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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 49 PVPers: I feel sorry for you :(


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Just curious why they put in a system to reduce level 50's in their own bracket to equivalent 49's? If we're all 50, let us have our 41 talents instead of one random one inactive. Seems silly if we're all 50 to reduce us.


Unrelated, but amused the buff is still called "Bolster" at 50 too...

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I did this and was lucky enough to get 2 pieces of gear the same day i hit 50. Had 9 bags. This should be common practice for all 49s.


I also agree with what was posted earlier. A fresh 50 should NOT be able to go toe to toe with a veteran 50 PvPer. That's why making friends and creating premades are important.


I did this on my second 50 and got zero tokens.


If you get no tokens for awhile you may end up purchasing an item you later get a token for, effectively wasting a bag (and the time associated with getting that bag). That's ridiculous. WoWs gearing system is 100x better (sadly, since I didn't even really like grinding PvP gear in that game), they could have just copied that if they weren't feeling particularly creative in the PvP department. People hate gearing RnG, this system takes it to an entirely new level of fail.


The 50 bracket is terrible for new 50s. The people who are already geared did not have to face battlemasters gearing up. They geared up 10x easier than fresh 50s. They also had easymode Illum dailies and weeklies that Republic actually showed up for. Yes the node trading was stupid, but at least you could get them done.


New 50s are getting screwed. An easy quick fix to make the system slightly less fail filled would be to make centurion gear purchased with warzone commendations at the same prices so you can get a complete centurion set upon hitting 50 quickly and easily (especially if you saved commendations). This way you get a cheap starter set and can be mildly competitive instead of a free kill.


Also, champion bags would then have champion commendations in them. Preferably they should also just remove tokens from the game completely and just give you many more champion and battlemaster commendations from each bag.


Illum is just a lost cause.

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  • 2 months later...

You would want to save your warzone/merc comms at this point. Your merc comms will convert 1:1 to warzone comms after patch so you will be sitting with max which will buy you 2 pieces of battlemaster gear since the valor restriction is being removed. Champion and Centurion pieces are not getting stat adjustments so you would be better served buying the recruit gear for credits and then mixing in a few battlemaster pieces as you will not get enough expertise out of champ/centurion.


That being said, feel free to open your bags and use those in the mean time. If you pvp regularly you can at least get into some cent gear for the time being.

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You would want to save your warzone/merc comms at this point. Your merc comms will convert 1:1 to warzone comms after patch so you will be sitting with max which will buy you 2 pieces of battlemaster gear since the valor restriction is being removed. Champion and Centurion pieces are not getting stat adjustments so you would be better served buying the recruit gear for credits and then mixing in a few battlemaster pieces as you will not get enough expertise out of champ/centurion.


That being said, feel free to open your bags and use those in the mean time. If you pvp regularly you can at least get into some cent gear for the time being.


Cool thanks <--- necro

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you're about to enter into the warzone/ilum area, and what you're about to face is going to either make you re-decide pvp in this game, or go pve and avoid pvp.


Edit: i just wanted to say: I got my 5th champion helm today! Woohoo for rng failure!



i am really concerned about this expertise system, and the "bag-o-fail" system.


49's coming into battle

(you will be slaughtered like pigs, you are in my prayers)


  • zero expertise, battles become extreme
  • less survival
  • less damage output
  • less endurance
  • no gear set for level 49's to enter into the level 50 warzones to have better chances against those with champion/battlemaster gear (they walk in with 18 expertise)


"bag-o-fail" system

(simply a bad idea for giving out gear. Luck gears a player along with mass amounts of time spent -- skill need not apply)


  • creates farm teams (sharing accounts, or paying someone to farm 24hr wzs for you)
  • offers no real reward, just if you have the time, you gear (and a lot of time)
  • skilled players are provided with no challenge
  • continue to get the same item over and over, no option to turn in for something you really need an upgrade in
  • 30wz commendations for 10 mercenary (should be 30 for 15 -- at least)
  • objectives, ranking system should be implemented to say you achieved something to get the gear
  • allow those who are 49 to obtain the level 50 gear (or provide them with a lower tier set to enter warzones with right away) but simply not be allowed to wear the gear until 50


level 49's are about to embark on a horrible pvp system soon, and those already know exactly what that is.


I have a really bad headache at the moment, so i have thrown this out without a pure statistical reference. The information provided here is just off the top of my head -- and how i see problems within the game -- bioware really needs to look into this pvp system rapidly with passion.


right now warzone pvp is: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. (i hope they change this, and soon)


currently i am mostly champion, i was slightly behind those who got into the game early and those who do nothing but play. Even i see struggle -- but level 49's about to enter into a fully geared level 50 warzone are going to feel the wrath of bioware.


to level 49 players: rejoice and enjoy the time you have at level 49, think back to how much fun and exploration you had while leveling. If i beat you in a warzone, i hold no remorse towards you.


Oh noes! We have to grind in endgame a little to get better gear, that sucks!


Oh noes! Fresh 50's will face 50's that has better gear than the fresh 50's!


That is not fair!


What is this magic!!


Oh noes!

Edited by Caeliux
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what rng? they replaced that with getting tokens to buy it and a tiny tiny chance of getting a bonus champ piece. i liked what they had way way better when it started i have 2 50's from when there was a heavy rng system to gettin gear and 2 after. the 2 from before are both under valor 55 and have full champ sets and the 2 from the new rng "lite" setup took till around valor 58 to 60 to get the full champ set it literally felt like the new system adds about 50% more grind to get gear than did at open. either way it takes 2 to 4 days to get a half cent and half champ set anyway so guess my point was you have no point.
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WHAT? You got your 5th Champion Helm? I am almost full BM and I have never gotten a Champion Token EVER!


On a serious note, fresh 50s will get rolled hard. But pvp gear is pretty easy to get. The difference between Champion and BM isn't that great either. So it really doesn't take that long to stop being a fresh 50.

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WHAT? You got your 5th Champion Helm? I am almost full BM and I have never gotten a Champion Token EVER!


On a serious note, fresh 50s will get rolled hard. But pvp gear is pretty easy to get. The difference between Champion and BM isn't that great either. So it really doesn't take that long to stop being a fresh 50.


Take a look at the new recruit gear stats, they will not be getting rolled so long as they have the 340k credits to buy the set.


This thread is now moot.

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You're about to enter into the Warzone/Ilum area, and what you're about to face is going to either make you re-decide PVP in this game, or go PVE and avoid PVP.





I am really concerned about this Expertise system, and the "Bag-O-Fail" system.


49's coming into battle

(you will be slaughtered like pigs, you are in my prayers)


  • zero expertise, battles become extreme
  • less survival
  • less damage output
  • less endurance
  • no gear set for level 49's to enter into the level 50 Warzones to have better chances against those with Champion/Battlemaster gear (they walk in with 18 expertise)


"Bag-O-Fail" system

(simply a bad idea for giving out gear. Luck gears a player along with mass amounts of time spent -- skill need not apply)


  • creates farm teams (sharing accounts, or paying someone to farm 24hr WZs for you)
  • offers no real reward, just if you have the time, you gear (and a lot of time)
  • skilled players are provided with no challenge
  • continue to get the same item over and over, no option to turn in for something you really need an upgrade in
  • 30WZ Commendations for 10 Mercenary (should be 30 for 15 -- at least)
  • objectives, ranking system should be implemented to say you achieved something to get the gear
  • allow those who are 49 to obtain the level 50 gear (or provide them with a lower tier set to enter warzones with right away) but simply not be allowed to wear the gear until 50


Level 49's are about to embark on a horrible PVP system soon, and those already know exactly what that is.


I have a really bad headache at the moment, so I have thrown this out without a pure statistical reference. The information provided here is just off the top of my head -- and how I see problems within the game -- BioWare really needs to look into this PVP system rapidly with passion.


Right now Warzone PVP is: The Rich get Richer, the Poor get Poorer. (I hope they change this, and soon)


Currently I am mostly Champion, I was slightly behind those who got into the game early and those who do nothing but play. Even I see struggle -- but level 49's about to enter into a fully geared level 50 Warzone are going to feel the wrath of BioWare.


To level 49 players: rejoice and enjoy the time you have at level 49, think back to how much fun and exploration you had while leveling. If I beat you in a Warzone, I hold no remorse towards you.


Actually a smart PvPer will start buying level 46 weapons early and strip the mods/enhancements from them to put into their own gear giving them 5% expertise for their first match at 50. It isn't great but it's something.


Then there is also buying a champ bag for 200/200 and banking 1000/1000 which yields 90 centurion comms and 42 champ comms that they can open/buy/equip prior to their first match at 50. 90 cent comms will handle your ear, implants and probably a bracer. 42 champ comms will get you a relic.


There is NO reason to enter the 50 bracket naked.

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You're about to enter into the Warzone/Ilum area, and what you're about to face is going to either make you re-decide PVP in this game, or go PVE and avoid PVP.





I am really concerned about this Expertise system, and the "Bag-O-Fail" system.


49's coming into battle

(you will be slaughtered like pigs, you are in my prayers)


  • zero expertise, battles become extreme
  • less survival
  • less damage output
  • less endurance
  • no gear set for level 49's to enter into the level 50 Warzones to have better chances against those with Champion/Battlemaster gear (they walk in with 18 expertise)


"Bag-O-Fail" system

(simply a bad idea for giving out gear. Luck gears a player along with mass amounts of time spent -- skill need not apply)


  • creates farm teams (sharing accounts, or paying someone to farm 24hr WZs for you)
  • offers no real reward, just if you have the time, you gear (and a lot of time)
  • skilled players are provided with no challenge
  • continue to get the same item over and over, no option to turn in for something you really need an upgrade in
  • 30WZ Commendations for 10 Mercenary (should be 30 for 15 -- at least)
  • objectives, ranking system should be implemented to say you achieved something to get the gear
  • allow those who are 49 to obtain the level 50 gear (or provide them with a lower tier set to enter warzones with right away) but simply not be allowed to wear the gear until 50


Level 49's are about to embark on a horrible PVP system soon, and those already know exactly what that is.


I have a really bad headache at the moment, so I have thrown this out without a pure statistical reference. The information provided here is just off the top of my head -- and how I see problems within the game -- BioWare really needs to look into this PVP system rapidly with passion.


Right now Warzone PVP is: The Rich get Richer, the Poor get Poorer. (I hope they change this, and soon)


Currently I am mostly Champion, I was slightly behind those who got into the game early and those who do nothing but play. Even I see struggle -- but level 49's about to enter into a fully geared level 50 Warzone are going to feel the wrath of BioWare.


To level 49 players: rejoice and enjoy the time you have at level 49, think back to how much fun and exploration you had while leveling. If I beat you in a Warzone, I hold no remorse towards you.


You nay sayers need to stop ************ or leave. Go back to wow go to gw who gives a damn. Or you can be patient look up all the info on what will be coming and what will be going on with Ilum and PvP and let the game mature. The I WANT IT NOW mentality has to go.

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You nay sayers need to stop ************ or leave. Go back to wow go to gw who gives a damn. Or you can be patient look up all the info on what will be coming and what will be going on with Ilum and PvP and let the game mature. The I WANT IT NOW mentality has to go.


Look at the date on the original post, this topic is soon to become irrelevant with the new gear set.


The gear topic will also soon become less prevelant overall in the forums once people are on more or less equal playing fields for gear, which is right around the corner for all of us :)

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I am going to ding 50 tonight and have 1 bag in my bank and 1000/1000 merch / wz commendations. Should I start going for gear now or wait till the 1.2 patch?


Congratulations - any particular reason why you revived this long dead thread ? Bad Troll is bad.

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