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History of Tatooine


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I know, I wrote what I found but I still need 2 which are not here

My usual go-to site for this has nothing listed for History of Tatooine. It is possible that this is like some codex entries that you actually uncover on other worlds, or that is bugged and no currently obtainable.


I got pretty fed up when I discovered that the codex entries for planets cannot be completed - because that is exactly the kind of filler I love to do between missions or when generally goofing around.

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  • 1 year later...
The OP is mainly asking where to find "History of Tatooine". As far as anyone knows, this lore object does not exist. No one has ever documented finding it. All other lore objects are well documented on various fan sites like swtor-spy. Edited by Jenzali
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  • 6 months later...
History of Tatooine lore marker can be found INSIDE the spaceport. It's a huge billboard up on the wall at the top of ramp you run to exit the spaceport. It's a picture of sand dunes with 2 suns. Unfortunately, there's no vendors or other NPCs nearby to better point out the location.
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History of Tatooine lore marker can be found INSIDE the spaceport. It's a huge billboard up on the wall at the top of ramp you run to exit the spaceport. It's a picture of sand dunes with 2 suns. Unfortunately, there's no vendors or other NPCs nearby to better point out the location.


You had to necro this?

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What I wanna know is why Tatooine is in the same sector on the space map as Hoth. I mean wouldn't Tatooine's second sun warm Hoth up a bit?


....Are you being serious or incredibly dumb?


Sectors don't refer to one solar system, they're entire arms of a galaxy. Tatooine is farther away from Hoth than the earth is from Alpha Centauri IRL.

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....Are you being serious or incredibly dumb?


Sectors don't refer to one solar system, they're entire arms of a galaxy. Tatooine is farther away from Hoth than the earth is from Alpha Centauri IRL.


Also, the closest planet to Tatooine is actually Geonosis.

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