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Power vs Crit, Crit vs Power, *^%$!@$%@


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For Annihilation:

I can't seem to get a good grip on this,

I've seen many stated one or the other is better.


Has any Annihilators tried both and best seen from their eyes?

I know that there are no combat logs/dps meters.


I just don't want to start buying up all new different mods and stuff, hehe.:o

Edited by Crawfishies
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For Annihilation:

I can't seem to get a good grip on this,

I've seen many stated one or the other is better.


Has any Annihilators tried both and best seen from their eyes?

I know that there are no combat logs/dps meters.


I just don't want to start buying up all new different mods and stuff, hehe.:o


Surge to 250 then crit to 400 then the rest power. Thats what I'm doing and it seems to be working out fine so far.

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For an Annihilation player, I'd say that the gear answer depends on a few questions.




1) Do you have the Annihilation and Carnage talents which increase the rate of your Fury generation? Depending on how fast you gain +Fury points, the value of your answer for Question #2 will vary.


2) Do you normally spend your Fury points on Berserk for the auto-crit DOT attacks? Or do you normally activated Predation (which you've probably upgraded through Annihilation talents)?




Those of us who use Annihilation are all about the crits. Our DOT attacks will be getting a bonus +30% crit damage from our talents. Then our DOT crits also heal us. All things considered, your goal is to constantly crit with your DOTs (and likely main attacks too).


I personally stack up on Critical and Surge gear. While Power might give us a better "standard hit" damage average, I'm willing to take spikes in high and low damage output since that's how Annihilation is designed to work.


Having said that, I can see the arguement for Power gear if you normally use Berserk for your DOT crits. It's not something that I would personally do, but I do understand that point of view.

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1 power relic and the Matrix cube is far better.


What if you get an augment with that Rakata Cube?


Right now I have the Matrix cube and the Rakata Crit/Surge with an augment,


Should I still keep the Matrix,

or try to go for another Rakata Cube, this time with Power? Hopefully with an Augment, hehe.

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I like crit/surge. Power is good too, but it comes with accuracy alot of the time, and I try very hard to avoid accuracy.


As a BH, alot of abilities get bonuses when they crit. So for me I like crit more than power.


I feel its better to stack Crit/Surge than Power/Accuracy. The common 27crit, 39surge enhancement is better IMO than the 40Acc/20Power stuff.


And since I use alot of crit, may as well go all-out to get it as close to 45-50% as possible. 47aim 27end 8crit mods are common and work well with the above enhancement. Champion pistols also have 77crit each.


The thing that I really dont like is how so many high end earpieces have Crit and Alacrity. I havent upgraded to any endgame drops because my crafted one has like 55aim 55 end 60crit 29surge 29 power, or something like that. But id rather have a big aim/end/crit one.

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What if you get an augment with that Rakata Cube?


Right now I have the Matrix cube and the Rakata Crit/Surge with an augment,


Should I still keep the Matrix,

or try to go for another Rakata Cube, this time with Power? Hopefully with an Augment, hehe.


str > crit and surge imo so stick with the the matrix cube

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For Annihilation:

I can't seem to get a good grip on this,

I've seen many stated one or the other is better.


Has any Annihilators tried both and best seen from their eyes?

I know that there are no combat logs/dps meters.


I just don't want to start buying up all new different mods and stuff, hehe.:o


Are you soloing? Grouping? What level are you?

If you're solo, then stack as much crit then surge as you can if you're Annihilation spec because of the crit heals.


Grouping at level 50 for flashpoints and Hm's I have 31 points in Annihilation and swapped to my alternate set of gear which is all Orange and has as much Power as I can get.

Obviously I go for STR also.


To be honest, the only difference I've noticed was my solo survivability is better with my Crit gear than my Power gear.

As for damage numbers?.... I don't kill THAT much faster when I'm wearing my Power gear, but I do kill faster, it's just not a huge difference that I can tell.

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