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Worse game launch to date? For no reason other than over caution


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This has to be the worse way to launch a MMO, or any game, launch ever. It is almost worse than long queues to enter the game!


Bioware is so ... overly cautious that it has denied its service to the people who want to play... only a select few get in each wave. While the rest of us... have to look and wonder why we are not the chosen ones.


Why am I being punished for purchasing a Collector's Edition at Gamestop and did not get a pre-order code until Dec 7th? I have copies and pictures of me with the receipt and pictures of the receipt that shows the purchase was made in July!


So why am I being denied access?


Because I did not rush to the EA website and purchase it on an official EA website!


I repent. I repent. Please, let me in. I am willing to use the Origin website on all future EA purchases! I bought it in September and yet I am not in... and there are people who bought lesser copies of the game... and who bought it AFTER me... who are leveling...


worse yet, when I hit the PvP zones... people will be max level... picking on me... because I am not playing yet. THANKS EA


Worse Launch ever?


It is almost better to be in a long queue and the servers go down... from time to time!!!


not biowares fault, id complain to who you purchased from. choose a better reseller. i went with amazon, 5 mins later had my pre-order code mailed to me. i got in on the 2nd wave of invites on the first day. makes sense to me!

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where have you been living at darling? under a rock?:)


in the past 2 days, is one of the most common topics in this forums. only thing it remains unknown , is wether bioware is gonna do anything about it, or let it all go.


well actually if you read dev notes there is no exploit.. but whatever, people will find anything to complain about.

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People playing right now get to keep their progression and character yes. We have an advantage, we pre-ordered, we get in ahead of the seething masses. We access character creation and newbie areas ..far in advance of the general public.


This is a boon because you dont have to wait in line to do your newbie quests etc etc.


The general public isnt here yet. Just us preorders. Granted there are a ton more of us than is usual, but nevertheless.


Official launch is Dec 20th, thats when the time starts ticking down to where they can bill you in a months time.


Thats about as clear as I can make it for you.


I wouldn't have done the quests to begin with. I dont mind grinding mobs that no one needs.


But as the "Top brass" said the game launched, it has bro.

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If people think this whining is bad wait till 20th december, when servers go down, there'll be huge queues and overpopulated servers.. all that crap about smooth start will penetrade biowares colon so quick they won't realize what hit them.
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People playing right now get to keep their progression and character yes. We have an advantage, we pre-ordered, we get in ahead of the seething masses. We access character creation and newbie areas ..far in advance of the general public.


This is a boon because you dont have to wait in line to do your newbie quests etc etc.


The general public isnt here yet. Just us preorders. Granted there are a ton more of us than is usual, but nevertheless.


Official launch is Dec 20th, thats when the time starts ticking down to where they can bill you in a months time.


Thats about as clear as I can make it for you.


you even admit some people gets advantage over many others, the question is, what makes them so special? oh wait they preordered before than you!


i bought a CE over 100 euros plus the 5 euros (that don't get deducted in my country)


i would have prefered if they had done this in a more fair way. or even random invites based on luck.

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It is the worst launch ever,



theyre not giving out Hours of advantage to those orderd first



BUT DAYS, ALMOST A week of advantage






Epic launch, talk about evolution in tech going forward!!!


An advantage to do what exactly?


Alternative would be to have many hundreds of thousands of people all running around new areas waiting for something to kill, which for many who have not tried the content would have been immersion breaking to say the least.


Even though i am in at the moment I guarantee you will beat me to 50.. As I will take a long time to get to such a great height.

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I'm sorry where exactly did the guy asking if it launched, or yourself, specify RETAIL before you were corrected?


Oh, you didn't, the devil is in the details, specify next time, don't you point that flame hose at me or I'll make you eat it.


No backpedaling allowed, it's launched, not retail, but ega still counts as a launch.

Game is LIVE, just not "all access".


So when the game officially launches on Monday and lets in the hungering horde, what will you call it then?

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I'm sorry where exactly did the guy asking if it launched, or yourself, specify RETAIL before you were corrected?


Oh, you didn't, the devil is in the details, specify next time, don't you point that flame hose at me or I'll make you eat it.


No backpedaling allowed, it's launched, not retail, but ega still counts as a launch.

Game is LIVE, just not "all access".


I'm not backpedaling, I was not even in this argument until a page ago.


When people say "The launch is when you can actually buy the game at a store, one the 20th", you would think that means *retail* launch.


Anything else is just arguing semantics. The launch of the EA, the launch of the game? It's all the same.

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I disagree with you, but completely sympathize.


I actually must applaud BioWare and Electronic Arts launch group because I thought the idea of waves was the best possible solution to the launch day problem. You don’t have to have a CCNA (which I do) to know that too many people in the same location will crash a server (or at least lag it up so bad that you can’t move or get DC’ed). It has the same effect as a DOS (Denial of Service) attack on the server.


Why does this happen? Because each person has to send a data packet to the server to tell the server what you are doing (i.e., what direction you are facing, if you are moving, how fast, etc…). The server then has to calculate how many other players are within range to see you and then send a packet to each letting them know how to draw your avatar on their screen. So if there are several hundred people that can see you, then everybody has to be sent all the data on every one of those players. You can easily see how quickly the server and bandwidth can become saturated in this way.


Anyone who was playing World of Warcraft back when the patch for AQ20 & AQ40 came out remembers the disaster that happened when too many people were in the same zone at the same time waiting for the gates to open. The servers all lagged for a while and finally died.


Question: How do you launch hundreds of thousands of players on 12/20 without dropping them all off in the same starting zones, thereby crashing the servers?


Answer: You have to stagger them in waves and give each wave time to progress out of the starting zones to make room for the next wave and let everyone spread out from there. This prevents everyone from bunching up and solves the problem nicely. At the same time, you reward those who paid for the game early.


The idea was brilliantly thought out, but unfortunately the results of the idea were that people like yourself have felt slighted by not being the first ones into the game. That was never the intent, I’m sure.


Perhaps this explanation for the reason behind the plan will help ease the wait. I know I would much rather wait a couple of days and then start playing without crashing or lagging than have everybody else in my zone screwing up my ability to get anything done.


By the way, I am also still waiting if you hadn’t figured that out already.


Good luck to you tomorrow! I hope you get picked! :)


wow well put.. I never complained just assumed they knew what they were doing.. you have proven my assumption correct

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This has to be the worse way to launch a MMO, or any game, launch ever. It is almost worse than long queues to enter the game!


Bioware is so ... overly cautious that it has denied its service to the people who want to play... only a select few get in each wave. While the rest of us... have to look and wonder why we are not the chosen ones.


Why am I being punished for purchasing a Collector's Edition at Gamestop and did not get a pre-order code until Dec 7th? I have copies and pictures of me with the receipt and pictures of the receipt that shows the purchase was made in July!


So why am I being denied access?


Because I did not rush to the EA website and purchase it on an official EA website!


I repent. I repent. Please, let me in. I am willing to use the Origin website on all future EA purchases! I bought it in September and yet I am not in... and there are people who bought lesser copies of the game... and who bought it AFTER me... who are leveling...


worse yet, when I hit the PvP zones... people will be max level... picking on me... because I am not playing yet. THANKS EA


Worse Launch ever?


It is almost better to be in a long queue and the servers go down... from time to time!!!


Actually I have played MMO's for years (since EQ original) and this is definately one of teh better "launches" so far. Bioware even opened it up two days ealier then planned because they wanted to "feed the masses." However alot of whiners like YOU only know how to complain so here is my hope you quit the game. On another note the game dosen't even launch tech. until the 20th so your post is doubly wrong.

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Hello all.

we all have paid the price for a game that others have access only is a disgrace, I think, but again they promised 5 days time we shall see, but you just can not make a difference between people when one has paid the same.

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You know, this is not the worst launch ever, launch hasn't happened yet. People seem to thing that it's their right to be able to play NOW. The reason we have staggered early access is to make the whole thing smoother, which so far, is working splendidly. The game has not launched yet, early access is a bonus, not a right. There was no promise of instant access or bonus time, all I was ever promised was, and read the phrase carefully here; "Up to 5 days early access."


Not "5 days of early access", "up to". In my opinion they have the right to give me an hour of early access and they're not breaking a promise (so long as some people do get 5 days worth).


Now that I have waited more than three years for this game, I think I can wait another few hours, especially if that means the game will be better for it.

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Quite sure SWG was worse? Or WoW?


When SWG launched, there were so many people trying to log in that every single server went down and the game didn't fully recover for almost a WEEK.


When WoW launched, there weren't enough servers and the game had HUGE queues just to log in.


So you're right. They were way worse.


In all honesty this has been the SMOOTHEST launch ever. But it's not over yet. We'll see how it stacks up come december 20th. At least I'll have been playing for a full 7 days by then. :3

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If people think this whining is bad wait till 20th december, when servers go down, there'll be huge queues and overpopulated servers.. all that crap about smooth start will penetrade biowares colon so quick they won't realize what hit them.


not only the 20th


wait till the christmas weekend

all those biodrones will rage and all the talk about a smooth candy "pre"launch will be forgotten.

Edited by Sheneria
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This has to be the worse way to launch a MMO, or any game, launch ever. It is almost worse than long queues to enter the game!


Um! How can this be the worst launch ever the game does not launch till the 20th which is 5 days away! Your rant fails based on that simple fact!


Bioware is so ... overly cautious that it has denied its service to the people who want to play... only a select few get in each wave. While the rest of us... have to look and wonder why we are not the chosen ones.


You are not "chosen" because you did not stand in line early enough. Why did you not pre order with others on the 21st if you wanted to get in? Ignorance about not knowing the game was available for pre order on the 21st is not a defense. You could have been first in line too. FYI I was not first in line.


Why am I being punished for purchasing a Collector's Edition at Gamestop and did not get a pre-order code until Dec 7th? I have copies and pictures of me with the receipt and pictures of the receipt that shows the purchase was made in July!


You chose Gamestop. You could have pre ordered the CE from Origin on the 21st. You should be ticked at Gamestop for not getting you the code in a timely fashion.



So why am I being denied access?


Because I did not rush to the EA website and purchase it on an official EA website!


Lots of people ordered on the 21st from other than Origin and they are in. They ordered from partners and got their codes very quickly. You make a choice and you live with the consequences. Pst this is how life works!


I repent. I repent. Please, let me in. I am willing to use the Origin website on all future EA purchases! I bought it in September and yet I am not in... and there are people who bought lesser copies of the game... and who bought it AFTER me... who are leveling...


Game officially launches on the 20th your not late for anything! CE entitles you to the same game as everyone else that game is $59.99+$14.99 per month there after. You sir paid $90 dollars more for digital and physical crap. Nothing more nothing less. If you want to know I paid $20 dollars more for digital crap. The date you entered your code entitles you to your place in line for early access. Been that way since day 1 of pre orders.


worse yet, when I hit the PvP zones... people will be max level... picking on me... because I am not playing yet. THANKS EA


LOL! All I can say about this.


Worse Launch ever?


Game does not launch till the 20th! What you are seeing is early access or last major stress test before launch. Casinos call this a soft opening if you will!


It is almost better to be in a long queue and the servers go down... from time to time!!!


Is it better to have 2 million people crash the all the servers at once possible causing damage and pushing back the launch date. Lets face it if something bad happened and this came to pass you would be one of the first demanding to play on the 20th regardless of server issues! If your server crashed you would be in here lambasting them for not handling launch well!


Not sure if I should pass you some cheese, tissue or a hot beverage!!!

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If people think this whining is bad wait till 20th december, when servers go down, there'll be huge queues and overpopulated servers.. all that crap about smooth start will penetrade biowares colon so quick they won't realize what hit them.

Yeah, and all the customers who were supposed to get early access, but didn't get in before Friday will be even more pissed off. A *****torm is coming for BioWare, let's hope they handle it appropriately.


I'm worried, for me this way of doing things is not a major problem, I don't mind them being careful, I genuinely want this game to do really well and get a thriving community, all I'm saying is it's not exactly the best start now, is it?

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holy christ another thread about the game aint released yet!


Listen again, Game is released for those who PRE ORDER it.


The official launch is for the customers that didnt pre order it!

For the ones that gonna buy the game in stores etc!

Edited by Modin
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you even admit some people gets advantage over many others, the question is, what makes them so special? oh wait they preordered before than you!


i bought a CE over 100 euros plus the 5 euros (that don't get deducted in my country)


i would have prefered if they had done this in a more fair way. or even random invites based on luck.


YOU have an advantage too, you pre-ordered, so did your husband ..I think you said? He was what November? If so he probably gets to play tomorrow. I am December 10th so probably will play on Friday.


Yes that is our advantage. We can get the heck out of Dodge before all those people descend on the game on Monday, and believe me you dont want to linger in the newbie areas for that day. lol


Thats what the 5 dollars or 5 euros does. Reserve the game and allow early access to the game.


This is just HUGE, so many people want to play, thats why Bioware is taking it slow, making sure they have enough servers for everyone coming.


I remember Wow when it launched, and I really think they were taken by surprise, massive amounts of people slamming their servers...servers did go down at one point, I remember lots of people complaining and carrying on.


Much better that its done this way, people will be able to play without getting kicked off their servers.

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An advantage to do what exactly?


Alternative would be to have many hundreds of thousands of people all running around new areas waiting for something to kill, which for many who have not tried the content would have been immersion breaking to say the least.


Even though i am in at the moment I guarantee you will beat me to 50.. As I will take a long time to get to such a great height.


well i would think that having the priviledge of having a whole week of free playing before anyone else , is already a huge advantage. they get to pick whatever names they please without having to end up with a name such ejefkdkk. they get to set the server economy, selling their crafted items with their own set prices. they get to stablish their guild as the top ones. they get to level to 50 way before anyone else does and in the pvp servers they will become the rulers basically.


if you don't see all that as an advantage then i don't know what that is!

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I just want to play! Who cares about people in front of me or whatever. I just want to get into this great game. So hard not to waste time on these forums while I wait, its a curse. It's looking like they will finish up friday. I was really hoping for thursday but I think there were much more pre-orders end of November and December then people realize.
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