauder against trash pugs.


You're gonna get creamed if you grab the ball against a good premade. Predation doesn't make you root or snare immune, so expect to have that on you 100%. Your charge doesn't make you CC immune (like a juggernauts does), and you cannot leap to allies. If you wanted to be a -good- ballrunner, you picked the wrong warrior AC.


Furthermore, while I do not doubt that marauders have excellent survivability, they (annihilation specs especially) lack good burst and cannot get 100% dps uptime on skilled targets. In fact, in terms of dps uptime, marauders probably have the lowest amongst all damage classes. Ranged dps, played at equal skill levels, will outperform marauders, its that simple.


Is the class hopelessly broken? No, the amount of CC and knockbacks in this game is.


I don't want to be a good ball carrier, I am. If you catch them off-guard you score and pre-made or not, people get caught off-guard.


I am not implying you can only score when people are off-guard, I scored many times when there were loads of people on my back, immobilizing and snaring. And I have been playing versus good 4man pre-mades and still I performed well.


I usually wait for full resolve bar, pop 80% Predation and run through fire/jump in to it. As soon as I land in fire i expect people to overload me with snares so i pop Undying Rage, stand for 2-3 secs, Unleash and with my sprint on - score.


It gets a lot harder with pulls though, but it is still manageable if you have a good supportive team.


We will see once Rated warzones come out. Oh, did I Mention that my Predation also applies to allies? I believe Marauders are the best class to have on Huttball.

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Then you're relying on spawn timers, idiots who are dumb enough to go near the ledge but the majority of the time Marauders have no choice but to live in the pit with all these knockbacks.


ppl die in warzones its fact... lol so either they can get afk or come out regardless if they wait for their alive teammates tocome at me one of mine will get on the line for a pass or my inq will go up and pull me...

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We will see once Rated warzones come out. Oh, did I Mention that my Predation also applies to allies? I believe Marauders are the best class to have on Huttball.


Its only applied to you group, its not ops wide or so people are saying. But i did notice half of the ops lagging behind when i pop pred @ round start.


Correct me if im wrong.

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ppl die in warzones its fact... lol so either they can get afk or come out regardless if they wait for their alive teammates tocome at me one of mine will get on the line for a pass or my inq will go up and pull me...


It's more fun spawn bombing.

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