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Which spec tree do you use and why?


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I've played both and do well with both, as I've said on many other posts, I'm currently doing HM ops as Watchman only because combat ataru proc is bugged atm. I PvPed the longest time as combat full champion and did very well, the same as watchman really. I really love combat and will probably go back to it as soon as it's fixed.
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I play Watchman because I like have a faster, no minimum range Force Leap. Even with two seconds off I find kick to still be too long, so I'm definately glad I have that. The increased centering generated is nice too.

The only thing I don't really like as much is the Zen for Juyo in general use, especially if I'm solo. The crits/healing is nice, but free slashes mean I can generate force points for things like overload, pacify or riposte, strike two targets at once and refresh combustion. Though when timed right with a surge relic, those guaranteed crits are nice in a group when fighting a boss.

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Just curious.

I'm using the combat tree, because it deals massive burst.


I used combat to 30 and watchman to 50. I have used both at 50 for massive amounts of time both pvping and pve. I have to say for me that watchman is just better. I find myself surviving longer and killing stuff faster. Utility like improved force camo and zero range force leap are also great. The elemental damage is extremely high and I just found myself doing much better. I think both are great though, I just give a slight edge to watchman, just my opinion.

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