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Worse game launch to date? For no reason other than over caution


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How is it gonna stop lag though? The fact they launch it like this doesnt mean less people will be playing lol.. come launch its gonna be crazy either way.


Because it means there will be less people banging on the door at the same time and crashing the log in servers. It also means less people going through the starter zones together. This in turn will create an overall better experience for those that have access to play.


The main thing here is that most people are going to get MORE early access than they expected. If you pre-ordered in December, initially it looked like you might get one day. Now it's looking like you get 4 days.


People can moan as much as they like, but actually BioWare have created a situation where people WILL get an overall better experience than if they let everybody in together.

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what are talking about ? the game launches at dec 20



The game is launched the 13th dec for people that PRE ORDER IT! Its called a PRE RELEASE!


The 20th dec launch is for stores etc!


Try to understand it once for all!

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Because it means there will be less people banging on the door at the same time and crashing the log in servers. It also means less people going through the starter zones together. This in turn will create an overall better experience for those that have access to play.


The main thing here is that most people are going to get MORE early access than they expected. If you pre-ordered in December, initially it looked like you might get one day. Now it's looking like you get 4 days.


People can moan as much as they like, but actually BioWare have created a situation where people WILL get an overall better experience than if they let everybody in together.


This is the best post of the day so far.

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Yeap, they let everyone in then they'll complain Cry Cry I have a 3 hrs queue" then when in at starting zone "Cry Cry everyone keeps beating me to mobs so I cant finish my mission cry cry"


Can't either way, well we can just laugh at all the QQ.


This was happening last night after the last wave got in and people got home from work/school and logged in. There were queues to get on servers (obviously) and the threads turned from 'LET ME IN NOW!!' to 'OMG I HAVE TO QUEUE TO GET ON MY SERVER!!!'.


Proof that BioWare cannot ever win.

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I remember how someone said it was a sort of lose/lose situation for Bioware... well kind of... but that here they are doing things right and they get complainers, but if they would do things the other way and had of let everyone in at once with all the lag and performance issues then all these same people and more would more than likely come along complaining...


As the saying goes - you can't please everyone! There'll always be someone who disagrees and or complains, most sadly...


Yes but you would think a company would be able to please atleast 50% of their population?


You can't assume people playing are happy about this also they just have less time to post. My friends are in and irriated that they are having to pug **** when we have a guild.

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This was happening last night after the last wave got in and people got home from work/school and logged in. There were queues to get on servers (obviously) and the threads turned from 'LET ME IN NOW!!' to 'OMG I HAVE TO QUEUE TO GET ON MY SERVER!!!'.


Proof that BioWare cannot ever win.



Are you talking about the people posting light loads screenshots making fun of bioware? Those are the only post i saw yesterday were people being sarcastic

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Idd. No one noticed that they gave 7 days instead of 5 and that November players gone get in today :):)


Tbh I love what they doing.


Alot of the disagreement and complaining comes from people who really dont get why things are being done the way they are.


I think the thing that bugs me is Bioware gets blamed for everything, including the particular gamers that arent organized enough to talk to their friends and or guild about waiting up for them or creating alt characters til everyone is ingame.


Responsibility lies at the feet of the gamer, Bioware provides the background, the atmosphere, the place to play. The rest is up to us.


Your neighbour is heading for level 50 already? And so, how does that affect you other than causing some competitiveness or jealousy on your part?




If its this bad on the pre-order end where everything possible is being done to ease the transition into the game and onto the brand new servers....


I hate to think whats going to happen on D Day...Monday. I think I will go hide somewhere, til the idiocy blows over.

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This was happening last night after the last wave got in and people got home from work/school and logged in. There were queues to get on servers (obviously) and the threads turned from 'LET ME IN NOW!!' to 'OMG I HAVE TO QUEUE TO GET ON MY SERVER!!!'.


Proof that BioWare cannot ever win.


Players will complain about everything,

If they gave 5k valor to each player = complain why not 10 ?

If they get everyone in = complain OMG I have to wait to log on

If they reduced the game price by 50% = complain why not 70% ?

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Yeah but it gives chance to get few million players out of the starting zone......


Do none of you realize that the starter zones (and everywhere else I think) is instanced? If a certain number of players join an area it creates a new instance, so it doesnt matter how many people are starting out at one time

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This has to be the worse way to launch a MMO, or any game, launch ever. It is almost worse than long queues to enter the game!


Bioware is so ... overly cautious that it has denied its service to the people who want to play... only a select few get in each wave. While the rest of us... have to look and wonder why we are not the chosen ones.


Why am I being punished for purchasing a Collector's Edition at Gamestop and did not get a pre-order code until Dec 7th? I have copies and pictures of me with the receipt and pictures of the receipt that shows the purchase was made in July!


So why am I being denied access?


Because I did not rush to the EA website and purchase it on an official EA website!


I repent. I repent. Please, let me in. I am willing to use the Origin website on all future EA purchases! I bought it in September and yet I am not in... and there are people who bought lesser copies of the game... and who bought it AFTER me... who are leveling...


worse yet, when I hit the PvP zones... people will be max level... picking on me... because I am not playing yet. THANKS EA


Worse Launch ever?


It is almost better to be in a long queue and the servers go down... from time to time!!!


Jawa's More Jawa's the little NINJA Jawa's Have slipped into the forums.

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Do none of you realize that the starter zones (and everywhere else I think) is instanced? If a certain number of players join an area it creates a new instance, so it doesnt matter how many people are starting out at one time


It does matter, having too many players at one place will crash the server.

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first game i played was a very strange game i never could found later on toshiba first ever laptop.


i've seen some since then.


this is the best ever launch in the history of gaming by means of technical implementation, communication with customers and marketing.


adding 2 days of early access just to let everyone in to play their 5 days is absolutely amazing, i bet they will either get to december today or even let in everyone in the waiting list - they did 2 month yesterday so its october and november left plus half of december - but i bet those late buyers are the minority.


so right now, if you are serious about your whine, dude, get over it.

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I have played many MMOs where you sit in queue for hours... and hours seem like days. Then the server craps out. Rift, Warhammer Online, Age of Crap, DCUO, Vanguard, Lineage 2, and a few others.... in many ways... this only seems good... if YOU are invited early. Otherwise, it feels like you have been cheated. Worse yet, I did not get a pre-order code early enough... and because I bought a $149.99+tax product versus a digital download for $79.99 ... it seems I am being penalized. That is the kicker. If I was only buying a normal copy... then i could say... "OH YEA... MY FAULT FOR NOT GIVING EA MORE OF THE MONEY." But I am buying the most expensive version of the game, and I bought it before many of the people playing the game... and yet... I am the one being penalized... and I am still shelling out more money than most of the people who are playing. The frustration is boiling.


Sorry to be blunt, but it very much looks like you are compensating real life issues with games and money. No wonder you are so frustrated. Games are no exit strategy, and if that strategy fails, all hell breaks loose. Stop taking your life as a gamer too seriously!

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This was happening last night after the last wave got in and people got home from work/school and logged in. There were queues to get on servers (obviously) and the threads turned from 'LET ME IN NOW!!' to 'OMG I HAVE TO QUEUE TO GET ON MY SERVER!!!'.


Proof that BioWare cannot ever win.


So if there are long queues, whats the point of staggering launch? It's obvious they'll need more servers. Hopefully when i get in (tomorrow). Hopefully by launch they can have enough up and running to prevent queues. I dont want to make a toon and have to wait an hour to play every time I want to log in.


Theres no effective difference between giving everyone access and having 50% of them waiting in queue than giving staggered access and still having to wait in queue. The only difference is that the people let in first get the most playtime without having to worry about queues.


I'm not whining. I'm over it. It's a lost cause at this point. It's the 15th, Most people will get in in a few hours. And we'll all get to wait in the queue together. So, well done?

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You will forget about Launch when your capped, and talking to noobs next year when expansions come out, about how you played Vanilla, and try to act better than everyone on the server.


Exactly, everyone soon forgot about WoWs nightmare launch and it didn't affect it's popularity either.

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preordering a game has nothing to do with getting first. i tested the betas, for me that was enough, i was convinced i would buy the game and subscribe to the game. now not so much!


i have tested and played almost every MMO since everquest 1. i can assure you, this staggering experiment is the most unfair and absurd thing i've ever seen by far.


but hey, there are ofcourse the people who are born with 0 empathy, and as long they get in, they are all good and happy. i 'm convinced they think it was the best launch ever.:rolleyes:


How would you have handled it then?


If you agree with the OP, you'd rather play and have a ton of people quit over launch issues, than that the game succeeds. Talking about empathy :rolleyes: Yes, some people are so empty day 1 crashes means quit.

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So if there are long queues, whats the point of staggering launch? It's obvious they'll need more servers. Hopefully when i get in (tomorrow). Hopefully by launch they can have enough up and running to prevent queues. I dont want to make a toon and have to wait an hour to play every time I want to log in.


Theres no effective difference between giving everyone access and having 50% of them waiting in queue than giving staggered access and still having to wait in queue. The only difference is that the people let in first get the most playtime without having to worry about queues.


I'm not whining. I'm over it. It's a lost cause at this point. It's the 15th, Most people will get in in a few hours. And we'll all get to wait in the queue together. So, well done?


Of course it makes a difference. It makes a difference to the log in servers for a start.

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