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Help me understand the "killed WoW" argument


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Why is that every single thread pushing the game to have modern MMO features has the same group of people parroting the exact same argument?


- cross-server LFG/Warzones: killed WoW

- Dual spec: killed WoW

- Mods: killed WoW

- Damage Meters: killed WoW

- Reduced travel time: killed WoW

- Barber shop: killed WoW

- Server transfer: killed WoW

- AC respec: (would) kill WoW

- Faction transfer: killed WoW


Thanks in advance for your time.

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Why is that every single thread pushing the game to have modern MMO features has the same group of people parroting the exact same argument?


- cross-server LFG/Warzones: killed WoW

- Dual spec: killed WoW

- Mods: killed WoW

- Damage Meters: killed WoW

- Reduced travel time: killed WoW

- Barber shop: killed WoW

- Server transfer: killed WoW

- AC respec: (would) kill WoW

- Faction transfer: killed WoW


Thanks in advance for your time.

WoW died on November 23rd, 2004.


In all seriousness, a certain segment of the MMO fanbase either hates the game for the direction it took the genre in or put waaaaay tooooooo much time into it, burned out, and turned on it for the oddest of reasons because, hey, it can't be their fault they burned out.


And, yes, it is possible to like both WoW and SWTOR.

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