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Need a bit of spec help...


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So I'll try to keep it short and sweet. I play with a group of 4 and basically we have 3 that are already set in their roles (1 is a Vanguard (Tank), 1 is Sage (Healer), 1 is Sentinel (DPS), and then there's me). Originally I was going to be a ranged DPS, but looking at it I don't see any point in using anything other the Grav Round (even High Impact Bolt bonus doesn't seem worth it, since it's not a tech attack, and thus doesn't get that bonus to go through armor and sheilding). So I made a spec that's based around being able to heal and do damage (basically being able to help the group stay in rough times, speeding up fighting outside of it), however I'm open to suggestions on what I should go with (the pyro set doesn't look that interesting to me) or what I could change and why.



EDIT: It says I have 2 points in Heavy Stock, but that's the wrong tree (think it's the Vanguard's). It's actually 2 points in Weapon Calibrations which increases my Alacrity by 2% each point.



The only reason I can see to roll the middle tree the whole way is for that extra quick burst of demolition round, and if full auto takes out inquisitors/agents very fast compared to grav round.

Edited by Athilias
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Honestly, if your friends are dead set on those classes I'd suggest you make a Sawbones/Scrapper Scoundrel. You'd be able to off heal while assisting with DPS and you'd also bring the 5% crit buff to the table. You also wouldn't be competing for drops. With someone else tanking you'll be able to do more DPS (positional attacks) too. Edited by Meuwdy
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Honestly, I see no reason to get grav rounds since Over-charge makes your charged bolts free if you have the muzzle fluting. The extra armour reduction is nice I guess but for pve, no point. Also, grav doesn't ignore armour or shield.


As for pure DPS, your level 50 set bonus makes grav/cb crit 15% more and makes HIB free (APcell -1 + -1 from set). You're gimping yourself on the damage front to hybridise in PvE but for PvP it's fine since you can toss out some pretty legit heals while still dumping damage on people.

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Honestly, I see no reason to get grav rounds since Over-charge makes your charged bolts free if you have the muzzle fluting. The extra armour reduction is nice I guess but for pve, no point. Also, grav doesn't ignore armour or shield.


As for pure DPS, your level 50 set bonus makes grav/cb crit 15% more and makes HIB free (APcell -1 + -1 from set). You're gimping yourself on the damage front to hybridise in PvE but for PvP it's fine since you can toss out some pretty legit heals while still dumping damage on people.


I'm pretty sure Tech attacks are not blocked by armor or shields/dodge in PvP, which is what I was referring to. For PvE I would be running with Charged Rounds just using Grav Round as a debuffer. I really like the Grav Round for PvP though, and we'll also be running that.


To the person saying I should go Scoundrel, I know that now but unfortunately the Vanguard on the team has more time then us, and was originally going to roll Juggernaut (now he doesn't want to switch because he likes the class a lot). It's ok since he says he wants to roll PvP gear, where as I like some of the PvE gear. However, I do appreciate the input, and may go into farther down the road. However, my time is kind of limited as is.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So I'll try to keep it short and sweet. I play with a group of 4 and basically we have 3 that are already set in their roles (1 is a Vanguard (Tank), 1 is Sage (Healer), 1 is Sentinel (DPS), and then there's me). Originally I was going to be a ranged DPS, but looking at it I don't see any point in using anything other the Grav Round (even High Impact Bolt bonus doesn't seem worth it, since it's not a tech attack, and thus doesn't get that bonus to go through armor and sheilding). So I made a spec that's based around being able to heal and do damage (basically being able to help the group stay in rough times, speeding up fighting outside of it), however I'm open to suggestions on what I should go with (the pyro set doesn't look that interesting to me) or what I could change and why.



EDIT: It says I have 2 points in Heavy Stock, but that's the wrong tree (think it's the Vanguard's). It's actually 2 points in Weapon Calibrations which increases my Alacrity by 2% each point.



The only reason I can see to roll the middle tree the whole way is for that extra quick burst of demolition round, and if full auto takes out inquisitors/agents very fast compared to grav round.



My recommendation would be to stick with a full DPS spec. Later when you guys start running hardmodes, bosses will have enrage timers and you will want to be able to pimp out a lot of damage quickly which means you'll want the fully buffed full auto and demo round from the gunnery tree. As I've said before, Full Auto isn't just about high damage (which it also has) its about sustainability in decently long fights. The extra damage charged barrel grants HiB also makes it MORE than worth it even when it isn't a tech attack.



Also forgive me but I honestly have never heard of any kind of overcharge making Charged Bolts free, it would make the ability worth it again. As it is it isn't even on my action bar, grav round tends to outdo it in damage regardless of what the tooltip says (my guess is the base 100% accuracy of tech attacks means my +12% accuracy is going directly to lowered resistance in the case of Grav Round).

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Just a quick fix, tech attacks are very much affected by armour. That is easily seen in duels. Only tech attacks that say elemental/fire damage bypass armour.


They do however bypass shields and cannot be deflected like charged bolts can.

Edited by Aerodi
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Similar to my hybrid build, going up healing to get trauma probe and the advanced medical probe buffs, then going into gunnery for the little extra damage (some of the healing tree skills are worthless). The problem you will be facing is that grav round is only especially effective when combined with armor piercing cell, which means you can't heal as effectively. If you use Combat support cell, you might as well use charged bolts (since they're free when scc is active). I'd tell you to put the extra point into Efficient Conversions. With the bonus to concussive charge its nice to have the cost go down, and cryo grenade is free.


EDIT: Also, take the points out of Med Zone and Heavy trooper to get Field Triage. Your emergency burst heal rotation will cost 2 ammo less.



Edited by dogenzakaminion
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