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Worse game launch to date? For no reason other than over caution


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The price of the object you bought has no bearing on queue lines or when you get in. When you registered the code is what counts. All the rest of what you said is just drama.


I couldn't afford the pre-order til last Saturday, matter of fact I didn't think I would have a chance to play at all. I registered December 10th.


Am I boohooing? No. Do I have patience? Yes.


I think the rest of us will probably (from what I have been reading and deducting) will be invited in on Friday this week.


That is STILL giving us the weekend. Plenty of time to do, learn, explore, have fun..etc.


Unless you are obsessed with being the first to do everything on a server..FIRST. I know people like that too. Pfffft. I'ts all pixels....Elmer. :D


I think I like you, X}

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This game hasn't launched yet. Come back in 5 days pls.



Listen now once for all! The game has launched for people that has PRE ORDER it.

The official launch is the 20th dec, thats when you can buy the game in stores etc.


Nuff said.

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This has to be the worse way to launch a MMO, or any game, launch ever.


What...are you going on about?

Flawless, lag free, no que.



Seriously. are you like..on glue?

so, its the worst launch ever cause you didnt get a code from gamestop quick enough? oh, okay... :rolleyes:


I'm gonna say THIS ^^^

Edited by Your_dominus
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it has nothing to do with wanting to be first. it has lots to do with fairness. i woulden't care myself as long bioware would add new servers for the new comers. specially when there are people exploiting unfixed bugs to get to 50 in less than a day. i think anyone deserves same treatment and a fair launch, regardless of when they preordered the game.


only ultra fanboys would preorder a game they know nothing of. many people like myself prefer to wait till the last day to read reviews or try the beta before buying a game,then in the case i diden't like the game, it would end up getting dust forever inside an empty shelve.


How is, First come first serve, que line for early access unfair. (in terms of pre order code entry)


I believe this is as fair as you can get. No bais, no judgement, no stupidly objective views, just solid *person entered code first, they get higher prioity on the access list*

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You brought the game and no pre-order code.

That is no ones fault but your own.


On top of that altho' i can see your frustrations. The game is not officially out till the 20th.

So if there is queues / lag / pvp zone killing from high levels / etc etc..

Then complain, but until then be patient.


Bioware are trying to please everyone whilst not overloading there systems and crashing the servers.

As a result some people wont be happy. But thats life.


See you in game and good luck.


May the force be with me!

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I actually think that once you get past the initial "OMG PEOPLE ARE PLAYING BEFORE ME" its actually the best thought out launch to date.

I've not got any stake in this at all, I don't have time to play untill past launch day anyway, I'm just reading up on this entire thing.


I've just got to ask, EA taking extra money (preordering a digital copy actually costs extra money) while marketing early access for preorders, whilst not specifying access date on Origin store is ethical marketing to you? Since there is no specification on who gets access when, I think it's fair for any paying customer to assume it's the same as every other paying customers'.


I think they've been flat out decieving consumers and I think that's a bad thing no matter how you twist it, sure, it's no huge problem, but look at people complaining, already now, before game launch they have disappointed customers.

Edited by Friggah
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How is, First come first serve, que line for early access unfair. (in terms of pre order code entry)


I believe this is as fair as you can get. No bais, no judgement, no stupidly objective views, just solid *person entered code first, they get higher prioity on the access list*


well if this was some soviet union, or Cuba, food store waiting line for buying bread. i would be happy with the first come first serve slogan! but it is not. we are talking about a game. so it is not too logical to me.


and no matter what you, or any other fanboy here tells me, or how much flaming you waste throwing on me on this forum, will make me change my mind.


as you can see, we are only going in circles here. you are happy with this system, i'm not. that simple it is to understand

Edited by Ariadna
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This has to be the worse way to launch a MMO, or any game, launch ever. It is almost worse than long queues to enter the game!


Bioware is so ... overly cautious that it has denied its service to the people who want to play... only a select few get in each wave. While the rest of us... have to look and wonder why we are not the chosen ones.


Why am I being punished for purchasing a Collector's Edition at Gamestop and did not get a pre-order code until Dec 7th? I have copies and pictures of me with the receipt and pictures of the receipt that shows the purchase was made in July!


So why am I being denied access?


Because I did not rush to the EA website and purchase it on an official EA website!


I repent. I repent. Please, let me in. I am willing to use the Origin website on all future EA purchases! I bought it in September and yet I am not in... and there are people who bought lesser copies of the game... and who bought it AFTER me... who are leveling...


worse yet, when I hit the PvP zones... people will be max level... picking on me... because I am not playing yet. THANKS EA


Worse Launch ever?


It is almost better to be in a long queue and the servers go down... from time to time!!!


If you didn't get your access code until this month, that is Gamestop's fault, not Bioware's or EA's. Go blame them. If you did get the code earlier, but weren't smart enough to input it online, than that's your fault. Either way, it's not BW or EA's fault.

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I've just got to ask, EA taking extra money (preordering a digital copy actually costs extra money) while marketing early access for preorders, whilst not specifying access date on Origin store is ethical marketing to you? Since there is no specification on who gets access when, I think it's fair for any paying customer to assume it's the same as every other paying customers'.


False. The announced the first come first serve intention a very very long time ago. But it seems you're new, so maybe you missed it.

Edited by PaintOnASign
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well if this was some soviet union, or Cuba, food store waiting line for buying bread. i would be happy with the first come first serve slogan! but it is not. we are talking about a game. so it is not too logical to me.


and no matter what you, or any other fanboy here tells me, or how much flaming you waste throwing on me on this forum, will make me change my mind.


as you can see, we are only going in circles here. you are happy with this system, i'm not. that simple it is to understand


Oh my...she has to resort to name calling because her argument is invalid. You are possibly going in circles, but the rest of us are looking straight ahead..at the facts. hehehe

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I've just got to ask, EA taking extra money (preordering a digital copy actually costs extra money) while marketing early access for preorders, whilst not specifying access date on Origin store is ethical marketing to you?




The $5 is subtracted from your totalt cost.


This is one of the best lauches ever. If the game ends up loosing the whiniest 1% over this it will be better of in the long run.

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False. The announced the first come first serve intention a very very long time ago. But it seems you're new, so maybe you missed it.

Who cares? It wasn't specified with the early acess on Origin store, I'm not saying it's a problem for me personally, I'm saying it's ridiculous that it isn't specified.

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well if this was some soviet union, or Cuba, food store waiting line for buying bread. i would be happy with the first come first serve slogan! but it is not. we are talking about a game. so it is not too logical to me.


and no matter what you, or any other fanboy here tells me, or how much flaming you waste throwing on me on this forum, will make me change my mind.


as you can see, we are only going in circles here. you are happy with this system, i'm not. that simple it is to understand


I don't think anyone is trying to change your mind. Are you trying to change ours??

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preordering a game has nothing to do with getting first. i tested the betas, for me that was enough, i was convinced i would buy the game and subscribe to the game. now not so much!


i have tested and played almost every MMO since everquest 1. i can assure you, this staggering experiment is the most unfair and absurd thing i've ever seen by far.


but hey, there are ofcourse the people who are born with 0 empathy, and as long they get in, they are all good and happy. i 'm convinced they think it was the best launch ever.:rolleyes:


Empathy? A good portion of people living in this world won't even get to eat for the next few days and you wan't people to 'feel' for you because you did not get into a launch of a video game.


I know it's frustrating (im not in either but its also kinda exciting waiting for the call up) but gee dude its not the worst thing that can happen. In a week or so, this post won't even matter to you and I bet you won't classify this as the worst launch ever (espeically if, like you stated, you have tested and played every MMO since EQ1)

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Oh my...she has to resort to name calling because her argument is invalid. You are possibly going in circles, but the rest of us are looking straight ahead..at the facts. hehehe


what name calling? excuse me? have you taken your meds today?

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Could someone please explain to me how anyone is hurt if other people get to 50 before you? In the long term it really means nothing right, we are talking about a few days.


Maybe I just don't understand because I am not a power leveler.

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@ Friggah


If this is your first time preordering, I will state this, that it is the norm..normal procedure to charge anywhere from five dollars up to 20 dollars, (depending on the price of the merchandise Im told). What that does is reserve your copy, so that you are guaranteed to have it for launch day.


Thats all that is for.

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