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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I am a commando and i say tone us down.


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9/10 people lie. 1/10 people are terrible.


I want to see where you fall.


Merc/Commando is probably the worst 1v1 class in the game at the moment, against other geared 50's. That's simply because grav/trac is so easy to shut down. Pyro/Assualt is better for WZ, usually, and healing definitely is a tough build to kill.


So again, name/server?


harkon/the progininator, im on now if you want to log in and double check, ill answer any tell.


1vs1 is a no factor in the game hence the balance should not be for it, the balance should be around what rewards best which is warzones and/or ilum.


Any usefull command/merc does not get shut down, they move and use instants if needed (hence why 2 instants is op)

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Sorcs and Mercs need a nerf badly. (The republic mirror classes too, of course)


If you do not agree with this, you are either


a) one of them and have tears in your eyes cause you fear to lose your 1 button abilitys


b) are blind and don't see that 80% of pvp population is sorc or merc


c) are dumb


Probably the dumbest post ive read today. Great logic that if someone doesnt agree with your they're "dumb". Seriously grow up and make an adult argument based on facts instead of your flaccid opinion.

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OP makes a good point. Tracermissile should be like a rampup ability for heatseeker and something else, which is totally fine but it shouldn't hit 3k+


It hits for 1.6-2.2k if I had to guess. It crits for 3.5-4.5k. All of this heavily dependent on gear of course.


Buy you have to realize... it has maybe a 45% chance to crit, if you have the best gear and buffs. If not, 30-35% chance to crit.


If it doesn't crit, it just does slightly more damage than Grav Round.


So what would be the point of weakening it? Then we would REALLY be Grav Round spamming, lol.

Edited by DeltaGun
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He is though, since demo/seek is completely set up by grav/tracer.


and the setup would remain, just the fact it would move to a no-cost channel instead making it far less usefull for pvp and balanced (yet still hitting as hard) but verry usefull for hardmode+ raiding.


with a channeled skill the damage can even go up.


as to grav round, 1.4 sec cast for me atm, if i crit it goes to 1.3 sec cast, add hib the insane burst from demo is not needed.

Edited by harkain
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Probably the dumbest post ive read today. Great logic that if someone doesnt agree with your they're "dumb". Seriously grow up and make an adult argument based on facts instead of your flaccid opinion.


You are the only person here trying to prove a point that is not provable. You are a Merc 100% and thats why you act like a butthurt kid in this topic. Tracer missile is OP, deal with it, YOU are not good, YOU will be bad after a nerf, again, dael with it.

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It hits for 1.6-2.2k if I had to guess. It crits for 3.5-4.5k. All of this heavily dependent on gear of course.


Buy you have to realize... it has a 45% chance to crit, max, with buffs. If it doesn't crit, it just does slightly more damage than Grav Round.


So what would be the point of weakening it? Then we would REALLY be Grav Round spamming, lol.


Bad players will always spam low cost/high damage spells thinking thats how you play a class. Go play WoW and watch frost mages do nothing but spam ice lance a billion times. It's ALWAYS the terrible players that call for nerfs on other classes and never take the time to play that class they're asking to be nerfed.

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You are the only person here trying to prove a point that is not provable. You are a Merc 100% and thats why you act like a butthurt kid in this topic. Tracer missile is OP, deal with it, YOU are not good, YOU will be bad after a nerf, again, dael with it.


I am a merc 100%? And you know this for a fact? Sorry but i dont play BH my main is an assassin but nice of you to assume that. The only butthurt kid here is you because you cant handle someone asking for facts instead of your whining.

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harkon/the progininator, im on now if you want to log in and double check, ill answer any tell.


1vs1 is a no factor in the game hence the balance should not be for it, the balance should be around what rewards best which is warzones and/or ilum.


Any usefull command/merc does not get shut down, they move and use instants if needed (hence why 2 instants is op)


RP server. Funny. Logging on now.


And HiB an instant? Lol, target needs to be vulnerable and its a CD/weak if not set up. Same with demo.

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I am a merc 100%? And you know this for a fact? Sorry but i dont play BH my main is an assassin but nice of you to assume that. The only butthurt kid here is you because you cant handle someone asking for facts instead of your whining.


So you're main isn't a merc, sure...


Is it still whining if the OP of the thread already made a valid argument, is playing a merc himself and still says it is OP Like hell? THERE IS NO MORE NEED FOR AN ARGUMENT.

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RP server. Funny. Logging on now.


And HiB an instant? Lol, target needs to be vulnerable and its a CD/weak if not set up. Same with demo.


you do realise demo makes them vulnrable right ? they are ALWAYS vulnrable vs a commando.


If you think hib is weak i dont know what to say.

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So you're main isn't a merc, sure...


Is it still whining if the OP of the thread already made a valid argument, is playing a merc himself and still says it is OP Like hell? THERE IS NO MORE NEED FOR AN ARGUMENT.


Cry more kid noone cares what you think. Grab some kleenex and big boy pants and deal with it.

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Cry more kid noone cares what you think. Grab some kleenex and big boy pants and deal with it.


OP is a Merc and seems to care about it, your point is invalid. Next try.


Reg. date Dec 2011. Pandas waiting?

Edited by Ishkur
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you do realise demo makes them vulnrable right ? they are ALWAYS vulnrable vs a commando.


If you think hib is weak i dont know what to say.


You mean Grav makes them vulnerable. demo does nothing of the sort. Demo has a 15 second CD and requires ramping to achieve high damage numbers. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that skill as is. People wanting to nerf Arsenal are just bad.


Yes, I'm a merc, but I don't play as arsenal anymore because I've found Pyro to be much more effective.

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Nice try, but i can tell your no commando. Becausse if you actually played a commando you would now this AC is nothing without grav. And the fact that 80% of all grav round hits only hits for 900-1700 k even when using relics. I'm a battlemaster commando in full GM/champ gear btw. Dont hear any complaints about a jedi or sith that can crit for 5000-8000 k ?


really? only 1700 with relics?



then why does this guy hits for 1700 when not using relics and 2300ish when using them...

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Well, he has a commando for sure. On an RP server. Mostly PvE gear, some greens, not optimized at all. Valor rank 36.


Can't say how well he pvps, thats up to people on his server, but some of the things he said about owning everyone and RP servers having the best pvpers were pretty funny.


Still, he *does* have a commando.

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Well, he has a commando for sure. On an RP server. Mostly PvE gear, some greens, not optimized at all. Valor rank 36.


Can't say how well he pvps, thats up to people on his server, but some of the things he said about owning everyone and RP servers having the best pvpers were pretty funny.


Still, he *does* have a commando.


greens ?


all purple but 1 blue crit crafted earpiece...you do know gear collor bugs out on inspect right ? hence you look at RATING


I said: people on ALL servers tend to be EQUALY bad/good and in every game i played sofar on pvp servertypes has shown me that (wow bladefist original, warhammer, aion, age of conan, lotro). Bad people are bad and good ppl are good and they are not server specific they are guild/group specific. Some of the best pvpers i met i played versus in lotro rp server and some of the worst in the misery battlegroup (all pvp servers) and prior to that..for us that was rank 10 prior to battlegrounds, you know when ranking was hard or 1900 s01 bc.

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Well, he has a commando for sure. On an RP server. Mostly PvE gear, some greens, not optimized at all. Valor rank 36.


Can't say how well he pvps, thats up to people on his server, but some of the things he said about owning everyone and RP servers having the best pvpers were pretty funny.


Still, he *does* have a commando.


What about that is wrong ? one of the best PvP players there is in any game Taugrim is on jung ma. Many high skilled players on rp-pvp servers. They are there because there is less babies who act like the little children they are. To get away from the imature morons you will find on ordinary pvp servers.

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What about that is wrong ? one of the best PvP players there is in any game Taugrim is on jung ma. Many high skilled players on rp-pvp servers. They are there because there is less babies who act like the little children they are. To get away from the imature morons you will find on ordinary pvp servers.


Ya if you say so.


Anytime it's cross server or player run pvp events, it's the RP & PVE crowd that are the easy pickings.


Still, if it makes you feel better -- sure, role players are awesome pvpers as a rule :D

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What about that is wrong ? one of the best PvP players there is in any game Taugrim is on jung ma. Many high skilled players on rp-pvp servers. They are there because there is less babies who act like the little children they are. To get away from the imature morons you will find on ordinary pvp servers.


But at the same time, there's a lot of "YAR YAR HUMP HUMP" players who are more there for the virtual world rather than heavy gaming. I see your point, though, one shouldn't pigeon hole someone solely due to server type, I agree with that.

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