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Luke Skywalker vs. Exar Kun


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I'm not sure if this question has been asked yet, but who would win? I recently saw a thread with people talking about Exar kun being really awesome. And I know Luke is like the best Jedi ever, but Exar Kun has also never been beaten in battle(to my recollection) so...


Who would win?

Edited by Aurbere
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Don't get me wrong. Kun is like one of the most powerful demons there is. But Luke is... god.


Yeah Luke is pretty awesome, but IMO some of the stuff that Luke does with The Force in the EU seems a bit too god-like. It makes The Force seem more like Greek god powers more than an enrgy field that "surrounds us, penetrates us and binds the galaxy together."

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Yeah Luke is pretty awesome, but IMO some of the stuff that Luke does with The Force in the EU seems a bit too god-like. It makes The Force seem more like Greek god powers more than an enrgy field that "surrounds us, penetrates us and binds the galaxy together."


He's suppose to be God-like. He saved the Galaxy thousands of times.

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He's suppose to be God-like. He saved the Galaxy thousands of times.


I'm not complaining about Luke, I'm talking about how the EU writers have destroyed the philosophy of The Force that made it mystical. Ben Kenobi's famous words that told everyone what The Force was, but then the EU turns The Force into god-like powers. I'm fine with Luke being powerful, but to a certain extent, not the lengths that the authors took to make him powerful. Luke could have been powerful without all of that stuff they put in. The reason for the transformation of the Force from mystical enrgy to god powers was for more readers. People like really big "happenings" if you will. The bigger things you put in the more readers will come.


Oh, and the main reason I don't like the post movie books is because they killed Chewie in the most ridiculous way possible.


Writer: "Nobody's gonna think Chewie can be killed by normal means. Let's have Han abandon him to be crushed by a moon."

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well since the combined power of lukes students defeated exar ask yourself could luke defeat them if he held nothing back if so debate over


The way Exar Kun was finally beaten really disappointed me. This really powerful sith spirit gets owned by a bunch of padawans. But Luke probably would win this match-up. I would like to see someone say Exar Kun. So until then, my vote will be Exar Kun just so he's not all alone.

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The way Exar Kun was finally beaten really disappointed me. This really powerful sith spirit gets owned by a bunch of padawans. But Luke probably would win this match-up. I would like to see someone say Exar Kun. So until then, my vote will be Exar Kun just so he's not all alone.


you must remember that these "padawans" were much more powerful than the standard padawan.

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Writer: "Nobody's gonna think Chewie can be killed by normal means. Let's have Han abandon him to be crushed by a moon."


Han didn't leave him, Anakin Solo did, to save everyone else. I'm sure Chewbacca wouldn't blame him, like Han did. That was a huge plot point in NJO, because Han was blaming his own son for the death of his best friend. Then, by the time he came to his senses, it was too late to make things right.


ANYWAY, Luke would win. Sith always lose themselves to their passion & rage, & fumble the ball at the 5 yd line.

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ANYWAY, Luke would win. Sith always lose themselves to their passion & rage, & fumble the ball at the 5 yd line.


Yeah you see alot of sith fail due to overconfidence. I've been doing more research on post ROTJ books and I do agree that Luke Skywalker could beat most people that we could match him up against.

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So due to Luke's abilities with the Force, instead of Luke vs. Exar Kun let's talk about somebody taking on Luke with the possibilty of beating him. It's a long shot, but let's see if anyone can think of someone.


Abeloth is the closest that comes to mind.

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I wonder how that fights gonna end. Or has it ended and I missed it?


Luke has basically already beaten her straight up. There were Sith involved and we don't really know to what extent they really helped, though.


Abeloth is absolutely obsessed with Luke and I'm thinking that her obsession and rage will ultimately destroy or imprison her.

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