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Just cancelled my WOW account after...


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what game isnt a grind, be it mmo or singleplayer rpg. Dragon Age had grind, Kotor 1 and 2 had grind.

Nothing wrong with it if done properly and with a nice backstory, which is the reason I love SW TOR so much and why its my first mmo since SWG which was grinding done very poorly.


Every MMO will have some element of grinding, it's the nature of the beast.

Edited by slumpywpg
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like 5+ years of playing and I have only played the beta for SWTOR. I pre-ordered on December 8th so I must wait to play but I simply cannot do the "WOW grind" anymore...I look forward to a story, role-playing and playing while on my "medicine". :cool:


I look forward to seeing you all in the game.


You have taken your first step into a much larger world - Obi-Wan Kenobi



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It saddens me that i wasted 7 years of my life playing WoW, 7 years i can never get back. It woudln't have been so bad if the game had remained fun. Even with the collosal failure that is FFXIV i still had more fun than playing WoW.


If you truly "wasted" seven years on a game, my first question to you is why did it take you seven years to realize it was a waste?

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But Star Wars will never be huge like WOW. The maps are to tiny and you just follow the path.

Maps are too tiny??? Are you serious???


Anyway, if you wanna know what REAL grinding go play some Korean MMORPG.

I played Tantra, that game was hard grinding, on official servers it took about 18 months to reach max level and 99.9% of XP was from killing mobs.

Imagine killing a mob to get 0.005% XP knowing that if you die you would loose at least 1% XP (5% if no FS to resu you)

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