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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do these numbers concern BW...at all...maybe a little bit?


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Curious question for the folks who are saying they find they're winning most WZ's as Repub on your server: are you also the same folks that join a WZ, and as soon as it even appears to or starts to lose, you leave and queue again until you get a winning WZ?


/shame to those who do. You know who you are, too :)


You're in till the end in my games and anyone who leaves without a supposed crash won't get healed by me in future warzones :) People know I hate it on my server and I usually get whispers apologising for leaving because of a crash.... :lol:


You don't leave during the battle even if you are losing!

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I dunno about what you're saying but i believe Repubic has more healers...


I specifically said Republic always has more healers... sometimes by far (3-4 healers to empire's ZERO). Healers win games. DPS going ZOMG look how much dps I did; do not.

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Official Rep. win-chance is 47%, or at least is was in the first few weeks post release.


Everything else is hearsay and biased whining.



And I really can't see how people can blame the faction imbalance on Bioware. It was completely down to player choice. Sure, aesthetics matter and are probably a reason why the Republic is less popular but that is just part of the issue.


It's not Bioware's fault so many people sided with one faction. I feel both were presented unbiased and objectively and Lightning > Stones aside, I don't see any failings on Bioware's behalf.


It's as much up to players to fix the imbalance as it is to Bioware.


Have you been to illum recently?


The faction imbalance was obvious well before the Illum change, yet they introduced a mechanic that blatantly favored the zerging side. With this advantage, the imbalanced side geared even faster then the underdog side.


Do you really think this is ok? How didn't BW see this coming? In most of the servers, open world pvp is nonexistent because of the 3.1 ratio of factions. Why in gods name would they introduce a system that clearly favours the imbalanced side is far in this situation is beyond me.

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I specifically said Republic always has more healers... sometimes by far (3-4 healers to empire's ZERO). Healers win games. DPS going ZOMG look how much dps I did; do not.


Don't forget the tanks that guard those healers :).

Edited by Requimo
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"Little" funny detail to point out why BioWare is pro Empire only.


Empire fleet is about 20 times better looking then Republic fleet, even more open etc etc.

You can tell they made the Empire fleet first and used alot of time on it, and that the Republic one is just a bad copy paste that looks rusty. Little details like the crew skill vendor on republic just stand there, while the same vendor on Empire fleet actually have a vendor both behind the npc.


And yeah we know from dev intervies and twitter that the devs play Empire.

Not to mention 2 years ahead of launch they mainly showed of the Empire only.

Some events players could only play Empire.Even the videos about Revan and Raiding

walk thru was about the Empire.And the list goes on......


And they knew from the larg betas that there would be a huge faction imbalance-

nd they did nothing.This will be BioWares legacy. Just like Cryptic only supported Federation in STO BioWare only supported the Empire in TOR.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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i think the whole concept of evil = more mature players roll that side is because when people are kids, its common to dream about being a superhero. as such you would expect kids to roll the good side.


i can only speak from my generation/experience, but i always pretended to be the hero when i was young. villians were nothing more than an obstacle to overcome in these fantasies, their character didnt mean anything really. hell i didnt appreciate villain characters until...probably freshmen year with Othello, FF7, and especially final fantasy tactics (original, not gba). now that im older, its typically the villains who hold my interest longer as they tend to be more fleshed out, interesting, and sometimes more human.


We may have had Superman, He-man, Captain Planet etc. but the kids of today have Harry Potter, Twilight etc. Times have changed, man.


And what's more, the kids of today didn't grow up with the original Star Wars. And anyone who did has had a dozen times a dozen opportunities to play out those fantasies in the dozens upon dozens of SW games that we've seen along the years.


But to be honest I think the whole kids roll good or kids roll bad theories are, for the most part, completely unfounded claims that are just widely propagated because they're superficially plausible and conveniently make people of the supposedly non-kiddie faction feel better about themselves.


And if that wasn't enough, MMO demographics are typically not even very "kid" oriented. The average MMO player is in the early to mid twenties, depending on the game. I don't know if they've released any statistics on SWTOR yet but I don't see why it should be any different, and if anything I'd say there are reasons to expect the average age here to be higher than in say WoW -- for one, as mentioned, Star Wars is more popular among the young adult generation that grew up with the original trilogy and the sci-fi genre in general tends to attract older players (see for instance EVE).


Anyway what I mean to say is that there are plenty of more easily identifiable reasons for faction imbalance for us to have to make any far reaching conclusions about the psychology of different generations. People of all ages like cool, and to most people empire is more it. Although there are a myriad of reasons and mechanisms at work, that is the simplest explanation for it.

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I specifically said Republic always has more healers... sometimes by far (3-4 healers to empire's ZERO). Healers win games. DPS going ZOMG look how much dps I did; do not.


I find it's often the opposite on my server. Empire has a lot of healers while republic has very few (this is of course in pug v pug, in pre v pre it's a completely different ballgame). But thankfully pug v pug matches are few and far between. There's almost always a premade on one side or the other which makes for interesting fights.

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AAaaaaaand here's the first L2P. *sigh*


Yep, we must all suck on Republic side. :rolleyes:


its not that you suck blizzard has same prob with hoard/alliance split good people just like to vicarously be bad with etoons its just a interesting fact of mmorpg's since the days of everquest and prolly before.

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- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of warfronts are won by Empire?


- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of Battlemasters are Empire?


- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of the population on Ilum is Empire? When you go to Ilum as Republic, find yourself in Ilum(1) and see there are only 26 Republic there, then switch to Ilum(2) and see there are even less, then it's blatantly clear that the reason there are 2 Ilum's is because it is full of Empire on Ilum(1), and probably getting there on Ilum(2).


Are the lights even on in the office of the PvP guru who monitors server demographics?


If so, are they even concerned...in the least bit?


edit: I'm positive this thread will probably get flooded with "L2P", and "where's your proof" responses from, you guessed it, a vast majority of empire players. So, inb4 L2P and Where's the proof.


Not gonna say you're a liar or a baddie but...


Where's the real data to back up these claims? Just curious.

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Not gonna say you're a liar or a baddie but...


Where's the real data to back up these claims? Just curious.


lol no. Please be quiet. I hate people asking for data. Here is data...


Not only can you see the massive FPS drop, you can also see the idiotic amount of imperials compared to republic.




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As a Republic player on Bondar Crystal, I'm not denying about the faction imbalance, and it does lead to some gear inequality (huttball) but the largest reason I've seen for losing warzones is that most of my teammates don't actually try and WIN the warzones. instead they'll attack the first red nameplate they see and continue doing so no matter what.


You can't call anything imbalanced unless the players are playing the same game. And they're not, at least from the perspective of a republic player on Bondar Crystal. The Empire is (largely) playing to win. The Republic? We're too busy trying to top the DPS charts



This is the real issue. It's not that Republic players arent as good. Because in most games I've lost as Republic, the Rep. have the higher kill counts.


It's that the Rep. are too busy trying to get those kill counts and not busy enough using team work to captrue objectives.


I can't tell you the number of times I've had to carry the ball Solo to cap, just because my entire team is no where to be found. Because they are chasing Red all over the room.


Make the person / team that scores with the ball benefit more than kill count, and you might see more team work to that end.


But I think BW did this on purpose because they knew how easy it is for a premade to shut out a random team.

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Level 50's and Classes on my server Lord Adraas.


Sith Sorcerer - 46

Jedi Sage - 22


Sith Assassin - 26

Jedi Shadow - 11


Mercenary - 18

Vanguard - 18


Powertech - 13

Commando - 14


Jedi Guardian - 16

Sight Jugg - 18


Sniper - 12

Gunslinger - 8


Imp. Op - 14

Scoundrel - 11


Jedi Sentinel - 17

Sith Marauder - 24


These are the numbers of LEVEL 50's on my HIGH POP server on a Saturday night peak hours.

There is an overwhelming number of Sorcerer's compared to Sage's. Would you rather throw Lightning or Pebbles? Easy fix by Bioware, make the Sage class as desirable aesthetically as the Sorcerer.

Make Republic RACES as desirable aesthetically as Imperial. Sith Purebloods, Ratataki, and Dark Zabrak vs. Green Humans and Humans with a blind fold on?


When creating my character what is going to attract me more: being able to choose between one of 8 terrible looking blindfolds or looking like Darth Maul? Having Green Skin and argyle tattoos on my chin- or Sith Pureblood that can slap his companion?

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You do know the beginning of an MMO, where everyone chooses their characters, is the most important time to fix a faction imbalance?


Because they can foresee the future and map things out ahead of time?


Just look into there crystal ball and BAM we know everyone will be empire?


ya your a bit on the not to bright side...

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I love how people blame bioware for their faction sucking.


Who else is to blame for the population imbalance, surely you're not suggesting it's the playerbases fault when it's the developers responsibility to guide the players into playing as they intended.

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Won 7 out of 8 Warzones with my Twink today and won 5/6 with my Sage today. It seems that the Empire is the Faction which sucks.


EDIT: Ilum however, still isn't doable as Republic: You just can't win a 1v5. Also as soon as we have an Ops going with 15-25 People more Empire join and want to eat our faces. It was pretty funny actually, we did this and the Empire number on Ilum increased from 55 to 95 (I checked it).

Edited by Teabaker
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Because they can foresee the future and map things out ahead of time?


Just look into there crystal ball and BAM we know everyone will be empire?


ya your a bit on the not to bright side...


*you're *too

english is not too hard


Yes, you could tell there would be a faction imbalance when the number of pre-release guilds heavily favored empire. That was the first sign..no crystal ball needed.

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- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of warfronts are won by Empire?


- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of Battlemasters are Empire?


- Does it concern you that, at least from the Republic's perspective on Anchorhead, that the overwhelming majority of the population on Ilum is Empire? When you go to Ilum as Republic, find yourself in Ilum(1) and see there are only 26 Republic there, then switch to Ilum(2) and see there are even less, then it's blatantly clear that the reason there are 2 Ilum's is because it is full of Empire on Ilum(1), and probably getting there on Ilum(2).


Are the lights even on in the office of the PvP guru who monitors server demographics?


If so, are they even concerned...in the least bit?


edit: I'm positive this thread will probably get flooded with "L2P", and "where's your proof" responses from, you guessed it, a vast majority of empire players. So, inb4 L2P and Where's the proof.


Sucks to admit it but ... it's a Story driven MMO.

In other words, it's a single player which you play with others just like a co-op mod.

If you find yourself outnumbered ... well, too bad! Just learn to deal or suck it up.

Bioware won't do ! to help things out or even try to "balance" any demographic unbalance.


They'll nerf stuff here & there for a while then they'll start buffing stuff sometimes later but that'll stop there.

The only thing you can actually wish for is for Bioware to drop down the nerf hammer so hard on the empire than the gap between the Republic and them will be like ... lol

(That probly don't make no sense but ... try picturing yourself as a raid boss vs 16 guys ... that's what I meant.)

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I love how people like you fail to see how Marketing IS partially to blame for the faction imbalance. Have you not seen the show Mad Men? *sigh*


There is a major imbalance in faction...this is obvious. Gabe has stated in a recent interview that there will be faction based incentives to try and correct this. At least that is what I got from his interview...


You know what's sexy about the Republic? 70% (rough estimate) of my warzones are no longer Huttball. That was enough incentive alone for me.




Bounty Hunter turned Sentinel :)


P.S. - OP, the Republic is pretty rocking on Ajunta Pall.

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Sucks to admit it but ... it's a Story driven MMO.

In other words, it's a single player which you play with others just like a co-op mod.

If you find yourself outnumbered ... well, too bad! Just learn to deal or suck it up.

Bioware won't do ! to help things out or even try to "balance" any demographic unbalance.


They'll nerf stuff here & there for a while then they'll start buffing stuff sometimes later but that'll stop there.

The only thing you can actually wish for is for Bioware to drop down the nerf hammer so hard on the empire than the gap between the Republic and them will be like ... lol

(That probly don't make no sense but ... try picturing yourself as a raid boss vs 16 guys ... that's what I meant.)

Then kill the two factions concept. Let people pick Empire or Republic for the story purpose. And mix everyone for the purpose of instanced PvP. World "PvP" is a joke anyway.

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Correcting the imbalance would mean either to force players to roll one faction, by hard capping the amount allowed on the other. This pisses people off severely and shatters guilds etc. So its a no go.


The other way to do it is to give advantages to the underpopulated side, which is a no go as well as you would fracture the balance between classes and sides as it is.


There is simply not much Bioware or any game company can do to populate a specific side, other then allowing Cross server battlegrounds etc.


They could disable same faction Huttball. Imbalance would correct itself very quickly.

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