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Damage Meter, how to get if you want?


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Aww you poor dear. You need a damage meter to figure out how to improve your performance. Sigh. Well... I just don't know what to tell you. Other than you use your own brains to figure it out. You know, intelligence. <3


No, I don't require damage meters to improve my performance, they just make it a bit easier. I utilize tools that are available to me to better myself. If they aren't ever available, I'll make due with frapsing myself over a period of time and seeing if I can figure out a way to improve that way. If you aren't willing to critique your own performance and improve any flaws you may find, you won't be successful, in a video game or in real life.

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And if you keep dying repeatedly because you are not killing the boss fast enough? How will anyone know if they're doing as much as they could. I know personally, I'd like to at least know how I can contribute the most to a fight, even if others don't.


if you dont just sit there drinking coffee and picking your nose, but you hit things now and again thats more than enough contribution for mostm i think the only people we dont care for are the ones that pretend to be afk, yet they still manage to roll on things. : )


not sure if it will be like this on the live forums but on beta there was a lot of us that used to help the low ones though flash points if they cant get the people they need, there is a lot of caring and sharing from what i saw in beta.


i would also think that a lot of the time if you die you will beable to work out why, most of the scary bits is if you dont know something and get knocked off a ledge or you run over a lovly colourfull bridge and the thing vanishes below you( im sure a lot of you know what i mean) , or extra groups get pulled. either way you learn from it and dont do it again. ; )

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Aww you poor dear. You need a damage meter to figure out how to improve your performance. Sigh. Well... I just don't know what to tell you. Other than you use your own brains to figure it out. You know, intelligence. <3


The difficulty doesn't just fall on healers and tanks. They have a right to know how much DPS is being done by dedicated DPSers. In the absence of this DPSers can just grab a sandwich, hit random keys with their offhand, and then blame the tanks and healers.

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Theory Crafting ruined WoW. Everyone in the same gear pressing the same buttons and flaming anyone who tried to do something different.

You can shove your damage meter, recount, and all that other cap where the sun don't shine for me.


Theory Crafting made WoW shine. Someone was flamed because his spec was not optimal. And optimal specs were for raid only. You will get same here. And Recount realy helps to determine performance in raid for example. Not only dps. It is always a problem that more expirienced players dont want to waste their time for newbs.

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Just wondering if all the pro recount players would be happy with something that does everything recount does like interrupt tracking, uptime, etc. and no damage counter.


Only if we can keep it a secret when a tank fails to keep aggro or a healer lets someone die. Sound fair?

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Just wondering if all the pro recount players would be happy with something that does everything recount does like interrupt tracking, uptime, etc. and no damage counter.


I'd be happy with something that does nothing other than track things done to me or by me. That way no one gets upset about 'DPS meter elitists'. I don't want a DPS meter that I can lord over other people for failing. I just want something I can utilize myself to improve my performance should I feel it's lacking.

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I remember a time when you played a game to have fun and determined what you were doing from 'feel' and 'skill'...


Not when you have a meter that says "stop dpsing, hold my hand now quick... we're crossing a road" -.-


Ok, so in a full raid how do I tell when a DPSer is slacking off? I already know how to tell if a tank or healer is slacking off. How do I *prove* that a DPSer is slacking off in a full raid without a meter?

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I'd be happy with something that does nothing other than track things done to me or by me. That way no one gets upset about 'DPS meter elitists'. I don't want a DPS meter that I can lord over other people for failing. I just want something I can utilize myself to improve my performance should I feel it's lacking.


Sorry, you sign up for DPS in a group and others have a right to know. It's your role.

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Sorry, you sign up for DPS in a group and others have a right to know. It's your role.


I'm not arguing that at all. I have no problem if others want to see the numbers I put up. But I know there are plenty of people out there that don't want others to know what they're doing. Now, personally, I wouldn't ever raid with any of those people, but I don't have a problem grouping with them as long as they aren't causing the group to fail miserably.

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I love how people vehemently oppose any kind of tracking for PvE that shows contribution to group. Yet when you finish a warzone a handy window appears that shows damage, healing, kills, deaths, etc... noone is screaming "remove that from the game, it causes elitism"
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After watching some flashpoint videos I think a threat meter would be far superior than a damage meter.


However, there will be no addons at launch, that doesn't mean that there won't be any addons ever.


Addons are creative and have helped spur another internet culture. Addons have also improved other games.


If you played WoW in Vanilla or BC you would have never seen Quest POIs, decent Raid Frames, Raid Journal, Calendar, etc.


I don't know why there is so much hate toward WoW, when most of you played WoW for so long.


Can't we all just get along?

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Ok, so in a full raid how do I tell when a DPSer is slacking off? I already know how to tell if a tank or healer is slacking off. How do I *prove* that a DPSer is slacking off in a full raid without a meter?


Same way you did in vanilla, paying ATTENTION and knowing your teamates or hell doing 40m with only 15 ppl actually doing work

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Then you need to go play a single player game or you're just going to end up as one of those people with 20 alts cause they suck too much to do end game content with a single character.


Yes, because Bioware has totally indicated that this game is the Raid players answer to Eve's spreadsheet.


I roll my eyes in your general direction. :rolleyes:

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My personal opinion is that Damage Meters are not needed in a game. I observe my character and play around with different builds in an attempt to maximize my damage, etc.


However, I also see how using a damage meter can assist someone in doing that as well, and most likely accomplish that faster than my method.


The difference for me any way, is that I enjoy my method, over using a damage meter to determine optimization. That's just me.


So.. while I personally don't use them, if people want to use them, I see no reason they shouldn't be allowed to, even if I see their use as a crutch that in my opinion does more damage than good.



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You want a damage meter? Hate to say this but, go back to WoW.


This is not the game your looking for :p




becuase he wants a actual log of what hes doign to farther improve his skill, you recommend a game not built around pvp to do that....


its that same, totally off key advice that led poland just being given to hitler.

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I love how people vehemently oppose any kind of tracking for PvE that shows contribution to group. Yet when you finish a warzone a handy window appears that shows damage, healing, kills, deaths, etc... noone is screaming "remove that from the game, it causes elitism"



Remove that from the game... Because crappy PVPers think it means something important!



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becuase he wants a actual log of what hes doign to farther improve his skill, you recommend a game not built around pvp to do that....


its that same, totally off key advice that led poland just being given to hitler.


Everyone knows Hitler was a huge proponent of recount.

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