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Deserter debuff for leaving a warzone?


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That is fine but it had better not come before removing premades or they may as well forget pvp.


They need a bunch of fixes. I'm just saying that a debuff needs to be part of it.


It's sort of like BW ignored 7 years of history in the largest MMO in the world. Anyone who was around in Vanilla saw what happens if you don't have a debuff and they certainly saw how badly premades (correction, players) could wreck the BG pvp experience. They should already have the fixes ready to go and are just waiting to throw the switch. If they don't then they truly half-arsed it.

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UNLESS, they allow full premades. I'm sick an tired of having 4 people who can't communicate(I thought Bioware was pushing communication) and lose a match.


Take a hike and ****!


Seriously. If you are at the point where you can't deal with it then don't, move on, and do something else. It's dumb to get this angry at a casual player.

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There are a few reasons I leave a warzone


1. I LOATHE Huttball-- If I queue up, and enter and its Huttball I leave IMMEDIATELY. I don't wait to see if we are gonna win or lose, I just exit asap so the next in queue can have my spot.


Fix that by giving us an OPTION to choose which WZ we want in.


2. If I enter a WZ where the first match has started and ended and theres ppl dropping out as I join.. we don't have a full team.. I again will leave.


3. If I crash and its happened plenty.


Otherwise wiin or lose in a WZ I join from the start I stay.

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If you lose, and can play, you still get good Valor - so what is the issue?


PVP isn't supposed to be about grind or efficiency. It's about PVP. Just enjoy it and the wins will flow.


If you know what you are doing, a single player can cause havoc to a pre-made.

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Take a hike and ****!


Seriously. If you are at the point where you can't deal with it then don't, move on, and do something else. It's dumb to get this angry at a casual player.


Wow, nice response. What a GREAT response.


How about you think about what you are actually posting, before you try to insult someone.


1). It is EXTREMELY frustrating when 4 other people don't communicate to pull through and at least TRY win a match.


2). I DON'T CARE if they are bad. The fact that they are at least COMMUNICATING and TRYING make up for the fact that I am losing a match.


3). Can't deal with it? Move on? Do something else? I'm trying to get my dailys done and there's not much else to do. I have A LOT of homework that I always finish before playing Star Wars which doesn't leave much time to play.


4). If you're the type of casual that prefers to have other people carry him without communicating, and then wish that people who leave receive a deserter debuff because of your actions, then ** Take a hike and ****! **

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I came into a Huttball match yesterday where we were down two before I got there. We won in the end. And it was all because of me, baby!


Okay, not really. But we did win. Point is, it's really not that aggravating to come into a match after it starts because someone left. If it's a blowout and almost over just slink around or maybe try to get a couple of kills at the edges until it's done, if it just started, it might not be a loss at all, depending on whether the other team is really organized or just happened to get lucky once or twice.

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If anything, it lowers the person's reputation on their server if they decide to rage quit. People will quickly realize they leave right in the middle and either:


1) Call them out (once the match is over) in general chat and never group with them for anything (Pvp or PVE)


2) Or next time they are in a warzone, don't help them when they are being tripled teamed, camped etc.


I know these aren't the best options but it temporarily lower the deserters once they realize they aren't getting invited to groups etc. Lets face it:


Who wants to be alienated from an entire server?

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When I don't get randomly kicked out of BG's, or the game crashes in one... sure.


Can't remember the last time I willingly left one - but I can't count on my hands and toes the number of times I've been bugged out of them or the game has crashed in one.

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See I have left warzones before where I had zero chance of winning or the people on my side were knobs. Give it a 10min debuff though so you just can't instant queue again & people will think about it. I mean if I was to leave I'll probably just wander around the fleet for 10 min doing nothing so I'll likely stick with a terrible team.
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