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What SWTOR will be


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I hope you have played more titles...


If you did, I wanna know the name, because that is literally ALL of them.


For example:


Cloud Nine: awesome game if you look past the but lousy translations.

Florensia: best community ever

Eden Eternal: awesomness


and many others...

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You highly over estimate the Totanic failure that the MMO community has already dubbed this game to be and how unforgiving the MMO community is.


SWTOR will never see the potential it has is realized.


You highly underestimate how insignificant the so called Veterans are in the grand scheme of things.

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EA should still have the E&B code. How cool would it be to have THAT space exploration and PvP combat system patched into TOR as an expansion?


Did you ever see that Westwood video of what they Originally wanted E&B to be? OMG talk about lost potential....still had the best intro movie ever though.

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Anyone new to MMO's or just need a reminder


What to expect from MMO QQ'ers


stage 1: (pre release) bash former new mmo and claim the next one will be it

stage 2: (release) test the game and get hit with reality

stage 3: Proclaim unrealistic death of said mmorg

stage 4: blame fanboys, therefore labeling yourself as a non fan

stage 5: pay monthly subscription to continue to complain about said mmorg

stage 6: claim guild wars is the NEXT big thing

stage 5: revert back to stage 1 and continue the never ending cycle of hypocrisy



if your gonna play the part atleast do it right...:D

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Anyone new to MMO's or just need a reminder


What to expect from MMO QQ'ers


stage 1: (pre release) bash former new mmo and claim the next one will be it

stage 2: (release) test the game and get hit with reality

stage 3: Proclaim unrealistic death of said mmorg

stage 4: blame fanboys, therefore labeling yourself as a non fan

stage 5: pay monthly subscription to continue to complain about said mmorg

stage 6: claim guild wars is the NEXT big thing

stage 5: revert back to stage 1 and continue the never ending cycle of hypocrisy



if your gonna play the part atleast do it right...:D


Sheer Genius :D

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Anyone new to MMO's or just need a reminder


What to expect from MMO QQ'ers


stage 1: (pre release) bash former new mmo and claim the next one will be it

stage 2: (release) test the game and get hit with reality

stage 3: Proclaim unrealistic death of said mmorg

stage 4: blame fanboys, therefore labeling yourself as a non fan

stage 5: pay monthly subscription to continue to complain about said mmorg

stage 6: claim guild wars is the NEXT big thing

stage 5: revert back to stage 1 and continue the never ending cycle of hypocrisy



if your gonna play the part atleast do it right...:D

Forgot the stage where they unsub. Or maybe they just say they unsub but actually remain subbed ... to so many MMOs that their social skills are permeated by and derived from macro'd combat mechanics. Would explain a great many things. Edited by GalacticKegger
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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone new to MMO's or just need a reminder


What to expect from MMO QQ'ers


stage 1: (pre release) bash former new mmo and claim the next one will be it

stage 2: (release) test the game and get hit with reality

stage 3: Proclaim unrealistic death of said mmorg

stage 4: blame fanboys, therefore labeling yourself as a non fan

stage 5: pay monthly subscription to continue to complain about said mmorg

stage 6: claim guild wars is the NEXT big thing

stage 5: revert back to stage 1 and continue the never ending cycle of hypocrisy



if your gonna play the part atleast do it right...:D


And what to expect from MMO Fanbois


stage 1: (pre release) a super hypering of the game

stage 2: (release) Realisation sets in

stage 3: proclaim it's the best launch ever

stage 4: visit forums to demonize any nay'sayers

stage 5: pay monthly subscription to prove the game is worth paying for

stage 6: visit forums to demonize any nay'sayers

stage 7: tell all nay'sayers to go back to WoW

stage 8: proclaim the game is best in genre

stage 9: inform nay'sayers the publisher is 'working on' any bugs and blatant omissions

stage 10: label all nay'sayers as hypocrites

stage 11: revert back to stage 4 and continue never ending cycle of idiocy

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Star Wars: The Old Republic will be the game of the new generation. Slowly but surely it will crawl, walk, run, sprint..and just keep on going and chuggin along. BioWare will not disappoint. This is their baby and they are proud of it. They are trying so hard to please mainly everyone for the majority of the game.


This game will continue to grow and get better as time goes on. More planets will get added, more gear, more raids, more planets, more weapons, more major content, more story. This game will be the next mmo giant and the game to beat in the coming years. You just watch!


Listen guys...they are fixing lots of bugs, they are coming out with content, they will keep adding more stuff we want. This is their plan, they launched with the stuff they had and just keep on adding the stuff players want little by little to keep people coming back for more because they will keep releasing content update patches every month or close to that. I believe BioWare keeps the community at heart when releasing this content and just know they can't do everything right now.


The things that you guys want, whether it be sitting in chairs, swimming, day/night cycle, weather, they WILL come in time :) The heroengine is getting updates constantly and performance issues ARE being worked on! This is one of the smoothest mmos ever and the running looks VERY good. You can't argue that. The environments and running feels natural.


Great game BioWare keep it up :)


I wish this was kotor 3, that way i could actually turn the difficulty right up.

Tor is way to easy, gear rains from heaven, credits are useless and crafting is complete crap.

Im a " semi hardcore " but very serious gamer that enjoys challenge. My fun in video games IS the challenge. I get joy when we overcome certain difficult odds and prevail after many times trying..


Tor lost me and many, many others looking for challengingand indepth gameplay. A 10 year old could get to max lvl and complete raids, and thats a total fail design..


Games in the past where designed for gamers that actually cared about games. In mario, if you where ****, you didnt get far...Tor is all about giving EVERYONE EVERYTHING FOR LITTLE TO NO EFFORT, and when everyone has everything, nothing is special .....


This is the formula and game design they went for, and it worked for ppl new to gaming, but like i said, real gamers are long gone or ( in my and many others persons cases ) will be when their game time runs out....


Sure, the game will have plenty of people playing it, but a large percentage will be newcomers or star wars fans that dont care for challenging nor engrossing gameplay, they are probably just happy sitting on the fleets station , chatting inguild.....

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I wish this was kotor 3, that way i could actually turn the difficulty right up.

Tor is way to easy, gear rains from heaven, credits are useless and crafting is complete crap.

Im a " semi hardcore " but very serious gamer that enjoys challenge. My fun in video games IS the challenge. I get joy when we overcome certain difficult odds and prevail after many times trying..


Tor lost me and many, many others looking for challengingand indepth gameplay. A 10 year old could get to max lvl and complete raids, and thats a total fail design..


Games in the past where designed for gamers that actually cared about games. In mario, if you where ****, you didnt get far...Tor is all about giving EVERYONE EVERYTHING FOR LITTLE TO NO EFFORT, and when everyone has everything, nothing is special .....


This is the formula and game design they went for, and it worked for ppl new to gaming, but like i said, real gamers are long gone or ( in my and many others persons cases ) will be when their game time runs out....


Sure, the game will have plenty of people playing it, but a large percentage will be newcomers or star wars fans that dont care for challenging nor engrossing gameplay, they are probably just happy sitting on the fleets station , chatting inguild.....


Being realistic, the huge problem is;


carebear == $$$$

difficult == minority audience


What we need is a publisher to publish for the gamers rather than the investors. Unfortunately there aren't any about right now :(

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Being realistic, the huge problem is;


carebear == $$$$

difficult == minority audience


What we need is a publisher to publish for the gamers rather than the investors. Unfortunately there aren't any about right now :(


And there NEVER will be. Remember, this is a game but ultimately this is a service and EA intends to profit on their service.

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wtb beta phase.I might even pay for beta swtor.But not the current alpha state it's in atm.terrible.just terrible.


Checking your post history it's just a bunch of negativity, why don't you find a game that you actually enjoy?


Most likely you're just another troll trying to get a little bit of attention on the internet that you're deprived of in regular life.

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Being realistic, the huge problem is;


carebear == $$$$

difficult == minority audience


What we need is a publisher to publish for the gamers rather than the investors. Unfortunately there aren't any about right now :(


It doesn't matter if the game has investors or not. What matters is that it makes more money than it cost to make.


Are you willing to pay 30 $ or 50 $ a month for an MMO? Maybe then an MMO to the "veterans" that need hardcore difficulty and don't want the game dragged down for "carebears" can be made.

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Checking your post history it's just a bunch of negativity, why don't you find a game that you actually enjoy?


Most likely you're just another troll trying to get a little bit of attention on the internet that you're deprived of in regular life.


yes clearly.It's surely not because swtor was/is a hyped up fail boat that tricked many subscribers.Not only with gameplay but graphics..bugtime.i mean bigtime..sorry.

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