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Please add 4v4 Warzones(arenas) or 8 player ops premade opportunity


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4 player is not enough to change the course of the warzone unless its a huttball game..

even 2 player pre-made can make difference in huttball..

but in voidstar and alderaan nice teamwork needed


if other 4 random player is 12k hp fresh level 50s, they die in 2-3 hits...

it's impossible to win with noobs in your team



what's the point of pre-made if result of the game is depending on pugs....


please add 4v4 competitive warzones or arenas


or let us que 8 man...



randomness in this game is so frustrating

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Beg to differ. Yesterday we didnt even have 8, we started with 5, went up to 6 after 90 seconds, then up to 8 by the game had nearly finished (This is in Civil war)


Imps went 3 Turrets and it was about 560-300 to them, some how we pulled it back to so they were on 330 but we were on our last 100. Then by a stroke of genius we got all 3 and won!


Again in Huttball, starting as 5, we went 1-0 down very fast. But we scored in the last 8 seconds and then i was in the middle, spam clicking the ball and i picked it up in the second half a second and we won!


Anything is possible

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Couldn't disagree more with you. PUGs can cooperate really well if you tell them to and are lucky to have competent ones.


Also, wait for rated warzones.


Team death matches are good for MOBAs and FPS, not MMO, MMO pvp should always be objective based, you should always fight for something meaningful, not for frag.

Deal with it.

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4 player is not enough to change the course of the warzone unless its a huttball game..

even 2 player pre-made can make difference in huttball..

but in voidstar and alderaan nice teamwork needed


if other 4 random player is 12k hp fresh level 50s, they die in 2-3 hits...

it's impossible to win with noobs in your team



what's the point of pre-made if result of the game is depending on pugs....


please add 4v4 competitive warzones or arenas


or let us que 8 man...



randomness in this game is so frustrating


Yes, agreed. Continually getting grouped with random players who won't play as a team is one of the most frustrating things when queuing up for warzones. That's why we try to form premades. Team play is often near impossible - the best we can do is yell simple commands like "Go Left" and hoping your pugs will listen.


Please allow us to queue with an 8 man ops team, or create 4 man maps. Being able to choose who we're grouped with allows us to execute more interesting strategies, as well as learn to play better as a team, which makes pvping far more rewarding.

Edited by Guapos
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on swtor main page in latest news is a video "upcoming in swtor. i think it was in there along with (very basic) ui customization and new pve content.




Listening to it, sounds like they are going to have player rankings...ie warzone stats published for how ppl do in warzones. I didn't hear anything about premade warzones though...that did spike my interest when you said it, that's why I asked. :(

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I mentioned this in another thread, but I'll say it here too.


I will only support "arena" PvP as long as the following criteria are met:

1. You cannot obtain gear that is statistically superior to gear obtained through warzones (Arena gear that looks different is fine).

2. All teams are 4 person (no 2v2 or 3v3).

3. All teams must have one of each base class (Warrior, Inquisitor, Agent, and Bounty Hunter for the Sith, for example).


These rules will make Arena easier to balance so that we can achieve actual competitive play instead of the FOTM roulette that occurs in WoW.

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I mentioned this in another thread, but I'll say it here too.


I will only support "arena" PvP as long as the following criteria are met:

1. You cannot obtain gear that is statistically superior to gear obtained through warzones (Arena gear that looks different is fine).

2. All teams are 4 person (no 2v2 or 3v3).

3. All teams must have one of each base class (Warrior, Inquisitor, Agent, and Bounty Hunter for the Sith, for example).


These rules will make Arena easier to balance so that we can achieve actual competitive play instead of the FOTM roulette that occurs in WoW.



blizz has said it mroe than once

arena rated pvp was a huuuuuuuuuge mistake

bioware, dont make the same mistake please

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premades are for people that dont know how to play and need to be carried by their friends...


Are you that much of an idiot? I want to play with my friends, in fact, im better than alot of them...I would rather play with my friends and not win then win with a full pug group, premades are mainly made for fun, and to play with people you like.


**** the forums please...you obviously know nothing.

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what's the point of pre-made if result of the game is depending on pugs....


playing with friends?...


Oh i forgot... winning is everything!, no matter who you play with or who's your enemy!


Thats why we need Cross Server Pivipi! Internetanonymity ftw....!?

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playing with friends?...


Oh i forgot... winning is everything!, no matter who you play with or who's your enemy!


Thats why we need Cross Server Pivipi! Internetanonymity ftw....!?


i don't even que wz after completing daily


bioware already made huge mistakes


i see orange geared battlemasters or lvl 40 pvp armored battlemasters...

and after a month playing same warzones over n over its pretty boring...


so since i only need 3x wins for new bm bag, i grp up with friends..

we get 10+x medals, pugs getting 2-3x medals..

why do we have to carry pugs?

Edited by psysention
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Couldn't disagree more with you. PUGs can cooperate really well if you tell them to and are lucky to have competent ones.


Also, wait for rated warzones.


Team death matches are good for MOBAs and FPS, not MMO, MMO pvp should always be objective based, you should always fight for something meaningful, not for frag.

Deal with it.



you say you can "coordinate" pugs


but in your signature you QQ about republic players who join your warzones

not to mention you literally call your faction mates Apes...

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Beg to differ. Yesterday we didnt even have 8, we started with 5, went up to 6 after 90 seconds, then up to 8 by the game had nearly finished (This is in Civil war)


Imps went 3 Turrets and it was about 560-300 to them, some how we pulled it back to so they were on 330 but we were on our last 100. Then by a stroke of genius we got all 3 and won!


Again in Huttball, starting as 5, we went 1-0 down very fast. But we scored in the last 8 seconds and then i was in the middle, spam clicking the ball and i picked it up in the second half a second and we won!


Anything is possible


But not probable. Yesterday we had 5 because one of the 6 was an afker.


We were destroyed and were 3 capped the whole game in Alderaan. Fun!

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