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Taugrim's "Iron Fist" 25/14/2 PVP Tank Spec [Video]


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I will write again that I do not intend to diminish your guide or suggest that full Shield is 'better' but I want people who like the idea of tanking to know that they have that option. Why? Because misconceptions about this seem to keep propagating.

People also have the option to jump down a cliff. That doesn't mean it's a good idea.

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You did brilliantly.


People should indeed spec/gear to whatever suits them. You give one suggestion, I give another, noone is shoving anything down anyone's throat, that is preety clear and goes without saying, I hope.


I will write again that I do not intend to diminish your guide or suggest that full Shield is 'better' but I want people who like the idea of tanking to know that they have that option. Why? Because misconceptions about this seem to keep propagating.


Take this recent thread for example:


Second post already says:

<<You have pretty much the same survivability as a DPS as you do a shield spec. The difference is the amount of DPS you sacrifice as a tank/shield spec. So why give up DPS for the same amount of survivability? >>


This needs to be myth-busted.


Again, I think _you_ are pretty clear and consistent on how you perceive the IF spec. A lot of people aren't. Assume that this is directed at them.


That person you quoted is mistaken. Going full assault, your survivability is lower than having Ion Cell on. And another post there mentions assault and being able to guard. I love the parakeet, but come 1.2 it won't be an option. Fight a sorc in assault spec, then in IF.

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Taugrim - Sir would this be a viable build? i used ur spec as a base to mix it with my playstyle. Hope to hear back from you.


Just hit 50 last week and using a 4 set Combat tech and Super commando.


as for Implants i created my own. http://www.torhead.com/schematic/brTRGNI/nano-optic-reflex-enhancer .. the violet version with augments for defense rating for 49's.


and so far im doin good on-par with the tenured PVP'ers.


overall damage that i can pull off in a WZ is 180k-200k damage with 9-10 medals always.






And how would you respec this build when 1.2 comes?


Thank you.

Edited by Mordekaizer
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I love the spec and am wishing I had went this route earlier rather than a fully dedicated PvE kind of set up. I gotta say though, 'Hold the Line' is really making my pants feel tighter! If I had a dollar for every time I got stuck getting mobbed and CC'd by the opposition with no one really able to recieve a pass I'd um... well... I could buy pants with more room to contain my un-natural excitement over 'Hold the Line'! ;)


Just can't forsake Storm though, ah but for 1 more point!


So just one question though, would 'Gut' not be worth the investment over 55-70~ base dmg from the 'Blaster Augs' talent, though free? Even considering the ammo cost? (Honestly I don't know how to even begin to mathmatically represent that equasion.) Or is it kind of 6 of 1, half dozen of the other and pick em kind of toss up / personal preference?

Edited by Mayams
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I just can't PVP in my vanguard without Frontline Defense. That limits my options, fortunately, I like Iron Fist. As for Ion Cell, you can't guard without it. My Sawbones buddy and I held off 4+ people as fresh 50s on a Civil War. Guard + Good Heals is rough stuff. Not Warhammer Warrior Priest + Ironbreaker, but rough stuff indeed.
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Use the endurance/power/surge enhancement , you can get it off smuggler champ/BM headgear and also off some of the other classes. A lot of the vanguards own enhancements aren't that useful in pvp.


It probably isnt worth switching out BM enhancements/mods now unless you have money to burn as 1.2 is surely not far away and i read that if you have modded your gear and not repaced the original mods before 1.2 is patched your BM gear will not get updated with the new expertise....bad times.

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hi taugrim,


i bought this game to play powertech but during AC selection i choose heal coz last 3-4 mmo i play a tank class. no regret but i'm always jealous of PT.


Reroll vanguard on APAC server and having fun with your build. 42 atm and doing wz most of the time. i only miss my mercenary knockback.


i have some problem with juggernaut, rage build i think. the snare messed up my circle strafe and the longer the fight i seems to lose my advantage.


pyro eat me alive. i just control these class and avoid to fight them head on.


hate sniper in cover too.


another thing is sometimes my riot strike is grey while attacking ops(few times) and sorc healer (once). i thought only merc immune to interrupt.


lastly, if i want to have smoke grenade, where should i drop 1 point?


thx in advance.

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Hi, i'm making my 3rd character, after taking a sentinel and a sage to both war heros with full bm gear.


So i'm choosing the Vanguard this time.


Wanted to make sure i'm doing the proper leveing, as your video/talents refer to lv50.


I'm moving up the defence tree 1st.


I'm gearing dps wise


I'm under the ion Cell stance


I'm spamming Ion Pulse as mutch as possible, throwing some hammer shots inbetween for ammo management.


I'm using Stockstrike when avaiable, Stikcy granade and ion pulse when possible.


Am i doing it right?


Interrupts and Cryo Grenade when required.


Thanks for any input.

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Hi, i'm making my 3rd character, after taking a sentinel and a sage to both war heros with full bm gear.


So i'm choosing the Vanguard this time.


Wanted to make sure i'm doing the proper leveing, as your video/talents refer to lv50.


I'm moving up the defence tree 1st.


I'm gearing dps wise


I'm under the ion Cell stance


I'm spamming Ion Pulse as mutch as possible, throwing some hammer shots inbetween for ammo management.


I'm using Stockstrike when avaiable, Stikcy granade and ion pulse when possible.


Am i doing it right?


Interrupts and Cryo Grenade when required.


Thanks for any input.







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what are your thoughts on a 8/31/2 spec, full tactics but running with ion cell. been running it for a couple months now nightly with great success. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801GoMZMsrrobfkdsZb.1


This is the exact same build with a couple points changed here and there. I started to use and try it out once i heard about the change to the tactics tree in the upcoming patch and have been liking it so far. What relic/stims are you using for your setup?

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This is the exact same build with a couple points changed here and there. I started to use and try it out once i heard about the change to the tactics tree in the upcoming patch and have been liking it so far. What relic/stims are you using for your setup?


since i mod my gear up to have as much power and surge as possible i already soft capped on surge. meaning the crit surge relic is almost worthless. so i run with the power relic and the defense relic.


i highly suggest filling up a complete combat tech set and a complete supercommando set and swap between the 2 depending on your group make up and/or warzone. also meaning that i use the aim/power stim for offensive situations and the end/def stim for defensive situations. since this build is based on ion cell as is the iron fist its easy to swap between the role of full tank, full dps or a combination of both. you miss out on storm, which is an amazing ability that i sorely miss. but the fire pulse into stockstrike combo is so powerful and ridiculously cheap. and hold the line for 8 seconds out of every 30 is very very useful. highest numbers on a full 15 minute voidstar is around 520k dmg with still about 60k protection.

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you miss out on storm, which is an amazing ability that i sorely miss


Thanks for the info on your suit and set up, im going to have to wait till the update before i swap mods due to money issues but im def going to give it a shot.


To the quoted, thats my biggest issue. I alternate the keybind between storm and HtL depending on the build im using and i keep finding myself hitting HtL when i get knocked back into the pit in huttball to jump back up to someone, only to just keep standing there :(

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after some practice you can anticipate the knockback and hit hold the line early and spend no time in the pit at all. 30 second cooldown is actually very very short. its a trade off. in huttball you dont have the option of storming at a spawning enemy but, if you have hold the line and reactive shield up you can sprint past or even through both fires on the middle catwalk and are almost guaranteed a score with the proper use of tenacity.


we have 3 vanguards running 8/31/2 right now in our pvp line up and it's been doing really well.

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I'm leveling with this build,


i'm reaching lv 29 and i can finnaly use the CE orange clothes.


sould i be doing this:


5x Advanced Commando Armoring 11

6x Advanced Power Enhancement 11

6x Advanced Commando Mod 11

1x Advanced Commando Barrel 11

1x Advanced Black-Blue Proficient Crystal


this is stacking power


ty for any input

Edited by Yettofall
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There are no changes for Patch 1.2 to this spec, as none of its talents were impacted in a significant way.


Unfortunately, the Carolina Parakeet spec is now history :(



Parakeet is history i have to agree. can u please post your current tree sir.


and BTW can u give me an in-depth explanation of what REBRACED armor is and how it works.

Edited by Mordekaizer
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