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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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TOR is losing thousands of players, and right now has under 1 million subs? So that conference call that was brought up on the other thread about TOR breaking 2 million sales, with 1.7 million current subs as of the 1st is a bold-faced lie? Also, that thread is located here.


To answer your question




They were not lying that they sold over 2 million copies and they were not lying that they had 1.7 active accounts as of feb 1.


There were also not telling the true facts.


I have explained it before and dont feel like explaining it again. I probable explained it in that thread that you linked.


Take their numbers and their graphs and its obvious that 1.7 million dont play this game. Then take them saying 1 million people play each day and again look at their charts and that even shows that 1 million people dont even log into the game anymore.


I know your gonna say well they have real lives and other lame excuses but wait for May 1st (most likrly the day they release 4Qtr numbers) and then I would tell you I told you so but like the majority of the people who bought this game we wont have active subs so cant post then.

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Im not sure if a big deal was made about WoW's 4th quarter losses only being btwn 100-200k (and 1.8 million total over the last year).


I will find the first quarter of this year more accurate of SWToR's effect on the WoW sub total and the overall health of this game.


It will show if ppl re-upped for WoW, or if SWToR has staying power/ if ppl have patience for the game to make the improvements it needs.


Doing a merge or (gasp!) a cross server LFG will help.


I see a merge happening like taking off a band-aid. Do it quick. Yea it will be painful but \the sooner its done the sooner the pain goes away.


To me, a slow death is much worse.

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To answer your question




They were not lying that they sold over 2 million copies and they were not lying that they had 1.7 active accounts as of feb 1.


There were also not telling the true facts.


I have explained it before and dont feel like explaining it again. I probable explained it in that thread that you linked.


Take their numbers and their graphs and its obvious that 1.7 million dont play this game. Then take them saying 1 million people play each day and again look at their charts and that even shows that 1 million people dont even log into the game anymore.


I know your gonna say well they have real lives and other lame excuses but wait for May 1st (most likrly the day they release 4Qtr numbers) and then I would tell you I told you so but like the majority of the people who bought this game we wont have active subs so cant post then.


Your sig alone discredits you.

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Im not sure if a big deal was made about WoW's 4th quarter losses only being btwn 100-200k (and 1.8 million total over the last year).


I will find the first quarter of this year more accurate of SWToR's effect on the WoW sub total and the overall health of this game.


It will show if ppl re-upped for WoW, or if SWToR has staying power/ if ppl have patience for the game to make the improvements it needs.


Doing a merge or (gasp!) a cross server LFG will help.


I see a merge happening like taking off a band-aid. Do it quick. Yea it will be painful but \the sooner its done the sooner the pain goes away.


To me, a slow death is much worse.



I doubt they will do any server merges soon. Sure this will probably help TONS at least on my server. What I do see is server transfers being offered first because they can make a fortune on it.

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If a healthy server has 2-3 times as many people in the same zones, then sure. Numbers themselves are irrelevant, what matters is the relative amount of players needed on average per zone for proper playability.

That number is not there on a large amount of servers. There's a reason why server loads are labeled as 'LIGHT' or standard and not 'AWESOME'.


I think everybody would be happy without server mergers if they had server transfers.

A statement saying 'its coming in the future' is as helpful for us stranded on deserted servers as a statement saying that space combat will be fun a year from now.

And a statement giving anything even close to resembling a set date will be met by prophecies of doom, the coming of locusts, and the apocolypse if it's not done when people who have no idea what they're talking about decide it should have been done. There's a reason we've never been given a set date until the date is set.


And I don't know how you label "awesome" but my server at standard has been perfectly acceptable as "awesome." Not that any of this has absolutely anything to do with the point I was making towards the specific person I had quoted.


Personally I like the game but empty servers are no fun to play in, and rerolling doing everything all over again isn't fun either. Like I think others, I don't care what the solution they come up with is, as long as they act quickly and not 'in the future'.


Even 'in the near future' would be awesome, but the fact that they already said a while ago server transfers were coming 'in the future' and today they still say 'in the future' doesn't give us much to go on, wouldn't you agree ?


If they could at least give an estimate, 1 month ? 3 months... a year ? it would be easier for us to make decisions on what to do with the game.

And when they give us that estimate.....and being an estimate it is incorrect because of some unforseeable error that they need to fix.....we have the apocolypse. Which is why they don't give us an estimated date. So no, I really can't agree with that, as I've seen the kind of whining and complaining that it has spawned before.




You're right and that would explain a dip in the graphs, but not a slow steady decline.


Odd, I don't see a slow steady decline. I see a massive boost over the holidays, a significant drop, and then a plateau that looks to dip midweek and rise weekends. About what I'd expect from a casual friendly game, to be honest.

Edited by Jxspyder
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To answer your question




They were not lying that they sold over 2 million copies and they were not lying that they had 1.7 active accounts as of feb 1.


There were also not telling the true facts.


I have explained it before and dont feel like explaining it again. I probable explained it in that thread that you linked.


Take their numbers and their graphs and its obvious that 1.7 million dont play this game. Then take them saying 1 million people play each day and again look at their charts and that even shows that 1 million people dont even log into the game anymore.


I know your gonna say well they have real lives and other lame excuses but wait for May 1st (most likrly the day they release 4Qtr numbers) and then I would tell you I told you so but like the majority of the people who bought this game we wont have active subs so cant post then.


No, it's absolutely not obvious that 1.7 million people don't play the game. Especially when the graphs don't show actual population. They gave us the facts. Facts that they can't lie about, without serious repercussions.


And I'll happily wait for May 1. Because people just like you were saying wait for launch. Then it was wait for the first month. Then wait for the second month. Now it's wait for the third month. Exactly how long are you going to maintain a sub in order to claim that the game is going to fail the following month?



Here, this is from that graph site. You might want to take it in to consideration.


•accumulated population index has nothing to do with the number of players!

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They were not lying that they sold over 2 million copies and they were not lying that they had 1.7 active accounts as of feb 1.


There were also not telling the true facts.


I have explained it before and dont feel like explaining it again. I probable explained it in that thread that you linked.


Take their numbers and their graphs and its obvious that 1.7 million dont play this game. Then take them saying 1 million people play each day and again look at their charts and that even shows that 1 million people dont even log into the game anymore.


I know your gonna say well they have real lives and other lame excuses but wait for May 1st (most likrly the day they release 4Qtr numbers) and then I would tell you I told you so but like the majority of the people who bought this game we wont have active subs so cant post then.


I don't think you understand what a conference call entails, you should probably learn more about what you're talking about before you make yourself look silly, just a FYI.


Basically, they can't just make up numbers of people subbing, they have to tell the truth. There can easily be 1.7 mil subs in this game, you have to keep in mind a lot of people do not play every day and don't play 8 hours a day like you most likely would.


A lot of MMO players have full time jobs, families and little to no free time anymore which is why MMOs are so easy, and not time consuming.

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I don't think you understand what a conference call entails, you should probably learn more about what you're talking about before you make yourself look silly, just a FYI.


Basically, they can't just make up numbers of people subbing, they have to tell the truth. There can easily be 1.7 mil subs in this game, you have to keep in mind a lot of people do not play every day and don't play 8 hours a day like you most likely would.


A lot of MMO players have full time jobs, families and little to no free time anymore which is why MMOs are so easy, and not time consuming.


ya, we have jobs,

but the population dropping is also true,

we need cross-server LFM since BW dont consider redesign game architecture as i said.

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Always seems so empty to me. It seems like a "could have been", I'm subbed and waiting for more content. But that sub is very much a probation, a chance for them to get some CORE MMO features in.


Instead I'm spending my free time in a more sandbox type sci-fi genre game. It too has many things that I think could be better, but I come back to it each EVEning after work and engage a complex game where people are all out to destroy your stuff, or scam you. If you find the right people to work with you can experience an epic space battle humming with capital ship with no rail shooter in sight.

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


actually, the overall population has been climbing in the last few weeks. Then add in the fact the still have red zones which hopefully they will be able to enter the market in soon thus increasing the overall population. Also, take into account that they increased the threshold for each of the pop lvls partway though last month. Which woudl thus give the artificially appearance of a decreasing population when it is infact an increasing. Now as for fleet as people spreadout more and more into the world along with people learning how to use the LFG better or joining guilds where they can get FP easier you will see a decrease in the pop at your fleets.

Edited by Baaddare
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Well, I was on Tatooine last night and surprisingly there were over 80 people in that zone. We went for the balloon and we were not the only ones, we were joined by 12 other people. The fleet (republic side and empire side) on my server is at prime time almost always over 100 people. It's not one of the heaviest servers EU side, but the population still seems quite healthy.
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There isnt enough things to do at 50 as it stands now.


Profesions you say? i power leveled armstech and biochen in less and 4hs and with the money that leveling and slicing gives you the 300/500k that cost each power leveled profesion is nothing.


HMs? can complete all HMs in a day.


Get a full tier? you can get full t2 in 1 to 2 weeks at most. and t3 is a joke, but u can get it in a month at most with EZ HM Ops.


You say PVP? 2 weeks at MOST of full pvping can get you full champ and valor 60, after that, 1 more week and you are full battlemaster.


You can do all that in less than a month. So at least a lot of ppl unsub once they see there isnt any future to speak of, Its not like 1.2 they are implementing a lot of material.


So what the mayority of ppl are doing is roling alts.

Edited by Kennkra
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You say PVP? 2 weeks at MOST of full pvping can get you full champ and valor 60, after that, 1 more week and you are full battlemaster.




Champ can be gotten quickly....if you are lucky with bag drops.


BM is a heck of a grind unless you literally pvp for a large majority of hte 24 hrs in a day and do it 7 days a week.

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And at the end of the day, it will end up being just as disappointing to just as many people as you claim this game is.


Not necessarily. SWTOR is only disappointing because of it's game play issues. GW2 even Tera from the CBT seem to have better game play value then what SWTOR does.


As long as it's the Hero Engine the MMO will fail.

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And at the end of the day, it will end up being just as disappointing to just as many people as you claim this game is.


Possibly, but not likely.

But we will have to wait to make the final comparison.


If there is even comparison needed. Both games are completely different so it will be hard to compare them imo. SW is scifi mmo, GW is fantasy mmo. That itself is something appealing and repelling a lot of players either this or that way.

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Not necessarily. SWTOR is only disappointing because of it's game play issues. GW2 even Tera from the CBT seem to have better game play value then what SWTOR does.


As long as it's the Hero Engine the MMO will fail.


Actually, since gameplay is a matter of personal preference gw2 and Terra will be a disappointment for at least as much people.

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I got enough of this game......

And that is cos of total **** ENGINE.

I wish this game would run like battlefield on ultra with 4xmsaa.

On ilum as melee all i can do is spam buffs.

I got good gaming rig and just **** IT.

Then its battlemaster gearing .... 5 days in row of daily quests and not a single battle master token !!!! i got 250 champion tokens that are completely useless !!!

Im not grinding gear for 1 year.


All of my mates quit after first month anyway. A gave it extra month. Im not going back to wow yet....

I got few single player games left to finish : Serious sam 3 and Postal 3.

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Not necessarily. SWTOR is only disappointing because of it's game play issues. GW2 even Tera from the CBT seem to have better game play value then what SWTOR does.


As long as it's the Hero Engine the MMO will fail.



Actually only one MMO used the Hero Engine and it died fast. Faxion I think it was called. Aside from that I don't know of any other known MMO that has used the Hero Engine and died. So I think your point is a bit premature.

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