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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Operatives Nerfed. Sorcerers and Mercs win again.


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But at end game lvl, I'm tired of getting 12-13k hp taken away while I lay down during those few seconds. It's end game PVP, there shouldn't be a class dealing that much dmg to ANYONE.




Im tired of outright lies. Im sick of people spouting what you just said. There is no way, post 1.1 an Op can do 12-13k damage in 3 seconds. Its simply not possible anymore after they removed the buff stacking crap.


Seriously, this needs to stop being said as it is not true anymore.


And before somebody comes back saying it is possible, show me a vid of it happening after 1.1 Oh wait, you cant because IT CANT BE DONE ANYMORE!

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Im tired of outright lies. Im sick of people spouting what you just said. There is no way, post 1.1 an Op can do 12-13k damage in 3 seconds. Its simply not possible anymore after they removed the buff stacking crap.


Seriously, this needs to stop being said as it is not true anymore.


And before somebody comes back saying it is possible, show me a vid of it happening after 1.1 Oh wait, you cant because IT CANT BE DONE ANYMORE!


they can get very close to tht still.


5k opener. 3k x 2 = 11k in 3 seconds.

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Im tired of outright lies. Im sick of people spouting what you just said. There is no way, post 1.1 an Op can do 12-13k damage in 3 seconds. Its simply not possible anymore after they removed the buff stacking crap.


Seriously, this needs to stop being said as it is not true anymore.


And before somebody comes back saying it is possible, show me a vid of it happening after 1.1 Oh wait, you cant because IT CANT BE DONE ANYMORE!


Are you kidding me? Just because YOU can't do it doesnt mean operatives in general can't do it. I don't have a SS since I have a hard time printing my screen when someone is killing me while I try to survive.


Your welcome to come to the Kai'kan server or if you know someone playing it. Get intouch with the operative Gen and ask her for her crits, since she will tell you straight out without lies.


Stop making yourself look like you some sort of victim here. Your opener shouldn't take any more dmg than mine, in fact it should take less dmg than mine, seeing as your ranged and wearing medium.

Edited by Beroende
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if we are nerfing OPs, can we make that tracert/gravs can be used only from mellee, in stealth, at back of a victim, since they do about the same dmg as the new opener will?


I see what you did thar.



One thing you need to understand mate, the nerf to Operatives and Scoundrels has NOTHING to do with game balance. Its purely a political/business decision.


The VAST majority of the player base is Sorc/Sage. Op/Scounds are the counter to those classes. Agent / Smuggler are also the least played class. Most Sorc/Sages can work out how to beat an Operative so guess who gets shafted?

Ops are fine post 1.1. They will still be nerfed further however to keep the larger part of BWs paying customers happy. If I was BW I’d do the same thing.


It’s all about the cash, see?

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Are you kidding me? Just because YOU can't do it doesnt mean operatives in general can't do it. I don't have a SS since I have a hard time printing my screen when someone is killing me while I try to survive.


Your welcome to come to the Kai'kan server or if you know someone playing it. Get intouch with the operatives Gen and ask her for her crits, since she will tell you straight out without lies.


Stop making yourself look like you some sort of victim here. Your opener shouldn't take any more dmg than mine, in fact it should take less dmg than mine, seeing as your ranged and wearing stealth.


lol. You are making assumptions there my friend.


I play a Jugg :)


also, Ops are now a ranged class? wow....

Edited by Lykurgus
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Sorry, Now you'll need to actually work to get kills... No more 8.5k Crit then 4k and 4k befor I stand up...


I don't feel bad for you... Some skill will now be required.


Most Operatives get people under 3k health befor the stand up.. Why would this NOT be broken?


I can kill Sorc's... Not a big issue.


Powertech's are annoying, thats about it...


Operatives are just stupid with their openers..



You picked Operative after you realized it was OP... why would anyone feel bad for these people...


Show one video of this Post 1.1, I doubt you are even lvl 50 L2P the reason BW is tryn to nerf is cause of bad kids who post things like this

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lol. You are making assumptions there my friend.


I play a Jugg :)


also, Ops are now a ranged class? wow....



I don't care what your saying.


Or is it the fact that your playing a tank which makes you look less smart?


What are you saying their not ranged? :D

Edited by Beroende
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I don't care what your saying.


Or is it the fact that your playing a tank which makes you look less smart?


What are you saying their not ranged? :D


Your opener shouldn't take any more dmg than mine, in fact it should take less dmg than mine, seeing as your ranged and wearing stealth.


YOU said the Ops opener was ranged. Now who looks less smart?



Also, you clearly DO care, otherwise youwouldnt have even replied.


/sigh, kids today.

Edited by Lykurgus
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Sorry, Now you'll need to actually work to get kills...


you mean work like, get red box, get in stealth (ie. get out of combat), get in melee range, find back, use preparation, pop adrenal + relics (cant pop PvP boost, since it gets you out of stealth) and then use opener ... also after opener, find the laying person, get on their back again, stab stab, and well you are at 1/2 - 1/3 of their hp, with everything on cooldown ... yea thats not work at all


not like other dps classes ...


Sorc/Sage: well i just stand there pop bubble and use this channaled crap that does dmg, slows, restore my force and well has max range ... then i use some of the procs to do even more dmg on the max range ... and if there is a problem i AoE knockdown and run away like a boss ...


Merc/Commando: oh please, too much skills bro, tracert/gravs all you need and in problem i pop shield, stun and well two more gravs/tracrt do the job ... and when im extra extra bored I fat finger some other skill, that accidentaly got on my bars to do some more dmg ...


Jug/Guardian: you guys getting dmg, i though something tickled me on my 25k hp, so i just jumped and did some aoe crap for 9k dmg, and well then pushed and jumped again, coz thats how I roll ...


(see we can generalize as well)

Edited by Draczeq
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The nerf isn't that extreme. You'll have to press 1 or perhaps 2 more globals to kill someone. Do the math.


If one global of control and 20% damage on one ability that you regularly use once a fight was controlling your success in warzones you deserve to do poorly.


As for the armor pen, when you do the math it adds up to something like a 10% overall reduction on HEAVY ARMOR and less than 5% on light armor. Might as well reroll now!


Hardly game breaking.

Edited by Lina_Inverse
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YOU said the Ops opener was ranged. Now who looks less smart?



Also, you clearly DO care, otherwise youwouldnt have even replied.


/sigh, kids today.


You need to read that again my friend. Don't take my words out of context, I never said their opener was ranged, the class is.


Again, the less smart finger points back at you...


"So ops are ranged now...wow...."



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I have a 50 Op with 650 expertise that's grounded for now. I have a 50 sorc that's in a few purples that gets 3 shot with 150 expertise.


Sorcerer's with the expertise of my Op are very good but far from OP. In fact nothing is at that level of gear.


Marauders destroy Sorc's.


This game is so close to being balanced it's crazy, just you guys die by a few BM's and whine. Not saying you're whining but if everyone shut up, you would get tot he point of what I'm talking about and see for yourself.


Do you mean huttball, because in huttball you should never get killed by a Marauder on a Sith Sorcerer.


Do you mean Ilum? Why are you there anyways if you've played this game so much. Ilum has a sanity time limit of 15 days played. Once you reached that, you will shoot yourself if you stay longer than one hour in Ilum.


Do you mean Void Star? Pick and choose where you position yourself, shouldn't be too much of a problem against Marauder. You can bubble and run into the mass of friendlies.


Civil War? positioning is also key, but sometimes you can't help but get gear checked by another class. Shouldn't be noticeable.


THE real indicator? Just cleared Eternity Vault with 3 Sith Sorcs / 2 Snipers out of 8 overall people and it felt like I was running Black Talon. Did the same dungeon a week ago with no sith sorcs or snipers and wiped 8 times. Range in general can be fixed by adding diminishing returns and putting in more intensive mitigation against elemental damage.

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I play a 44 level marauder and was killed in two shots by an 11 level op.


What? Their high damage attack doesn't come til level 36, and lacerate in concealment does mediocre damage which isn't obtainable until level 20, so what'd he kill you with in 2 shots? shiv and backstab? LOL

Edited by Sookster
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Sorry, Now you'll need to actually work to get kills... No more 8.5k Crit then 4k and 4k befor I stand up...


I don't feel bad for you... Some skill will now be required.


Most Operatives get people under 3k health befor the stand up.. Why would this NOT be broken?


I can kill Sorc's... Not a big issue.


Powertech's are annoying, thats about it...


Operatives are just stupid with their openers..



You picked Operative after you realized it was OP... why would anyone feel bad for these people...


Utterly false numbers.


With decent gear on my scoundrel, opener crits for MAXIMALLY 5k with relic and stim. On tanks it's 4k


Back blast is 3k.


Stop being so hysteric.

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You picked Operative after you realized it was OP... why would anyone feel bad for these people...


Or because Imperial Agent has THE BEST story in whole SWTOR


please, stop making assumptions, you are not very good at them

Edited by Draczeq
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.... A 20% nerf to HS is about 1k off our crits.

.... A 20% nerf to our Armor pen comes out to a 10% sustained nerf against 50% DR targets.... and 5% to 25% Dr targets.

.... The KD change allows 2 attacks insted of 3.


Before you gloat too much or cry tears of blood over this.... do yourself a favor.... break out a calculator.


It means we have to press one more button to make up the damage.... Oh noes.

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Sorry, Now you'll need to actually work to get kills... No more 8.5k Crit then 4k and 4k befor I stand up...


I don't feel bad for you... Some skill will now be required.


Most Operatives get people under 3k health befor the stand up.. Why would this NOT be broken?


I can kill Sorc's... Not a big issue.


Powertech's are annoying, thats about it...


Operatives are just stupid with their openers..



You picked Operative after you realized it was OP... why would anyone feel bad for these people...


Utterly false numbers.


With decent gear on my scoundrel, opener crits for MAXIMALLY 5k with relic and stim. On tanks it's 4k


Back blast is 3k.


Stop being so hysteric.

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What? Their high damage attack doesn't come til level 36, and lacerate in concealment does mediocre damage which isn't obtainable until level 20, so what'd he kill you with in 2 shots? shiv and backstab? LOL


^^This...certainly made me laugh...I normally don't troll...but...you are either incredibly bad...or were targeted by multiple enemy without realising!


My 2 cents...

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You need to read that again my friend. Don't take my words out of context, I never said their opener was ranged, the class is.



Im sorry.... you think Ops.....are a ranged class......


Im fairly sure that Concealment (the build all the massive QQ from Sorcs is about) has mostly melee and the odd 10m ranged ability. Unless ofc you mean Ops should be spamming rifle shot?

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Im sorry.... you think Ops.....are a ranged class......


Im fairly sure that Concealment (the build all the massive QQ from Sorcs is about) has mostly melee and the odd 10m ranged ability. Unless ofc you mean Ops should be spamming rifle shot?


What are you talking about? The operative is a ranged / rouge class. Have you ever played a MMO with the rouge not being ranged?


I'm not sure where your going with this, you took my words out of context trying to make it like I claimed their open attack was a ranged one, which clearly I did not.

The specc they choose is really not my problem. My assasin is supposedly a DPS class but if I spec it as a tank, your meaning its a tank class and no longer a DPS class?




The operative is a ranged / melee class, end of discussion.


Think twice before your answering mate.

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What are you talking about? The operative is a ranged / rouge class. Have you ever played a MMO with the rouge not being ranged?


I'm not sure where your going with this, you took my words out of context trying to make it like I claimed their open attack was a ranged one, which clearly I did not.

The specc they choose is really not my problem. My assasin is supposedly a DPS class but if I spec it as a tank, your meaning its a tank class and no longer a DPS class?




The operative is a ranged / melee class, end of discussion.


Think twice before your answering mate.



Yes, if you spec to be a tank..... then, guess what? You're a tank!


Snipers are ranged DPS. Operatives are Melee DPS. How it so hard for you to grasp this incedibly simple concept?

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