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I'd like Bioware to remove the channel and activation times of abilities


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Retain the cooldowns. Only plus to the cooldowns, is that they could still be reduced, or altogether eliminated in the talent tree. Combat would be more fluid.


SWG did not have activation or channel times for their abilities. I think they were all instant, but they did have cool downs. If I'm wrong, someone correct me.


Also, Operative nerf is the nerf that should've never happened. It gave the nerf callers too much ammunition by setting a precedent.

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If you want SWG2, talk to SOE. I'm sure they'd be happy to kill yet another game, after all, the player base of DC Universe all unsubbed instead of suffering like good little victims.


Bogus statement from you. I just read that DC Universe gained 300K subscriptions after going free to play. You play a little fast and loose with your made up factoids.

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Abilities with channels and activation times, are balanced around the need to channel or activate said ability. Removing those mechanics would fundamentally change those abilities and require them to be rebalanced around a different mechanic. This would essentially make most abilities the same, but perhaps button A would shoot blue lasers and button B would shoot red lasers. You could then alternate A and B to create your own psychedelic laser strobe. Perhaps this would increase your enjoyment of the game.

For the rest of us, I think it's fine.

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if they did this,

every channaled attack, and attacks with activation times would have damage reduced so significantly its not even funny.

stop crying that people know how to use interrupts to stop you abilities and use more than 1 attack against people.

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Abilities with channels and activation times, are balanced around the need to channel or activate said ability. Removing those mechanics would fundamentally change those abilities and require them to be rebalanced around a different mechanic. This would essentially make most abilities the same, but perhaps button A would shoot blue lasers and button B would shoot red lasers. You could then alternate A and B to create your own psychedelic laser strobe. Perhaps this would increase your enjoyment of the game.

For the rest of us, I think it's fine.


SWG lasted 8 years. The only bad thing about their pvp was the lag. The only consistent nerf call in that game was people wanting a nerf to a spies stealth. But, that was like beating a dead horse, cause in all those years it never happened. There was a rotten egg element in that game too. The kind of players who looked for hacks (none I ever recall), and exploits (quite a few over the years). The rotten egg element was the kind of player who would ninja loot, and refuse to pay you after you sold them trading card game loot.

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if they did this,

every channaled attack, and attacks with activation times would have damage reduced so significantly its not even funny.

stop crying that people know how to use interrupts to stop you abilities and use more than 1 attack against people.


I am not crying about interrupts. I don't want anything else nerfed. As far a damage with channeled abilities and activation times, they could compensate. Do I think they'll ever do it? No. Still it's nice to know in a stand up comparison SWG's pvp was fantastic, except for the lag. Afterall it was 8 years old.


What I'm still curious about after 1 1/2 months, why doesn't someone from Bioware have a long term plan to address all the broken pvp elements? Isn't that what the dev tracker forum is for?

Edited by Chiricahua
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