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Why am I still playing?


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Because this game is awesome!


Let me explain why I say this.


First, Bioware, I am LOVING the story lines of the side quests and of the class story. Even if I have to do the same side quests 50 times, they never really get old. Mostly because my Smuggler may say things in a different way from my Trooper, or my Jedi. Yes, the side quests are all the same, but the way my characters interact are completely different.


You make me feel like I AM this character I am playing. Well done there. I write stories myself and I completely love the way I feel immersed in the stories. Good job.


Second, I LOVE that we can not only have intimate relationships with our companions, but the ones who we don't get that close with, have their own back stories and quests they can give us. I spent a few credits and bought some low level affection items to give my companions I don't utilize as I quest except to craft for me and already they all wanted to speak to me and tell me about their past lives. You all have made me feel as if my companions are family. Not MY family, but my character's family.


Thirdly, I am really enjoying the space combat. Sure it's pretty simple and feels mostly like a first person shooter arcade type game, but it IS a nice break from questing and grinding and running all over the galaxy. Plus, my favorite part is that at the very least one-three of your companions are in the action with you! Take my Smuggler. When I do space combat, I hear Corso and Risha in the background. Corso's telling me about the upcoming ships, most times the ones I need to shoot down, and I follow his voice. I wear head phones so I can hear their voices pretty well.


I have immense fun listening to them make snide comments or give advice or even panic when they don't need to. I hope you don't remove the space combat. If other people don't like the combat, they don't have to play it.


I really hope there will be an expansion sometime down the line. While my Smuggler is only 35 and she's in the middle of getting her 5th companion, I really do hope you guys add a few other Star Wars planets, that the level cap is raised and we have a second part to our class story line. Just because we finish the first one by the time we hit 50, it doesn't mean that our class journey is over. Please PLEASE add a second part to our storylines. That would be extra awesome.


One piece of advice for you all, aside from fixing the important things people before me have already voiced many times, please DO NOT turn this game into a Star Wars version of WoW. Just because what worked (or didn't) for THAT game, doesn't necessarily mean it'd work for this game.


I know there are others who play this game who enjoy it as much as I do. I will continue to subscribe as long as you guys are around and as long as there continues to be more and more story lines (which is ONE main reason why I'm here and not playing boring old WoW). Also, when you guys have fixed or added the more important things people have mentioned, PLEASE add more for our companions. As I said earlier, all of my companions feel like a part of my family and more interaction with them, quests or no quests, would be great!



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My personal favorite bit of fluff is the mail you get after completing a quest. I just did a quest for my Merc and this time I broke from character and let the person go. A bit later I got a letter telling me how she and her family are putting money on me in the great hunt and they are cheering for me n what not. SO COOL! This game rocks! Thanks Bioware for putting another little bit of awesome in the world!
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My personal favorite bit of fluff is the mail you get after completing a quest. I just did a quest for my Merc and this time I broke from character and let the person go. A bit later I got a letter telling me how she and her family are putting money on me in the great hunt and they are cheering for me n what not. SO COOL! This game rocks! Thanks Bioware for putting another little bit of awesome in the world!



I forgot about that part! When I first got an ingame mail from an NPC I was like 'woot!' Almost every little thing you do, good or bad, in the game someone you killed/helped mails you. I've gotten credits, companion gifts and even weapons/armor from my decisions. THIS is why I continue to play!

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