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BOOM, a gunnery commando's PvE guide.


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Hey all. Over my time in SWTOR, I have played 3 different classes, blah-de-blah credentials here, same old same old. The one I stuck with, obviously, is a trooper. Commando to be exact. And the spec I chose is gunnery. This guide is not a strictly 'do this, do that' guide per se, but more of a guideline about how to PvP effectively as a gunnery commando.




Gunnery is not a mobile spec. If you want to run around, then go assault. Gunnery is a much more turret play-style oriented tree, and the damage it can pull out is insane. But before we get to that, lets go over some of the basic PvP skills you'll need to perform at your best.


1) Keybinds. I cannot stress how crucial this is. Using your fingers to press your abilities is much, much faster than clicking on them. To set up keybinds, go to preferences and enable all action bars. Then, at the bottom of the preference page click keybinds and set them up however you wish.


2) Mouse steering. Press down both buttons to move your character. Since you will be pressing abilities with the fingers of your left hand (unless you're left-handed obviously) using your pointer and middle finger to press down you mouse buttons will allow you to move much faster than pressing the WASD or arrow keys.


3) Strafing. Strafing is the technique of running while constantly facing your target. I suggest rebinding the strafe keys to A and D. To practice strafing, press down whatever key you have strafe left or right bound to and run around a rock using the right mouse button to turn your character so you are facing the rock at all times.


OK, now that I've got that out of the way, on to the good stuff.




Gunnery in general:


As a gunnery commando, you're going to be the guy pulling out those 3.5k crits with demo round. You aren't going to be the dude on the front lines, leave that to the guardians and vanguards. Instead, you're going to be the guy in the back, destroying people with the BFG. Welcome.




Gunnery commandos want to start out with grav round. The exception is if the enemy is running away, then you want to use full-auto because when talented it give a 100% snare to whoever you're attacking. After building either 4-5 stacks of gravityt vortex, you'll want to shoot off demo round. Demo round is a hugely hard hitting ability that can crit for up to 4k. As it only costs 2 ammo and has a 15 sec cd, it is immensely powerful.


After that comes high impact bolt, or HIB. it hits fairly hard, is amazingly cheap, and is on a 15 sec cd.




As soon as you get the cell-charger skill, switch over to the armor-piercing cell. This will make you're abilities hit harder, and is just amazing.


Defensive CDs:


Gunnery has more tricks than most people think. With the concussive force skill, you can create separation with both stock strike and concussive charge. With reactive shield you take 25% less damage. With kolto recharge you recharge health using the recharge cells ability. Full auto can create separation through it's snare. Cryo grenade can stun a target, and adrenaline rush can give you that extra edge. Learn to use these abilities, and learn to love em'.


How to get the big medals:


As gunnery, after you get Demo round, it's almost guaranteed that you'll get demolisher at some point during the match. Remember that you aren't ROFLPWNRAMBO, and by staying at the back lines you'll get soldier/commando easily. Using stuns/defensive cds, 1v1 a squishy class for the assassin medal. My favorite is operative, just drop stealth scan, pick one up, and own him. Kill someone in your endzone/defend doors/turrets and you'll pick up defender or warden. Get the KB for quick draw.


Bam that's 6-7 medals. Also, if you get lucky you can pick up medic with a 2.5k self heal.


Gonna take a mini-break, expect more soon.

Edited by jedistreen
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Yeah, you may wanna edit your title.


Welcome to the commando forum, and the ranks of us dedicated Commandos.. We thoughtcraft on here a bit... Good to get some new blood..


My initial input: gunnery is a bit tough in pvp for a lot of people, but we have some excellent surviveability and definitely dish out some massive hits, so it definitely can be done

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well, I've edited the title. ouch bad mistake on my part. Just in case it doesn't work:




ok. Now.




A gunnery commandos situational guide: How to play in _______ Warzone.


How to Play in Alderaan:


as with most ranged/caster classes, you'll want to either get up on top of a bunker or to the side where you'll be as inconspicuous as possible. Stay out of the opposing teams way, and enjoy helping out your teammates with those 4k Demo rounds. Defend turrets ftw.


How to Play in Hutball:


Hutball strongly favors ranged classes. With concussive force, knocking people back into fire and acid and off the catwalks is ridiculously fun and you'll quickly become hated by the other team and voted MVP by your own. Escort your ball carrier making use of concussive round and cryo grenade along with your knockbacks. Also, act as a surrogate healer for the BC. Keep him up if possible. Gunnery commandos can carry the ball just fine if played well in a pinch also.


How to Play in Voidstar:


Stay off to the side near a healing consumable. Face-**** everybody, and when the opposing team finally notices you and your 8 medals, pop out of los and use the healing consumable. Rinse and repeat.

Edited by jedistreen
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how many guides do we need?


I only see 2 guides stickied and one is for healers. Is that really too many?


Also OP if you plan on making a multiple post guide you should reserve the first few posts so every is all together.




Edited by DrManse
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