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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How do I compete as a noob lvl 50 against people in full top tier PVP gear?


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Here's how to play 50 WZ as a fresh 50:


- Buy the absolute best armor you can afford. You have nothing else to spend money on, you might as well spend a few hundred thousand on purples.


- That guy with the red and black lightsaber? Don't 1v1 him.


- Just zerg it up. Stick with the group and try to help kill someone in tandem with someone else.


You don't specify your actual class. A jug could taunt, guard a healer, etc, all valid contributions. A marauder...well, it's a class with an infamously steep curve that gets awesome after you gear it out. Sorry.

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You don't, like in any situation when you have entered a new bracket you get pwned for a few weeks then you start to become useful when you have a few champion pieces (luck providing)

It takes a few days to a week max to get enough expertise to be useful, suck it up and do the weekly/daily quests.

uhhh, maybe if you are VERY lucky with bags!

Edited by Manigma
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I totally get what you are saying. As someone that turned 50 the day before the 50 brackets I had the same worries. And Yes, I got owned a lot. Now I have near 600expertise. So its doable, but you might have to take a few lumps on the road. If you have a guild that pvps and you run in premades, it helps a whole lot too. I'd say for me I started to tell the difference when I had 200-250 expertise. It really increases your survivabilty and even surpass lesser skilled players that may have more expertise than you. if you are casual, well, there is the 10-49 bracket which is always fun. but if you want to gear up through pvp after lvl 50 well, you are going to have to endure.
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Then we are not speaking of any sort of decent competitive PVP play or skill, only superiority over time spent, via grinded gear.


as said before, you have to pay your dues. there are downsides to rewarded pvp I guess. And as swtor has a reward based pvp system, well of course there are going to be those that have earned their rewards. luckily, 1 man a team does not make.

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