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Everything posted by Aarex

  1. Am I the only person with this issue still? Sweep and merciless strike are the biggest problems. Animation starts, I hit the button again animation cancels and restarts. I don't know about you guys but I have always spammed my buttons so that i get them off as soon as GCD is gone. If this is a "feature" its a ****** one.
  2. Aarex

    Sniper Dps

    As a sentinel, snipers are my biggest threat, F that class. Can't be leaped, can't be interupted. a insta cast knockback that applies a root. hits for 5-6k, crazy bleeds, ranged class yep f that class.
  3. You can be chain stunned for like 15 seconds before resolve bar triggers, its a broken mechanic and needs to be removed.
  4. No i mean when the full resolve bar is draining and a sorc stun functions through it, I notice the same time periodically with force choke but sorc stun is the main ability that can go through resolve.
  5. but it doesn't work This game has too many classes with too much CC Please implement diminishing returns. One of the few things wow did right.
  6. sorry, wasn't ************ about sorcs, i posted this on the pts forums the dumpsters moved it here for some reason.
  7. When is this going to be addressed? Also, Turrets in Ilum are still broken. You fixed the bug where they disappear but the bug where they are there and just not intractable is still present. With the dramatic number difference in this game, those turrets are the only way republic players can stay competitive in ilum throughout prime time.
  8. Uhhh no you wouldn't have, since you know you need the 41 point talent to hit 5k damage.
  9. My good pal bwar decided there were not enough merc/commandos out there who know how to play the class, this is his guide.
  10. Its 100% biowares fault, they made imp's ****** and made republics like cripples. Who wants to throw rocks when you can throw lighting? i bet if you looked at the ratio of imps the number of sorc's are probably areound 35-40% sages on republics likely around 8% if that.
  11. Problems with republic are limited to how bioware decided to make them all look ridicules. 1) I don't care if it goes against lore or whatever, let sages throw blue or green lighting 2) My scoundrel has a pink cloak and questionable cowboy hat, both PVE and PVP sets look identical, It makes me think I am an actor in brokeback mountain. 3) Have you seen sage's hats? The population imbalance is ruining the game. I think Ilum could be boatloads of fun if i didn't have to sit at exit to base and play big mouth bass fishing to get my daily quests done. Also until you actually do something about the retarded look and feel of republic player base. Please at least fix the mountable turrets so they actually respawn and are useable. blasting 70 imps in the back with that thing was the funnest pvp experience i have had in this game.....and that is pathetic.
  12. Better then 80 imps camping the 15 repubs base in ilum all day every day where we only get our daily quests done by playing bass fisherman pro and hooking kids into turrets. This is the most unbalanced ill conceived joke of a system that has been implemented in any game. How is this still not fixed?
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