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What SWTOR will be


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Star Wars: The Old Republic will be the game of the new generation. Slowly but surely it will crawl, walk, run, sprint..and just keep on going and chuggin along. BioWare will not disappoint. This is their baby and they are proud of it. They are trying so hard to please mainly everyone for the majority of the game.


This game will continue to grow and get better as time goes on. More planets will get added, more gear, more raids, more planets, more weapons, more major content, more story. This game will be the next mmo giant and the game to beat in the coming years. You just watch!


Listen guys...they are fixing lots of bugs, they are coming out with content, they will keep adding more stuff we want. This is their plan, they launched with the stuff they had and just keep on adding the stuff players want little by little to keep people coming back for more because they will keep releasing content update patches every month or close to that. I believe BioWare keeps the community at heart when releasing this content and just know they can't do everything right now.


The things that you guys want, whether it be sitting in chairs, swimming, day/night cycle, weather, they WILL come in time :) The heroengine is getting updates constantly and performance issues ARE being worked on! This is one of the smoothest mmos ever and the running looks VERY good. You can't argue that. The environments and running feels natural.


Great game BioWare keep it up :)

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You highly over estimate the Totanic failure that the MMO community has already dubbed this game to be and how unforgiving the MMO community is.


SWTOR will never see the potential it has is realized.


you highly underestimate what this game offers and people don't give games a chance these days. It's sad really

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Star Wars: The Old Republic will be the game of the new generation. Slowly but surely it will crawl, walk, run, sprint..and just keep on going and chuggin along. BioWare will not disappoint. This is their baby and they are proud of it. They are trying so hard to please mainly everyone for the majority of the game.


This game will continue to grow and get better as time goes on. More planets will get added, more gear, more raids, more planets, more weapons, more major content, more story. This game will be the next mmo giant and the game to beat in the coming years. You just watch!


Listen guys...they are fixing lots of bugs, they are coming out with content, they will keep adding more stuff we want. This is their plan, they launched with the stuff they had and just keep on adding the stuff players want little by little to keep people coming back for more because they will keep releasing content update patches every month or close to that. I believe BioWare keeps the community at heart when releasing this content and just know they can't do everything right now.


The things that you guys want, whether it be sitting in chairs, swimming, day/night cycle, weather, they WILL come in time :) The heroengine is getting updates constantly and performance issues ARE being worked on! This is one of the smoothest mmos ever and the running looks VERY good. You can't argue that. The environments and running feels natural.


Great game BioWare keep it up :)


I remember seeing posts like this in the Vangard: SoH forum not long after release.

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This will be the best MMO on the market by far soon, maybe even the best ever, all in due time, all of the haters will come crawling back... Or not, their egos are far too big to admit they were wrong.


I hope so. Bioware isn't doing much for my optimism at the moment though.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic will be the game of the new generation. Slowly but surely it will crawl, walk, run, sprint..and just keep on going and chuggin along. BioWare will not disappoint. This is their baby and they are proud of it. They are trying so hard to please mainly everyone for the majority of the game.


This game will continue to grow and get better as time goes on. More planets will get added, more gear, more raids, more planets, more weapons, more major content, more story. This game will be the next mmo giant and the game to beat in the coming years. You just watch!


Listen guys...they are fixing lots of bugs, they are coming out with content, they will keep adding more stuff we want. This is their plan, they launched with the stuff they had and just keep on adding the stuff players want little by little to keep people coming back for more because they will keep releasing content update patches every month or close to that. I believe BioWare keeps the community at heart when releasing this content and just know they can't do everything right now.


The things that you guys want, whether it be sitting in chairs, swimming, day/night cycle, weather, they WILL come in time :) The heroengine is getting updates constantly and performance issues ARE being worked on! This is one of the smoothest mmos ever and the running looks VERY good. You can't argue that. The environments and running feels natural.


Great game BioWare keep it up :)




I can't give you a sure-fire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time.


Herbert Bayard Swope (1882 - 1958)

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You highly over estimate the Totanic failure that the MMO community has already dubbed this game to be and how unforgiving the MMO community is.


SWTOR will never see the potential it has is realized.


What MMO community has dubbed this game a failure? Some trolls on the interwebz? The same one that has been labeling WoW a failure and terrible game for years? Or the one that claims WoW is the best MMO ever made? Or the one that is completely indifferent to themepark MMO's and prefers sandbox games like EVE? Or maybe the group that still prefers old school MMO's such as UO or EQ?


You overestimate the influence of one small part of MMO players. For one, the MMO community at large is fractured into so many different groups, all with their own likes and dislikes and everyone has an opinion. There is no consensus of MMO players and there never will be.

Edited by Malefactor
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"Please, oh great one, might I have the lotto numbers for the next draw?"


Fanboys are just as annoying as haters. Enjoy the game, great. Good. Just don't kid yourself. MMO companies make mistakes all the time. This is clearly not the same "for the gamer" BW that developed KOTOR and the other games a lot of people love, your blind faith in them is not warranted. At all.

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This will be the best MMO on the market by far soon, maybe even the best ever, all in due time, all of the haters will come crawling back... Or not, their egos are far too big to admit they were wrong.

Roflmao... Who are exactly haters in your mind? If I say that game currently is unplayable garbage. Am I hater? Fans taken things it to very extreme, I see. What you trying prove?

If BW will not sort out current bugged mess, they might don't see any peoples "crawling" back.

Edited by Chaffery
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I feel the OP is being VERY overly optimistic of this game. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this game and the only problem I have with it is the ability delay, I think the GTN is great, space combat is loads of fun and I don't really care if most of the quests are pick-up and kill quests, BioWare is at least making them 50 times as fun as any other game has.


That said, I highly doubt SWTOR will become the alpha dog in the MMO genre, though it will probably be very high on the list. At least until we see if GW2 can keep their promises (which I also highly doubt). The game is absolutely magnificent, but the MMO genre is mostly filled with the people who want to be treated as a special little snowflake and have the game catered to them in every single way. Which will lead them to whine and moan about every little thing that doesn't please them in some way.

Sad, but true.


I am, however, optimistic about that BW has some great plans for the future and will do better than WoW, but since most people began their venture into the MMO-world on the S.S. World of Warcraft, it probably won't topple it.

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This would be an enjoyable game if they fixed all of the gamebreaking bugs and made a usefriendly UI, currently i am not going to sub for next month unles i see improvements on bug-fixing and a better UI.


Cant wait for GW2 and D3 to be released.

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This would be an enjoyable game if they fixed all of the gamebreaking bugs and made a usefriendly UI, currently i am not going to sub for next month unles i see improvements on bug-fixing and a better UI.


Cant wait for GW2 and D3 to be released.


hate to bring it to you but D3 isnt that wonderfull as i had hoped it would be, after all those years of waiting....kinda sad, but thats my opinion. PLayed beta and what they showed there is not gonna bring me in. but it was beta so maybe things can change

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hate to bring it to you but D3 isnt that wonderfull as i had hoped it would be, after all those years of waiting....kinda sad, but thats my opinion. PLayed beta and what they showed there is not gonna bring me in. but it was beta so maybe things can change


Atleast in the past Blizzard's releases have been playable, and not hidering you with a massive amount of bugs. Sure, there has been bugs in their releases, but nothing to major imo. SWTOR just has to much buggy crap to be enjoable right now.

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This would be an enjoyable game if they fixed all of the gamebreaking bugs and made a usefriendly UI, currently i am not going to sub for next month unles i see improvements on bug-fixing and a better UI.


Cant wait for GW2 and D3 to be released.


Yes, I have also heard those games will launch bug and problem free, unlike any other game in history, they have figured it out! Can't wait! :rolleyes:

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hate to bring it to you but D3 isnt that wonderfull as i had hoped it would be, after all those years of waiting....kinda sad, but thats my opinion. PLayed beta and what they showed there is not gonna bring me in. but it was beta so maybe things can change



First 1/3rd of 1/4th of 1/4th of the game, obviously enough to make a fair judgement.

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Atleast in the past Blizzard's releases have been playable, and not hidering you with a massive amount of bugs. Sure, there has been bugs in their releases, but nothing to major imo. SWTOR just has to much buggy crap to be enjoable right now.


Blizzard has allways produced High quality games, im not denying that.


but wow's release was extremely buggy, i remember getting ctd's when mouseovering a mob .... it got fixed by a hotfix 2 mounths later


Also got to remember that wow has had 7 years of Polishing. It wasnt after 5 years they changed the Graphics engine to be more "graphical"


i firmly believe thay did an OK job with this release, with some points i do find weird but thats debatable. And they allready adressed certain issues, so thats a good sign. More fixes to come i guess, UI changes will be comming in 1.2 according their Community movie they posted.

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