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Variety is the key to life. 1 route to level no matter the class.


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by no means am I saying I dislike this game. I love swtor just amazed.

Pvp takes forever and its repetitive and its a game of chance.

Flashpoints take forever, and spamming forever is mind numbing.


Come on guys.... 2 starter worlds then its alllll the same I am on my 4th alt 7th if you included the 3 betas and I mean been their done that is sooooooo horrible I barely even want to play anymore... bugs still exist that have been meantioned in the first betas as well. lol There are still Archeology broken taps on dromaand Kaas,


Sorry got sidetracked anywho..

The point of this topic is despite the race / class there are only 2 starting areas for both sides then its ALLL the same planets / quests ( minus class quests ) all the way to 50 and there is only 1 planet when your 50 lol.. This game needs expansion more content. Like there are tons of planets in this universe,


Alderaan - Episode IV (destroyed)

Ansion - Episode II (mentioned)

Artaru- Episode II (mentioned)

Bespin - Episodes V and VI (added scene)

Boz Pity - Episode III (mentioned)

Cato Neimoidia - Episode III

Coruscant - Episodes I, II, III, and VI (added scene)

Christophsis - Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Dagobah - Episodes III (deleted scene), V, and VI

Dantooine - Episode IV (mentioned)

Endor (moon) - Episode VI

Felucia - Episode III

Geonosis - Episode II

Hoth - Episode V

Iego - Episode I (mentioned)

Kamino - Episode II

Kashyyyk - Episode III




Kessel (giant asteroid) - Episode IV (mentioned)

Malastare - Episode I (mentioned)

Mustafar - Episode III

Mygeeto - Episode III

Naboo - Episodes I, II, III, and VI (added scene)

Nar Shaddaa aka Smugglers' moon (moon) Episode IV (mentioned)

Ord Mantell aka Ord Mandell - Episode V (mentioned)

Polis Massa (asteroid) - Episode III

Rattatak - Star Wars: Clone Wars

Saleucami - Episode III

Subterrel - Episode II (mentioned)

Tatooine - Episodes I, II, III, IV, V (mentioned), and VI

Teth - Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Tund - Episode I (mentioned)

Utapau - Episode III

Yavin - Episode IV

Yavin IV (moon) - Episode IV


I know more will be added later on, but we need some variety getting to 50, at least 2 sets of planets for each level group. maybe some race quests, or race starter zones just so we don't rinse and repeat this game to death.


:) anywho I hope I made my point I love the game enough to play threw already but its getting old already and thats not good.

Edited by DeadlyBladesX
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Allied Tion




































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Mon Calamari


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Rhen Var













Tion Cluster







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I'm not defending anything--just want to make that clear--but having gotten used to leveling over and over in beta with all its character wipes, it helps if you alternate factions for each character.


Obviously, this advice rides on two assumptions:


A) you can tolerate Republic's often snooze-worthy class stories, and

B) you can tolerate Republic's low population.

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I honestly though as a JK when I was first given the option of Taris or Nar Shadda, i thought it would be the whole multiple paths thing....multiple planets to level on..



Boy was I wrong


Personally for me? its not too bad yet. You can quickly clear content you remember in an efficient order...


I'm sure it will get old eventually, but then doesn't all leveling areas in MMOs? even with multiple zones we still all gravitate to the ones we know the best...

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Don't forget doing flashpoints and pvp can also allow you to level?


Mix it up a bit, have fun, don't just look for a reason to complain, look for a reason to have fun instead :)


Or we can not ignore major flaws and asked to have it fixed.

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Or we can not ignore major flaws and asked to have it fixed.


Welcome to the thread troll! We have some troll cookies over here for you...


Seriously tho..its not broken. Its not something to be 'fixed'. It a design choice good or bad. And I'm not saying its good. I'm not apologizing for them, but if that post isn't a flame bait I'm suprised...since we're trying to give constructive ideas to the OP

Edited by JeedaiFiresaber
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I know you really gotta wonder what the designers of this game were smoking... How do you put out a game to compete with WoW at $15/month and put out a single rail for levelling, when that game has tons of different rails for the player to choose... Instead of building off the established standard, they dumbed it down and neutered player choice.. Seriously what were they thinking!?!?
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Don't forget doing flashpoints and pvp can also allow you to level?


Mix it up a bit, have fun, don't just look for a reason to complain, look for a reason to have fun instead :)


Pvp, yes, flashpoints? No


Finding a group for flashpoints is probably one headache I don't need while i'm leveling.

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Pvp, yes, flashpoints? No


Finding a group for flashpoints is probably one headache I don't need while i'm leveling.


All I am saying is the option is there and with the right people which I am sure you can find running round somewhere you will have an awesome fun time :}

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Come on guys.... 2 starter worlds then its alllll the same I am on my 4th alt 7th if you included the 3 betas and I mean been their done that is sooooooo horrible I barely even want to play anymore... bugs still exist that have been meantioned in the first betas as well. lol There are still Archeology broken taps on dromaand Kaas,


Sorry got sidetracked anywho..

The point of this topic is despite the race / class there are only 2 starting areas for both sides then its ALLL the same planets / quests ( minus class quests ) all the way to 50 and there is only 1 planet when your 50 lol.. This game needs expansion more content. Like there are tons of planets in this universe,


Alderaan - Episode IV (destroyed)

Ansion - Episode II (mentioned)

Artaru- Episode II (mentioned)

Bespin - Episodes V and VI (added scene)

Boz Pity - Episode III (mentioned)

Cato Neimoidia - Episode III

Coruscant - Episodes I, II, III, and VI (added scene)

Christophsis - Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Dagobah - Episodes III (deleted scene), V, and VI

Dantooine - Episode IV (mentioned)

Endor (moon) - Episode VI

Felucia - Episode III

Geonosis - Episode II

Hoth - Episode V

Iego - Episode I (mentioned)

Kamino - Episode II

Kashyyyk - Episode III




Kessel (giant asteroid) - Episode IV (mentioned)

Malastare - Episode I (mentioned)

Mustafar - Episode III

Mygeeto - Episode III

Naboo - Episodes I, II, III, and VI (added scene)

Nar Shaddaa aka Smugglers' moon (moon) Episode IV (mentioned)

Ord Mantell aka Ord Mandell - Episode V (mentioned)

Polis Massa (asteroid) - Episode III

Rattatak - Star Wars: Clone Wars

Saleucami - Episode III

Subterrel - Episode II (mentioned)

Tatooine - Episodes I, II, III, IV, V (mentioned), and VI

Teth - Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Tund - Episode I (mentioned)

Utapau - Episode III

Yavin - Episode IV

Yavin IV (moon) - Episode IV


I know more will be added later on, but we need some variety getting to 50, at least 2 sets of planets for each level group. maybe some race quests, or race starter zones just so we don't rinse and repeat this game to death.


:) anywho I hope I made my point I love the game enough to play threw already but its getting old already and thats not good.


I realize yes you can pvp and do flashpoints for leveling and yes I have done these things. Just saying remembering where and how to do everything will happen no matter how many paths you get to 50 but having the option is just fun.

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So just do FP/pvp/space to lvl 50 and then do the class quests...if you don't wanna go through the same world/side quests all through the different characters.


Space is easy points and I do those quests everyday. but I mean again its what 6 missions redone over and over and over... wow dailies while leveling thats fun.

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Don't forget doing flashpoints and pvp can also allow you to level?


Mix it up a bit, have fun, don't just look for a reason to complain, look for a reason to have fun instead :)


pvp? for real? lvl 11's with lvl 40's? on one-sided faction fighting in a random chosen pvp zone?


Flashpoints? leveling via standing around fleet spamming over n over for a group all available right when you are, at your level when most people at your level will be off on a distant world where apparently holo-communications just cant reach to make a "lfg" system make sense?


anyone else not getting it?


a game so boring and repetitive that forces you to have to choose between another broke leveling system or a wasted timesink based on other players avaiability in your immediate instance, is not the variety i expect from a 2012 MMO...


people need to raise their standards.



its the pvp and group finding issues that people are also upset about. c'mon man! ><

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...I have to say that is all the other MMO's that I have played (and its a bunch) any of them that have the same starting area for both sides always ends in a bore for me. You can only do so much.


I am hopeful for this game though and love playing it so far. I just hope that they take this into consideration and start acting on it. I am not saying this month it has to come out or next month. Hopefully in 6 months, or at the longest 1 year. But most peoples attention levels will not last that long.


Variety and content are the key to success. That makes it fun...never having to do the same things all the time. I do flashpoints, PVP (arena since there is very little conflict in zones) and quests. But have to admit that the ones that I have started over got boring after the first two new toons.


Switched faction and that helped too. But eventually I know if more is not added in a large quantity that I will end up going back to LotRO or some other MMO that I enjoy and has lots to do.

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Space is easy points and I do those quests everyday. but I mean again its what 6 missions redone over and over and over... wow dailies while leveling thats fun.


Its either that or going through all the planets and doing the quests over and over again through each character, sounds also like dailies to me. At least you got several options in how to lvl up to 50.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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