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What's your tanking spec?


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Hey there guardians,


I was curious to see if there are a number of effective tank specs out there, so I thought I'd ask.


What type of spec do you use to tank, and what do you usually tank? Lately I've been PVPing but have decided to put that on the back burner, so I'm looking for a decent PVE spec as well.


Here's what I'm using:


Hybrid 14/27/0

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I feel like this is a very good tank spec for PvP and PvE. It somewhat solves the guardian's main tanking problem (keeping threat on groups), but also allows for decent protection, good survivability, and somewhat decent damage. It takes a little thought to keep on top of it all and play it well, but I like it more than anything else I have seen.

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I feel like this is a very good tank spec for PvP and PvE. It somewhat solves the guardian's main tanking problem (keeping threat on groups), but also allows for decent protection, good survivability, and somewhat decent damage. It takes a little thought to keep on top of it all and play it well, but I like it more than anything else I have seen.


I used that build for a while and I can tell you that the 3 points in Accuracy are pretty worthless. You already have a 90% Melee and 100% Force base accuracy to begin with.


My suggestion is take those three points and get Courage 2/2 and Force Clap. When jumping into mobs in HM you will be happy that you can stun the weaker foes. And generating the free Blade Storm or Force Sweep is very handy to not let yourself get Focus starved.

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I used that build for a while and I can tell you that the 3 points in Accuracy are pretty worthless. You already have a 90% Melee and 100% Force base accuracy to begin with.


I was wondering about putting points in to accuracy as well. Still a far ways off but thanks for sharing.


Current build at level 25:





Goal at level 50 PVE:




Only difference I would make for PVP is to put full points to profound resolution instead of courage.


Is putting points into courage worth it over profound resolution for general usage?

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I used that build for a while and I can tell you that the 3 points in Accuracy are pretty worthless. You already have a 90% Melee and 100% Force base accuracy to begin with.


My suggestion is take those three points and get Courage 2/2 and Force Clap. When jumping into mobs in HM you will be happy that you can stun the weaker foes. And generating the free Blade Storm or Force Sweep is very handy to not let yourself get Focus starved.


I appreciate the advice, man!


My link may be faulty, though. I have 0 on accuracy but full courage and force clap. So pretty much exactly what you suggested :p


Nice to see like-minded guardians, though. Everyone is stuck on that 31-10-0 build :)


I was wondering about putting points in to accuracy as well. Still a far ways off but thanks for sharing.


Current build at level 25:





Goal at level 50 PVE:




Only difference I would make for PVP is to put full points to profound resolution instead of courage.


Is putting points into courage worth it over profound resolution for general usage?


Also, I'd suggest you give more to momentum. A free blade storm = free blade barrier, which does matter over all, in my opinion.


Courage is good for keeping a little threat on mobs that are close by, but it isn't killer not to have it. It is definitely useful, though!

Edited by JerBear-d
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I used that build for a while and I can tell you that the 3 points in Accuracy are pretty worthless. You already have a 90% Melee and 100% Force base accuracy to begin with.


My suggestion is take those three points and get Courage 2/2 and Force Clap. When jumping into mobs in HM you will be happy that you can stun the weaker foes. And generating the free Blade Storm or Force Sweep is very handy to not let yourself get Focus starved.


Accuracy over 100% reduces your opponent's defenses, so it is far from useless. Also, accuracy gets debuffed a LOT in TOR. I consider the Accuracy talent to be fundamental to any build.


EDIT: My current build for PvE http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500fMG0u0MZhGrMMhzzM.1

Edited by Kuriostone
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Accuracy over 100% reduces your opponent's defenses, so it is far from useless. Also, accuracy gets debuffed a LOT in TOR. I consider the Accuracy talent to be fundamental to any build.


EDIT: My current build for PvE http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500fMG0u0MZhGrMMhzzM.1


Why the 4% shield chance and not Commanding Awe which is 4% all damage reduction period? You are also missing a free crit on Blade Storm every 15 secs, and mobs under 20% free crit on Dispatch. Threat gen, pvp, totally useful talents.


14/27/0 is the best tree I have found thus far with experimentation.

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Why the 4% shield chance and not Commanding Awe which is 4% all damage reduction period? You are also missing a free crit on Blade Storm every 15 secs, and mobs under 20% free crit on Dispatch. Threat gen, pvp, totally useful talents.


14/27/0 is the best tree I have found thus far with experimentation.


That build he posted is kinda bad.


But 18/23 with command/profound resolution is superior to 14/27 for tanking purposes (see: AOE threat, a Guardian tank's biggest weakness) and stuns that make you lose threat are everywhere in hardmodes/operations.

Edited by TheLakers
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Pure theorycrafting here, my guard's still in the teens, but what about a 25/16/0? Some key buffs to Sweep for AoE while still picking up as many mezzes as possible? Or is that spreading things too thin and missing out on too much mitigation? (With neither Commanding Awe, nor Inner Peace to make up for the lesser protection of Shield Spec.)
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8/31/2 - Hardmode fps, offtank in hm ops


If I was main tanking nightmare/HM operations I'd probably go 11/27/3.


You absolutely need at least 11 Def for HM/nightmare ops.


There are a couple of fights(Karagga and Foreman Crusher especially) where even the most-geared and skilled healers will be strained and blowing Warding Call to help them out is vital.

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That build he posted is kinda bad.


But 18/23 with command/profound resolution is superior to 14/27 for tanking purposes (see: AOE threat, a Guardian tank's biggest weakness) and stuns that make you lose threat are everywhere in hardmodes/operations.


Incorrect on the 2nd part. You are thinking that trash tanking is critical, when in reality it isn't. Let's go down the list on actual boss fights where having Command and Resolute is useful.


Karagga's Palace:

Bonethrasher - 14/27 clearly wins since its a DPS fight anyway with the 50% cats spawning that can be CC'd the entire time.


Jarg and Sorno - Nothing you can use Force Push or Resolute on.


Foreman Crusher - Same as above. He does stun you, but it is a 2 sec stun and honestly I have not even bothered to see if Resolute is useful here as I just taunt back when I come out of it.


Puzzle Boss - Leap is so handy here for positioning, etc. Not worth giving up.


Last boss - Nothing that stuns, and leap is AMAZING here. Kite clockwise and move only when fire is on ground. Have another melee on your left, fire goes down, target him and leap, reposition frontal cone, rinse/repeat win.


Eternity Vault:

Not a single boss stuns in this encounter, so force push and Resolute are worthless.


As i said before. 14/27 is the clear winner for anyone that actually tanks NiM, HM weekly.

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Accuracy over 100% reduces your opponent's defenses, so it is far from useless. Also, accuracy gets debuffed a LOT in TOR. I consider the Accuracy talent to be fundamental to any build.


EDIT: My current build for PvE http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500fMG0u0MZhGrMMhzzM.1


With my current gear, which is nothing more than Daily and Crafted acquired purples (so far no HM has ever dropped anything for me) I stand at 96.58% Melee and 106.58% Force Accuracy without the talent. Perhaps worthless was a little strong word choice. How about, not as necessary as you would think. I have never seen any situation where putting points in Accuracy would be a benefit over the other Talents you could put those 3 points in. Force Clap and Courage are still, to me, far more useful and necessary talents over 3% Accuracy. Keep in mind, I do ZERO PvP and I don't know or care if those points are necessary for PvP. I have tested them extensively in PvE Hard Modes and I stand by recommendation.

Edited by Infinite_Zen
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Incorrect on the 2nd part. You are thinking that trash tanking is critical, when in reality it isn't. Let's go down the list on actual boss fights where having Command and Resolute is useful.


Karagga's Palace:

Bonethrasher - 14/27 clearly wins since its a DPS fight anyway with the 50% cats spawning that can be CC'd the entire time.


Jarg and Sorno - Nothing you can use Force Push or Resolute on.


Foreman Crusher - Same as above. He does stun you, but it is a 2 sec stun and honestly I have not even bothered to see if Resolute is useful here as I just taunt back when I come out of it.


Puzzle Boss - Leap is so handy here for positioning, etc. Not worth giving up.


Last boss - Nothing that stuns, and leap is AMAZING here. Kite clockwise and move only when fire is on ground. Have another melee on your left, fire goes down, target him and leap, reposition frontal cone, rinse/repeat win.


Eternity Vault:

Not a single boss stuns in this encounter, so force push and Resolute are worthless.


As i said before. 14/27 is the clear winner for anyone that actually tanks NiM, HM weekly.


Jarg does have the probes which Carbonize whoever is tanking him, but that's a problem with your DPS if you stay Carbonized for long.


Also yes, 14/27 is the best.


I would consider Unremitting, Commanding Awe, Force Rush, and Warding Call to be critical at this point.


I am not sold on Blade Barricade, I've had it at 3/3 before and I currently have it at 1/3 with those extra 2 points in Solidified Force for pvp purposes. Can't say I've noticed much of a difference.

Edited by Stncold
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I'm a little sketchy in the maths department.


How does a +4% reduction from all sources 100% of the time stack up against


A +20% damage reduction 24% of the time?


4.25% damage reduction over all, however with 4% all the time you avoid spike damage. Also factor in the 4% endurance bonus (scales with gear) and it's pretty solid to think about. However it makes me insanely sad that Vigilance is obviously a better majority tanking spec than the defense tree.

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