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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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I think if EU keeps on complaining, that BW will eventually see the error in their ways and make a more friendly downtime schedule for the EU servers. It even makes more sense to release on fewer servers first, like only the EU ones, to see if there is a catastrophic error or something in a patch.
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4pm GMT. That's the entire Saturday gone for EU players. It's as if BW wants EU players to run away from the game.


Well, they succeeded - sub cancelled.


You canelled because of a patch on a Saturday? You're an emotional feller aren't ya.

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im pretty sure that if Bioware decides to do maintenance seperately like everyone is crying for, people will still complain. I work at night and when im done with work the time zone im in is right when maintenance starts, so im SOL monday nights. What can you do?


im also convinced that if Bioware gave everyone $100 every day, people will still complain. my $100 isnt new, mine is folded different, mind is old blah blah blah.


This has got to be the most immature game community I have ever seen. Even the game we all love to hate is more tolerant of things like this.

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Then along comes Bioware, puts up a wicked grin and flips them the finger.


This is probably the reason why some subscribers complain about maintenance times.


And sorry to say this but from the looks of it, US customerbase doesn't seem to give a **** about anyone but themself.


Hahaha! That's a serious overreaction. Oh man.


I live in CST. This actually falls right into my usual playing time because of the hours I work. Guess BioWare just hates everyone? RIGHT...


Take a deep breath. Think of one other thing you could do instead of overreact and complain for 4 hours until the servers go down. They are releasing a patch to improve the game... wow.


I'm gonna go back to work, but when I get home I think I might get a bowl of popcorn and read through the rest of this ridiculous thread. Should be very entertaining.

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im pretty sure that if Bioware decides to do maintenance seperately like everyone is crying for, people will still complain. I work at night and when im done with work the time zone im in is right when maintenance starts, so im SOL monday nights. What can you do?


Why would you even complain? It's perfect time for US gamers.

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During those four hours, do something else.


That so hard? I'm in Europe, and I can cope. US makes up the vast majority of the playerbase, by a large margin, and I know that. That's why I understand Bioware making the times fit the US, because they have to cater to the largest audience.


Just spend time reading, watching TV, talking smack about Americans, talking smack about other Europeans, getting drunk, etc.


Or, if you really want to, watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and join the herd, comrades.

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Why would you even complain? It's perfect time for US gamers.


I'm not complaining about maintenance or times? I am a US gamer.


edit: and yes i do realize that there are 2 maintenance days going to happen in the next few days, im speaking overall when there is regular maintenance done that the people in this thread are complaining about.

Edited by Rygah
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That so hard? I'm in Europe, and I can cope. US makes up the vast majority of the playerbase, by a large margin, and I know that. That's why I understand Bioware making the times fit the US, because they have to cater to the largest audience.


CCP does DTs around the same part of the day every single day.

1100 UTC

European company

Most players live in USA.


Why they don't do it so not only Aus/NZ gets shafted but also EU? Would make sense to give better service to largest audience.

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All servers going down at the same time makes no sense whatsoever. No, I don't care that they are going down in the morning, what I do care is BW making stupid decisions without any valid reason. It's like a car manufacturer putting a sail on the car, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?
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All servers going down at the same time makes no sense whatsoever. No, I don't care that they are going down in the morning, what I do care is BW making stupid decisions without any valid reason. It's like a car manufacturer putting a sail on the car, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?


Probably because this is a critical fix and they're patching an exploit, and don't want to publicize information until it's fixed.


Makes sense to me.


Have you ever managed a world-class MMO, or any on line service of any kind?

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Probably because this is a critical fix and they're patching an exploit, and don't want to publicize information until it's fixed.


Makes sense to me.


Have you ever managed a world-class MMO, or any on line service of any kind?


if it WAS so critical, they would have brought servers down immediately. Guess it wasnt so important if it could wait untill US primetime is over

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if it WAS so critical, they would have brought servers down immediately. Guess it wasnt so important if it could wait untill US primetime is over


Believe what you like. They're not changing the patch schedule for you. not tomorrow at least.


The exploit probably isn't well known, so they didn't see a reason to bring the servers down during US primetime. If it was well known, or something was threatening server stability they may have.


It's also POSSIBLE that the complete patchset wasn't completed when the announcement was made.


They are catering to the majority of subscribers and will always do so.


I suggest you get used to the idea.

Edited by VorpalK
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LMAO..................DOWN TIME HAS TO DONE,i dont like it either and it dosnt matter what time BW dose it some1 will always have a cry.

Its a part of the mmo world and all i gotta say is get over it,go outside,play somthing else,make love to ur girl(or man) and chill the F out. ;)

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Probably because this is a critical fix and they're patching an exploit, and don't want to publicize information until it's fixed.


Makes sense to me.


Have you ever managed a world-class MMO, or any on line service of any kind?


Nothing like trying to make a non-existent point with ad hominems. The servers are on separate clusters, moving the EU downtime 12h backwards or forward shouldn't affect anything. Since you can't read, I'll say it again. I don't mind the time being what it is, I just don't understand the reason for it, because many people are obviously angry about it.

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LMAO..................DOWN TIME HAS TO DONE,i dont like it either and it dosnt matter what time BW dose it some1 will always have a cry.

Its a part of the mmo world and all i gotta say is get over it,go outside,play somthing else,make love to ur girl(or man) and chill the F out. ;)


No one would have a cry if they did it like Blizzard does it with WoW. Why can't you people get that? WHY?

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