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Cancelled my subscription - c-y'all later!


4 hours this morning and I managed to play 10 warzones, all of which were aborted since no repubs joined, and couldn't even find 1 other person to do a FP with.


What is there for a lvl 50 to do with no server population?


Combine your 50,000,001 servers down to like 3 so there is enough population on your crappy game to do something and I might come back.

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Cancelled my subscription - c-y'all later!


4 hours this morning and I managed to play 10 warzones, all of which were aborted since no repubs joined, and couldn't even find 1 other person to do a FP with.


What is there for a lvl 50 to do with no server population?


Combine your 50,000,001 servers down to like 3 so there is enough population on your crappy game to do something and I might come back.


Join a guild? playing on a low pop server? I'm guessing your rolled Republic?


Why do people insist on making "I quit" threads?

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apparently your on the Imperial side ... thats your first problem right there ... EVERYONE wants to play the Imperials, and thats not BW fault, thats the populations fault


as for playing in the mornings ... your an idiot, even on the weekends, mornings are the slowest times of the day, i know cause i play during the morning hours and see an average population of around 20-30 on various planets, except on the fleet station which is about double that ... so your playtime is also no fault of BW ...


whats a level 50 to do you ask. well if you have to ask that, you are either guildless or you haven;t a clue.


good bye and don;t let the door hit you on the way out :D


oh by the way did you read any of the forums?!? the servers were down this morning for a quick patch, which means people who do play early on the weekends couldn;t and when the servers whent back up, the populations was even smaller than usual cause, beleive is or not, people do really have a life outside of gaming


not that i;m one of them :p

Edited by Tharag
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apparently your on the Imperial side ... thats your first problem right there ... EVERYONE wants to play the Imperials, and thats not BW fault, thats the populations fault


as for playing in the mornings ... your an idiot, even on the weekends, mornings are the slowest times of the day, i know cause i play during the morning hours and see an average population of around 20-30 on various planets, except on the fleet station which is about double that ... so your playtime is also no fault of BW ...


whats a level 50 to do you ask. well if you have to ask that, you are either guildless or you haven;t a clue.


good bye and don;t let the door hit you on the way out :D


oh by the way did you read any of the forums?!? the servers were down this morning for a quick patch, which means people who do play early on the weekends couldn;t and when the servers whent back up, the populations was even smaller than usual cause, beleive is or not, people do really have a life outside of gaming


not that i;m one of them :p


If he's Imp he should have a higher chance of getting a group for FP... Is he a DPS class? I'm guessing if he was a tank or healer he would get a group easily. Or if he was in a guild it would be easier.



But ya, your points are all valid lol.

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Its 100% biowares fault, they made imp's ****** and made republics like cripples.


Who wants to throw rocks when you can throw lighting? i bet if you looked at the ratio of imps the number of sorc's are probably areound 35-40% sages on republics likely around 8% if that.

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If he's Imp he should have a higher chance of getting a group for FP... Is he a DPS class? I'm guessing if he was a tank or healer he would get a group easily. Or if he was in a guild it would be easier.



But ya, your points are all valid lol.


lol i was refering to his warzones being cancelled cause no repubs were joining :)

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remember the crazy influx of shamans at the beginning of WoW...or the influx when they decided to give alliance shamans and horde pallies?


THIS GAME IS NEW PEOPLE...these forums are such a joke. All anyone does is bash BioWare and cry cry cry cry cry. I can't imagine what you might do with a real problem. Hope you don't live around any tall buildings.

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republic just *********** blows all around!


Speaking for iron citadel, as soon as imps cap 2 nodes in alderaan, arm 1 door in voidstar or make 1 point in huttball most republics leave like a bunch of homers!


easy win for imps.. another loss for republic.



Im not quitting... but im going on the winning side! lets how fun the game is when we are 95% imperial and 5% republic on each server

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Its 100% biowares fault, they made imp's ****** and made republics like cripples.


Who wants to throw rocks when you can throw lighting? i bet if you looked at the ratio of imps the number of sorc's are probably areound 35-40% sages on republics likely around 8% if that.


true it seems the imperial side got all the really cool bells and whistles, but thats still a players choice.


play the underdog and step up to the challenge ... :eek:


i wanted to play the sith sorcerer as well, but went republic when my friend really, really wanted to play a JK. so now i;m enjoying the republic side. will try the Imperials, when i play all the Republic classes.

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Join a guild? playing on a low pop server? I'm guessing your rolled Republic?


Why do people insist on making "I quit" threads?


People want attention, and the only way to get it is to make unoriginal, repetitive threads no one cares about anymore. :rolleyes:


To the OP, Bye! Cant wait until you're gone. lol @ you.

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oh lol... Guess that's the woes of a low pop server. I have yet to experience WZs cancelling because of not enough joining :) *knock on wood*


I have, and we play on the same server. As soon as you see that, rush to get a lead for an easy win.

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Buh-Bye. have fun playing... um... ... Poop head. HA!


lol you sure showed him!


same here, never had a WZ cancelled yet ...


*high 5*! I think BW opened too many servers at launch, or maybe they should have approached it differently. Like cap a faction to try and even out populations. But I guess that would make more people rage.

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