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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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Greetings everyone!


We recently removed several posts from this thread for not being in compliance with our Rules of Conduct.


While we do welcome all feedback, both positive and negative, we ask that your feedback be constructive. For better understanding on helpful feedback, please refer to this thread by Allison Berryman.


Hi Everyone!


Part of our goal for the Star Wars: The Old Republic community is to ensure that our Forums are a great place to come to discuss all aspects of the game, and to make them a friendly environment for our players. We welcome all kinds of constructive discussion and feedback, but want to remind everyone that we expect your posts to be:

  • Constructive
  • Helpful
  • Respectful

If you haven’t done so recently, you might want to review the Rules of Conduct, which we do enforce on the Forums.


While we absolutely welcome constructive feedback regarding the game, we’ve seen many threads recently that are not constructive or helpful. We encourage you to share ideas about what you’d like to see in the game, but will not permit discussions that do not have any constructive suggestions or content, or those that are made solely to trash the game or community or offer no topic for discussion. Our developers and the Community Team are always reading the forums and gathering your feedback, but constructive criticism is much more useful to us than posts that have no explanations or details and suggestions.


Constructive, well-reasoned feedback that offers specific suggestions about what you as players would like to see is extremely useful to us, and we’d like to see more feedback of this nature. However, feedback that states “this game sucks” and doesn’t offer actual suggestions about how to improve the game is not useful and only serves to incite argument, which in turn can make the forums very unfriendly to those who are looking to constructively discuss the game.


We will be closing more threads that do not offer constructive feedback or have degenerated into unhelpful flame wars. We expect everyone on the Forums to respect each other, even when disagreeing, and will not tolerate insults or disrespectful posts. Please remember to use the flag feature to report posts that violate the rules to our Community Representatives – don’t fight! Responding in kind to someone who has broken the rules only makes a thread worse.


We want to work with you to improve the Forums experience and to encourage constructive discussion, and we look forward to your feedback!


As a reminder, please keep the following in mind when replying:


  • Insults - Please do not resort to or use them in any way in your posts. Posts should be productive, not destructive.
  • Trolling - Please do not post messages that are purposefully designed to provoke, antagonize, or otherwise elicit a negative emotional response.
  • Agree to Disagree - Be respectful of others' viewpoints even if they are opposite of your own. Discuss disagreements constructively.
  • Flag, Don't Fight - Utilize the Flag Post feature to report possible rules violations, rather than responding to or fighting them.
  • Ignoring - If you feel you simply cannot get along with another community member, please place them on your ignore list.


Please note the topic is in regards to the following sticky by Courtney Woods:


Hi everyone!


Our upcoming maintenance for January 28th will begin from 2AM CST (12AM PST/3AM EST/8AM GMT/9AM CET) until 6AM CST (4AM PST/7AM EST/12PM GMT/1PM CET). All game servers will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than four hours, but could be extended.


There will be in-game notifications that the servers will be going down before maintenance begins.


In addition to this, we wanted to let you know that we will be performing scheduled maintenance for eight hours on January 31st, 2012 from 2AM CST (12AM PST/3AM EST/8AM GMT/9AM CET) until 10AM CST (8AM PST/11AM EST/4PM GMT/5PM CET). All game servers and swtor.com will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than eight hours, but could be extended.


For our new players, this weekly maintenance is done in order to make general improvements and to check performance of the game so that we can continue to provide a consistent, quality experience. Quite often (but not always) after a maintenance period there will a patch to download. After the maintenance, please login via the launcher to download the latest patch. If your launcher was open during the maintenance, you must close and reopen it for a fresh login.


Scheduled Maintenance


Date: Tuesday, January 31st, 2012




All game servers and swtor.com will be offline during this period. This maintenance is expected to take no more than eight hours.


Thank you for your patience as we maintain service for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


Please note that if you wish to continue the general discussion of maintenance and its impact on our EU community versus feedback about this specific maintenance, we ask that you please continue this discussion here:




Additionally, you can see the Patch Notes 1.1.1 HERE


We encourage you to please be constructive and civil in your posts. If rude and insulting behavior continues, we will be closing this thread.


Thank you for your patience!

Edited by Ellvaan
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I imagine it's a critical issue or exploit(s) being patched.


Generally, when something like this is announced, that's what's going on.

If it was critical they would not have made it PLANNED and done so in the night in the US / morning in the EU.

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If this patch isnt balancing pvp its a joke to be doing this on a Friday night. I think this is a direct reflection of their lack of customer service skills. Just add a ticket in game and you will understand what I am talking about.
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I went from liking Bioware to very much disliking their service and can't defend their relations anymore.


Downtime - Saturday - afternoon? Really. And to fix what they wrote in the patch notes? Seriously?


I like the game, but this clouds my desire to resub. They're clueless, unless there's more they're not telling us.

Edited by xandax
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I guess I'm remembering wrong in the early days of WoW when the servers were down during EU primetime and the American forums were flooded with EU players crying about how they were being treated like second class players.


I guess you do since EU players could never write anything in the US Forums.

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I'm sorry this has been said probably a million times and i'm gonna say it again..

I got the feeling that Swtor has been released atleast 2 months too soon, in my opinion the Beta should have been available to more people then it has been.


Clearly there are issues with the game that could have been seen if the testing took a month maybe 2 longer.


Yes i'm a EU resident and it pisses me off quite a bit that maintenance is during the day for us, i kind have accepted it is done on a Tuesday/Wednesday but on a Saturday??? also this isnt just patching it seems since were already 1 1/2 hours over scedule here.


I'm wondering if this is going to continue that there will be extended playtime compensation or something similair to keep the PAYING CUSTOMER happy....

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I am from the UK

I work all week and only have a few hours to play in the evenings


Saturday and Sunday I like to play swtor.


To take the EU servers down on a Saturday morning, is just plain stupid !


Would someone like to tell Bioware the we are 8 hours adrift from them ?


Its all fair and well to start the patches in the USA in the early hours of there time zone, but don't they understand its the day time over


in England and the EU ?


Sort this issue out please Bioware

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@ThunderZstorm -- Seriously, if this is of such importance to you, you really should unsubscribe and leave the game and forums! You're exhibiting an excessive amount of nerd-rage and an overblown sense of entitlement, plus making assumptions on what is being patched and why with no knowledge of what the obviously urgent problem is that you're going to blow an artery. Do yourself a favor -- go out, get some fresh air doing something in the real world, and decide if this is worth the amount of negativity you're giving to it. In my own opinion, you're too far gone to ever be happy on this game, so do us all a favor too and leave.
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Was there not a better way to inform players of this? Like creating a completely new thread saying "Emergency Shutdown January 28th" rather than putting it under the January 31st one? That or putting it at the log in screen?


I am glad that Bioware is taking the time to fix some of the numerous problems with this game, however the way they notified people were rather poor. A large majority of players do not use the forums, those who do are just the vocal minority. I know there are other things to do (read, tv, another game, sleep, etc.) but I assume that many people are complaining because they were looking forward to being able to play and then for a lot of people it was "SURPRISE SHUTDOWN" along with "Oh, we let you know by putting it under the January 31st thread:D"

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It's Saturday FFS - go out and hang out with your RL friends, get some fresh air, clean your basements, take out the trash piling up by your computer, anything more productive than all this whinging!!! :rolleyes:

Thats what you do after work. On weekends you spend time enjoying games and things not related to work and on the evening spend time with friends.


But this is not possible if they keep *********** things up. EA is known for this and I doubt it will change anytime soon. Not until they have someone who knows more about geography and customer service.


This is one of the reasons games like WoW goes so smooth. They have good customer service and don't **** things up so often.

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There is nothing in these patch notes that would need to happen on a weekend. Especially when you cant get it done in the 4 hours. SOE/Bioware? Its getting harder to not make the connections.
How would you say that to the players having disconnection issues to the point the game is unplayable?
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