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Huttball Exploit?


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Oh and the dictionary says this about Crossing the Line "to move, pass, or extend from one side or place to another"


Soooooooooooooooooooo it's a score whether touching the line or not... the line actually extends up the wall as well in hutt ball soooooooo technically it's a goal area of sorts :p

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Well, I dont see anything wrong with the tactic. The AFK debuff prevents it from being abused and I really only use it when we are tied and the enemy is about to score in the last 5 seconds of the game. Grappling him over the line into the zone, killing him and giving me the ball and then winning a tied game. Its just Epic.

Upon testing, I find that you are indeed correct. Though I could have sworn that I tested it earlier and the debuff went away (must have been in Voidstar instead).


But I still hold that it is a problem. I've had people from the opposing team willingly run into the fire to die just to get back to their spawn to do it to my team.

It is seriously harming the enjoyment of Huttball and there is just no excuse for allowing it.

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Oh and the dictionary says this about Crossing the Line "to move, pass, or extend from one side or place to another"


Soooooooooooooooooooo it's a score whether touching the line or not... the line actually extends up the wall as well in hutt ball soooooooo technically it's a goal area of sorts :p


Yeah but the difference is that you need actually touch the line, which is something you arent doing. It works the same way with knockbacks. Noticed that the colored area does not extend to the wall? Well if you get knockbacked and over the colored area, you dont score either. Given you can still score by doing a few steps to the side but still.



@Milco, try walking on the sides behind the fences. You can glitch some weird stuff there. But even there the AFK debug still counts.


Also, I rather have them fix the CC stuff in general first. As it is right now with all the stuns, snares etc not being effected by Anti -CC and Resolve, its just aggrivating.

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Yeah but the difference is that you need actually touch the line, which is something you arent doing. It works the same way with knockbacks. Noticed that the colored area does not extend to the wall? Well if you get knockbacked and over the colored area, you dont score either. Given you can still score by doing a few steps to the side but still.



@Milco, try walking on the sides behind the fences. You can glitch some weird stuff there. But even there the AFK debug still counts.


Also, I rather have them fix the CC stuff in general first. As it is right now with all the stuns, snares etc not being effected by Anti -CC and Resolve, its just aggrivating.

You can stop the afk timer indefinitely by walking a few steps past the divide near the fence, used to do it a fair bit on my Assassin (perma stealth goalkeeper style)

Edited by Manigma
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Yeah but the difference is that you need actually touch the line, which is something you arent doing. It works the same way with knockbacks. Noticed that the colored area does not extend to the wall? Well if you get knockbacked and over the colored area, you dont score either. Given you can still score by doing a few steps to the side but still.



@Milco, try walking on the sides behind the fences. You can glitch some weird stuff there. But even there the AFK debug still counts.


Also, I rather have them fix the CC stuff in general first. As it is right now with all the stuns, snares etc not being effected by Anti -CC and Resolve, its just aggrivating.


Who says you need to touch the line? he says cross the line just like cheating could mean anything at all.


That's the problem with this community, they make excuses for exploits and really poor judgement when it comes to fairness and then blame BW for other players behaviour in 90% of cases. He says cross the line, touch it or not, being pulled up to the spawn means you have passed/crossed the line by any means available... it should result in a score.

Edited by Satans_Puppet
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Who says you need to touch the line? he says cross the line just like cheating could mean anything at all.


That's the problem with this community, they make excuses for exploits and really poor judgement when it comes to fairness and then blame BW for other players behaviour in 90% of cases. He says cross the line, touch it or not, being pulled up to the spawn means you have passed/crossed the line by any means available... it should result in a score.


There is nothing wrong with this community making excuses. Cuz players make excuses for everythign as it is anyway. If you get stunned inside the colored area, the score does not add up either. if you get knockbacked over it, it doesnt score either. If you step in it and get grappled or force pulled back, you still dont score either.


There is so many ways, the game does not register your score, yet you don't hear them complain about it. But because we grapple into the spawn zone and it kills you, its suddenly an exploit? Give me a break.


It is a game for **** sake, enjoy it. Shrug it off if you get killed that way or take revenge by throwing the ball to them on the ledge, since this will kill them too. Hell do it right and you can make 2 scores without resetting the ball by passing.

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There is nothing wrong with this community making excuses. Cuz players make excuses for everythign as it is anyway. If you get stunned inside the colored area, the score does not add up either. if you get knockbacked over it, it doesnt score either. If you step in it and get grappled or force pulled back, you still dont score either.


There is so many ways, the game does not register your score, yet you don't hear them complain about it. But because we grapple into the spawn zone and it kills you, its suddenly an exploit? Give me a break.


It is a game for **** sake, enjoy it. Shrug it off if you get killed that way or take revenge by throwing the ball to them on the ledge, since this will kill them too. Hell do it right and you can make 2 scores without resetting the ball by passing.


They don't complain about the other ways of the scores not registering because you don't INSTANTLY DIE! The others can be fixed with just a few steps...

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Why would I throw the ball to the enemy player? How exactly would that help me?


I believe it will kill them because they aren't in field of play.



but in my opinion, while he says "cheating is encouraged" then once team should be able to jump up and spawn camp the other team, if one team wants to use that as a pull, hell- i want to use that as a Jump, and not let 'em get out.

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I believe it will kill them because they aren't in field of play.



but in my opinion, while he says "cheating is encouraged" then once team should be able to jump up and spawn camp the other team, if one team wants to use that as a pull, hell- i want to use that as a Jump, and not let 'em get out.

Was able to do this huttball "cheat" today with my kinetic shadow. Seems "working as intended", since the person up there doing it has the deserter debuff and has to jump down eventually...
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The "cheating is encouraged" argument is ridiculous.


There is no in-context explanation for being instantly killed for entering the opposing spawn area. In fact, it's a mechanic designed to stop spawn-camping the enemy team. In other words, when you are pulled into the enemy spawn area, you are killed to prevent cheating.


It is an exploit. It could not be more obvious that it is an exploit.

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The "cheating is encouraged" argument is ridiculous.


There is no in-context explanation for being instantly killed for entering the opposing spawn area. In fact, it's a mechanic designed to stop spawn-camping the enemy team. In other words, when you are pulled into the enemy spawn area, you are killed to prevent cheating.


It is an exploit. It could not be more obvious that it is an exploit.


But you see the first people to complain if folks lived after this 'cheat' was done would be the people cheating because "Boo hoo I'm being spawn camped" - "But how did they get up there?" - "I pulled them up thinking it would kill them but BW updated it and now the mechanic just isn't working as intended"


There have been threads on this before and someone said that a dev had said it's working as intended in a post but NO ONE has actually linked to the Devs comments on the matter so therefore they don't exist. In every thread people have asked for proof and none has been given.... Shock Horror!

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I think this tactic is ok as an instant kill, but technically the ball crosses the line so it should also be a point.


If they want to instant kill me, sure go for it... but suffer the penalty of actually helping me get across the end zone. :)


Either that or give us all a little harpoon to use in order to do this. An instant kill is a very powerful tool, let us all have one, just like you can pick up grenades for the Malgus fight knockback. :)

Edited by Monterone
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The "cheating is encouraged" argument is ridiculous.


There is no in-context explanation for being instantly killed for entering the opposing spawn area. In fact, it's a mechanic designed to stop spawn-camping the enemy team. In other words, when you are pulled into the enemy spawn area, you are killed to prevent cheating.


It is an exploit. It could not be more obvious that it is an exploit.


It is not an exploit. It never has been. It is part of the game, just like the republic can do the same thing. It has not been a big deal untill someone started complaining then suddenly all of you are screaming it is an exploit. Its not.

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It is not an exploit. It never has been. It is part of the game, just like the republic can do the same thing. It has not been a big deal untill someone started complaining then suddenly all of you are screaming it is an exploit. Its not.


The point is people wouldn't mind as long as it resulted in a score for those being dragged across the line with the ball. They've crossed the line by any means as the announcer says in the opening and therefore they should score.


It's a crappy tactic by really poor players. The only time it's ever been used on me is when the team in question is losing and if we are three up. We just pass the ball between us in the middle. If people are going to exploit a game mechanic to prevent people from scoring with insta kills then we reserve the right to farm them and then when they all come to the pit or middle, score while they're preoccupied and generally get 6 and end the game. Pug sessions on my server republic side can be fun.

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You can counter this instant kill "exploit" by throwing them the ball. It will kill them and throw the ball back to you.


Thing is... most GENUINE players won't look to the spawn to ATTACK a player because that's not fair. The insta kill is there to PREVENT spawn killing so why would anyone look up to the spawn to pass the ball to an enemy player? That's stupid logic.... for those of us who want to play fairly that is.

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Thing is... most GENUINE players won't look to the spawn to ATTACK a player because that's not fair. The insta kill is there to PREVENT spawn killing so why would anyone look up to the spawn to pass the ball to an enemy player? That's stupid logic.... for those of us who want to play fairly that is.


If someone is yanking me up top to get a kill, I will have no problems returning the favor. Doing things like this is pretty lame, but to hell with just bending over and taking it.

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why is this a cheat?i tryed it the other day and yes i killed the bag carrier but also they scored so i cant see that i win with that.yes i killed him but we got omwed great


He probably touched the line before you yanked him to the top. If they are pulled before they cross the line then the score doesn't count even though the announcer says they should cross the line with the ball to score by any means possible.

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