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Input Delay Question


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First off, not sure if this is the right section to post this in. With all the talk about fixing "ability" delay/lag by developers and players alike, does that include all input delay/lag such as moving or changing the camera view? Whenever they talk about it, they usually just mention ability delay/lag, not input delay/lag, which is what I have an excess of (includes both ability and input delay/lag). Thanks in advance for not flaming! :)
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Check your latency, as that sounds like an internet problem.

Camera on my PC responds instantly.

I don't know if the camera relies on your ping, that would be a silly design decision I think. Another game that does something like that is APB, in the cars. The car is synced with the server BEFORE you see it on your client, so you experience a delay.


And yes, any kind of ping, including low pings like 30 ms, is very noticable.

Why don't you go play OnLive and see how the ping latency (input lag) bothers you.

Edited by TaintedSquirrel
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What exactly is your issue with changing camera view?


Just like everything I do in-game, there's always a split-second delay when I try to move the camera. In PvP, movement and ability delay is pretty much completely gone, although the camera still persists to be unresponsive, although everything was worse in PvP before. But the real trouble is in the open world, I get some nasty input delay on everything I do, including camera. It's not latency or any internet issues either.


Also, somewhat related, is there an option to stop your camera from changing to a frontal view when you start to move?

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Just like everything I do in-game, there's always a split-second delay when I try to move the camera. In PvP, movement and ability delay is pretty much completely gone, although the camera still persists to be unresponsive, although everything was worse in PvP before. But the real trouble is in the open world, I get some nasty input delay on everything I do, including camera. It's not latency or any internet issues either.


Also, somewhat related, is there an option to stop your camera from changing to a frontal view when you start to move?

I'm experiencing the same issue with the camera, and it's not related to ping.

Sometimes my connection spikes to 2000+ latency and the camera still rotates the same... so, I don't know.


Don't let others tell you "there is no problem" because I can tell you without a doubt, it does exist. It's really noticable if I load another game and then compare the camera movement to TOR directly... the responsiveness is very apparent.


The problem gets worse for me in heavy grass areas, like the fields on Balmorra, even if my frame rate stays high. Seems like a graphics issue, but I don't know. Even on my ship with 110 fps (no vsync :p ) the camera still lags.

Edited by TaintedSquirrel
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Yeah, any other game is completely fine, no input lag in any aspect, only SWTOR, unfortunately. /: I'll try OnLive, thanks!

Sorry I was talking to the other guy.

OnLive is a streaming gaming service which also suffers from input lag due to latency, it's the same kind of issue we're experiencing with the game camera though probably caused by different things.


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Sorry I was talking to the other guy.

OnLive is a streaming gaming service which also suffers from input lag due to latency, it's the same kind of issue we're experiencing with the game camera though probably caused by different things.



Haha okay I see, that's what I was thinking, but I'm desperate for a fix, so I decided to try it.

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