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Ilum valor farming is pathetic


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just an fyi, not every server has this going for it.

Ilum on my server is full of imps trying to zerg the reps but getting demolished because we are better pvpers and play smarter.

also our ratio is 2:1 maybe 3:1

were actually a server that ends up doing rep v rep huttball a lot.

(we actually enjoy it since it gives us a challange)


That is pretty interesting. Outnumbered by Imps in ILUM, but not in warzones causing you to get same faction huttball.


What server? What's are the guild's that are so good at pvp they are beating 2:1 numbers in Ilum?

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It really is silly... sure there aren't any objectives to really care to control long-term (though it is beneficial while you're there), but there IS pvp available: people just don't use it. Instead on my server they've taken to taking turns farming eachother's zerg until their daily/weekly quests are done. I actually have gone out to kill people and cap the opposing points, etc. and been yelled at by several players each time, including people who relogged from Imps to do so with a similar name on Republic (my faction). It's totally messed up, and it's the players' fault. Is Ilum good or even anywhere near perfect? No. However, there is PVP to be had, yet people would rather just boringly farm eachother with no contest.


It's more a symptom of the "I MUST get this done, I CANNOT fail, failing would be tragic, I am too good to fail, I deserve this handed to me NOW" mentality of players who won't fight to earn rewards, aka "entitlement generation" players :( than anything else, as to why this happens. They could provide a rich RVR system and I have no doubt people would, in this game, find the easiest way to exploit the system with eachother and do so to no end.

Edited by Ancen
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Actually, we make valor farm because it does not have sense to do anything else.


  • Are there objectives (forts, towers, etc.) to take? No there are not.
  • Are there siege weapons to buy and use (lasers, machine guns, shield generators, etc? No there are not.
  • Are there points that you can change by pvp abilities, passive stats, etc? No there are not.
  • Do players with more Valor rank give more valor when you kill em? No...
  • Is there any kind of guild PvP ranking or player guild ranking? No man
  • Is there any kind of relic or mystic object which grants your faction with some kind of buff that could be taken or protected? No there is not.
  • Are there any objective that could be claimed by guilds and leveled up, etc? No there are not.


So, Ilum (better said, an instance of Ilum) is the place where you enter, you write "Invite Ilum2", you go to the Republic base (where the Imperial zerg is camping the rebels), you get your dayly mission credit (and more valor if you need it), and then you leave. That is the summary of SWTOR's open PVP (a game of 100+ million dollars!!!!)


BioWare, KICK THE PEOPLE WHO DESIGNED THIS **** OF PVP SYSTEM. Or better, wait until Guild Wars 2 is out to see how things should be done.





I call BS on this.


If there is a way to exploit you will do it in any game you play.


Saying I cheat because I don't like the pvp is such a cop out.


Devs should just give up on pvp because people like this who justify cheating with lame ***** reasons.


This happens in every PvP game that comes out in an MMO.


The ones who kill the PvP in MMOs are the people who pvp in MMOs and sadly no developer has reaized it yet.

Edited by Amiracle
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Here's an easy fix that for some reason Bioware seems too stupid to implement. Take Ilum out of the game. It's a failed design, and yes when a developer implements a ****** or ignorant design philosophy then I will blame them for the failure, not the players for using that stupid design. It's the developers fault for sucking at design, not the players fault.
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Here's an easy fix that for some reason Bioware seems too stupid to implement. Take Ilum out of the game. It's a failed design, and yes when a developer implements a ****** or ignorant design philosophy then I will blame them for the failure, not the players for using that stupid design. It's the developers fault for sucking at design, not the players fault.


Bull... you can't FORCE players to play properly if they just want to cheat... all you can do is implement a system that allows them to compete and hope they use it. You people simply are exploiting and blaming anything but yourselves to justify it. They have implemented a system, even if it's not ideal, that lets us engage in Player vs. Player fighting, but people instead have chosen to simply exploit. What else are they supposed to do in this case?

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If they take valor away from Illum they kill what is left of the "world pvp"

instead they should make it so "zerging" didnt give as much valor as group vs group fights.


if alot of players hit one target, they each get a very small valor potion

if one player hits one target he/she gets all the valor.


but they need to change illum, remove the flight paths, so we have some chokepoints, where people can fight, we need atleast 3 imo.

that way people have to spread out between the chokes and the middle.

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If they take valor away from Illum they kill what is left of the "world pvp"

instead they should make it so "zerging" didnt give as much valor as group vs group fights.


if alot of players hit one target, they each get a very small valor potion

if one player hits one target he/she gets all the valor.


but they need to change illum, remove the flight paths, so we have some chokepoints, where people can fight, we need atleast 3 imo.

that way people have to spread out between the chokes and the middle.


Wait, they don't have Valor split amongst your group/operation group already? REALLY? Basic game design 100 (not even 101) for god's sake.


Also you are right, if they completely remove the little metagame and reward that's there, it won't even have people to try to get to fight: it'll have no one. :(

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I agree it is pathetic to see groups trading kills. I thin though that it mainly completes daily and weekly quests for them. In terms of amounts of valour versus time it is probably faster and more fun to go to the war zone.
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BioWare screwed up big time when it comes to PvP. They blew it. They had the chance, and they blew it. They should have done something before now, but unless they are going to do a reset on all PvP, have Ilum fixed, remove the PvP stat on gear, have cross-server Warzones, have some sort of balance, this game is done as far as PvP is concerned.


You blew it BioWare. You failed at designing good PvP. You copied WoW with everything else, should've copied their PvP at the bare minimum.

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and yes when a developer implements a ****** or ignorant design philosophy then I will blame them for the failure, not the players for using that stupid design. It's the developers fault for sucking at design, not the players fault.


That's flat out untrue. There is nothing you can do to stop people from abusing a game's rules.


In tennis, you can theoretically trade points every serve if you want to. Is it a failed game because of that?


In football (soccer for the yanks), you can trade goals if you want to. Is it a failed game because of this?


In WoW, you could dual queue against a premade on the other faction and farm PVP achieves in BGs if you wanted to. Is it a failed game because of this?


Games are generally predicated on the idea that people want to play to win. If they don't, and they play to cheat, there is nothing you do to safeguard against it short of not having any rewards whatsoever for winning.


And then, people complain about no incentive for taking part.


The problem here isn't Ilum, the problem is that some players are more motivated by gear/valor than they are by winning. It's a sad reflection on the playerbase, not Bioware.

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It's not Bioware's fault that no one wants to PvP on Ilum. I think it's sad that people would rather be bored farming valor than actually PvPing. So what if you get your Battlemaster title 4x faster than if you would have PvP'd for it? It's not worth it if you didn't have fun


Think about this for a moment...


The designers have designed a system where PVP competition takes place. In competition, no one wants to lose, everyone wants to win. How do you win? By making sure that all advantages are on your side. So lets look at a few things shall we?


-Valor Grind

-Random Loot Bags


The system is designed as a time sink. Competitors who engage in this PVP system are intelligent enough to understand that at Valor rank 60 is where the best rewards are obtained. If they want to have all the advantages in PVP, thats what they need to have. How do you get Valor to 60 as fast as possible? First you have to be efficient and use a method that requires the least amount of effort. The way Illum was designed is a perfect example of players taking the path of least resistance in order to complete the grind as quickly as possible.


Gear progression and grinds in PVP do not work. It creates BOTs, AFK and exploitative player behaviors. New players do not enjoy getting facerolled by other players who have better gear than they do. PVP is about skill and teamwork. Not some stupid stat or stupid purple item.

Edited by Calei
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On the bright side, when PVP rankings come in (soon, hopefully) all them 1:1 kill ratio's are really going to hammer their KD ratio and knock them down the charts a lot more than a person who gets their valour from actual PVP activity :) Assuming of course BW don't mess that up and start everyone from scratch.....
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Think about this for a moment...


The designers have designed a system where PVP competition takes place. In competition, no one wants to lose, everyone wants to win. How do you win? By making sure that all advantages are on your side. So lets look at a few things shall we?


-Valor Grind

-Random Loot Bags


The system is designed as a time sink. Competitors who engage in this PVP system are intelligent enough to understand that at Valor rank 60 is where the best rewards are obtained. If they want to have all the advantages in PVP, thats what they need to have. How do you get Valor to 60 as fast as possible? First you have to be efficient and use a method that requires the least amount of effort. The way Illum was designed is a perfect example of players taking the path of least resistance in order to complete the grind as quickly as possible.


Gear progression and grinds in PVP do not work. It creates BOTs, AFK and exploitative player behaviors. New players do not enjoy getting facerolled by other players who have better gear than they do. PVP is about skill and teamwork. Not some stupid stat or stupid purple item.


This sums pretty much imo.

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BioWare screwed up big time when it comes to PvP. They blew it. They had the chance, and they blew it. They should have done something before now, but unless they are going to do a reset on all PvP, have Ilum fixed, remove the PvP stat on gear, have cross-server Warzones, have some sort of balance, this game is done as far as PvP is concerned.


You blew it BioWare. You failed at designing good PvP. You copied WoW with everything else, should've copied their PvP at the bare minimum.


Right because then people wouldn't ***** about it being like WoW, also i missed the class stories in WoW because that would have been cool and have NO clue how i missed companions and space battles. Can you tell me where i can do that? Because, as you said, they copied everything else from WoW.

In regards to PvP ya it seems a bit of a flop at launch, but i guess were screwed because Bioware can't update anything cuz it isn't an MM.... Wait a second!

People the game is a month old. WoW had years. MMO's need to time to sort things out. Quit crying.

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Right because then people wouldn't ***** about it being like WoW, also i missed the class stories in WoW because that would have been cool and have NO clue how i missed companions and space battles. Can you tell me where i can do that? Because, as you said, they copied everything else from WoW.

In regards to PvP ya it seems a bit of a flop at launch, but i guess were screwed because Bioware can't update anything cuz it isn't an MM.... Wait a second!

People the game is a month old. WoW had years. MMO's need to time to sort things out. Quit crying.


Well put. The game has been out less than 2-3 months and already people are writing it off lol.


I'd be happy to see the back of all those whiners, **** and don't come back.

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