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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

613 exp, 4 shot by Tracer Missle spam.


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You know it will get nerfed when the running thought is "You must play defensive (no matter what you are) and outplay them. Sure, they're allowed to just rotation spam on you but if you want to outdamage them, YOU need to stun and interrupt them and hope they don't do the same to you."


The whole "you can only beat me if you play 10x better than me" argument is silly.


God forbid you actually have to move, use LoS, interupt, and stun durning PvP. It's your fault for letting them rotate.

Edited by Nilxain
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You know it will get nerfed when the running thought is "You must play defensive (no matter what you are) and outplay them. Sure, they're allowed to just rotation spam on you but if you want to outdamage them, YOU need to stun and interrupt them and hope they don't do the same to you."


The whole "you can only beat me if you play 10x better than me" argument is silly.



Classes have different difficulty levels, a bad merc will beat a bad anything, but a good merc will get stomped by a good anything (Or almost anything)


Mercs are in no way overpowered, they don't do the most damage out of classes, they don't have as many surival tools as many classes and they don't have as much burst as some other classes, they are just easier to play, so bad mercs (Yes only bad mercs spam tracer) can beat bad other classes because of the class difficulty, but that doesn't make them overpowered... You have the tools to beat mercs you just choose not to use them.


Games aren't balanced around the lowest end of the skill pool, not when the higher end has no problems with them anyway.

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Hopefully you'll take comfort in knowing that as an SI I make it my little personal goal to go and annoy the living **** out of any grav round/tracer button happy nerd with my stuns, interrupts, mind control and the like. He's basically done DPSing with me on him >:D


This whole strategy goes to hell as soon as there's two or more BHs/commandos though -_-

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How's your argument valid if all they gotta do is to pretty much press just 1 button? :)


One button that does nothing if you don't let it. The fact that they are simple is their biggest weakness.

Edited by Nilxain
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Classes have different difficulty levels, a bad merc will beat a bad anything, but a good merc will get stomped by a good anything (Or almost anything)


Mercs are in no way overpowered, they don't do the most damage out of classes, they don't have as many surival tools as many classes and they don't have as much burst as some other classes, they are just easier to play, so bad mercs (Yes only bad mercs spam tracer) can beat bad other classes because of the class difficulty, but that doesn't make them overpowered... You have the tools to beat mercs you just choose not to use them.


Games aren't balanced around the lowest end of the skill pool, not when the higher end has no problems with them anyway.


Agreed. I love picking on mercs on my sin :-) just cuz I know their weaknesses (since I play one) I tear them apart.

Edited by Nilxain
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Spamming just TR/GR does NOTHING as far as damage goes. Yes, when they crit, they can put a damper on your day, but that is any damage ability (well, most anyway). I am NOT owning you with one button. I actually use most of my skills in a WZ, all dependant on the situation. As far as my GR "spam", I usually only get a couple hits off of it and am zerged by half the opposing force, while the person I have just hit is still at 3/4 health. The damage comes in AFTER you apply the buffs/debuffs. I use my instant cast abilities that feed off the debuffs, and if during that time the +damage proc'd for my Full Auto, I cast that. Then, just maybe, you might have to worry. But guess what, by then I'm out of ammo if all I did was spam stuff. Or extremely low, which as we all know causes ammo (or any resource) to regen slower. So I'm basically a sitting duck.



Trooper/BH isn't a one button win, far from it. We have a lot of different skills to use. They depend on setting up with another skill. If they only use that 1 skill over and over, they die pretty quickly.

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With 613 expertise I would assume you have at least 16000 HP. Are you saying that Tracer Missiles hit you 4 times in a row for 4000+ damage? ...Or could you possibly be mistaken?


Yeah because with the PvE armor bonus (2 feckin pieces) plus boosts, its impossible for a well geared BH to crit for 4k four times in a row :rolleyes:


Been saying it for weeks; for a so called 'Builder' it is so overpowered its unbelievable.

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Nerf the 2PC set bonus a 15% crit to their highest used ability with no CD, its the single best set bonus I have seen including all 4PC bonuses, I really don't find tracer/grav to be that OP but that bonus is pushing its crit chance to far higher lvls then it should be.
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