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I'm embarrassed to wear my Columi gear around.


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We really do need some different gear. I don't care if they leave in what is already there, but they seriously need more options that aren't a lame attempt at a cross between scifi and fantasy. No offense, BioWare, but the art/design team for most of the gear in the game pretty much failed this time around. There needs to be some new armor for every class in a free update just because of how terrible most of it is. You guys should come up with some concept drawings for each class/AC and hold a community vote to see which ones we, the consumers of your product, like the most.
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If they give us all the best/good looking gear at the start of the game (= current end-game), then what they could possibly give us later on with higher tier end-game? :rolleyes:


More/different/just as awesome looking gear? ;)


I like my lv 40 PvP SW Armor.... the rest is trash or color swaps of trash.


I don't understand how they messed this up so bad.


TOTALLY agreed. The amount of different gear (read: color swaps) is horrendous. And the end-game gear for all but maybe the Bounty Hunter (except the mohawk-helmet) and the Sith Warrior armors look utterly stupid and/or boring.


I'd love to get inside the head of the person that thought to themselves "Man, what should we make end-game Ops gear look like? OH we'll just reskin stuff you can get at earlier levels and add huge spikes sticking out the shoulders."


100% Agree. The columni, rakata and tionese all look exactly the same too, which is ........................


AND this too! It's like when you get a better piece of gear, they go "Oh here let me paint that helmet red. Now you REALLY look awesome!"

Edited by Eortotai
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I HATE IT so much, Helmets are ugly, the Shoulders are Ugly, the whole design in general is ugly.


I like the Champion Gear Gloevs, except for the Bone crap on the wrists, I do love the metal claws on the end of the fingers(they just need replace that stupid bone crap & replace it with metal plates that arc at 30 degree angle up, so it looks sexy)





90% Gear in this game is F'ng ugly. You've seen some these helmets out here? disgraceful.




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Someone mentioned this elsewhere, but they should allow us to take out all the mods & add armor mod too(to the dropped gear, so we can get armor value too), move it all over to our favorite mod gear, also allow the set bonuses to be tied to a specific mod(perhaps that armor mod I mentioned they should add in).


Thus allowing us not to look like fashion rejects at ******* convention. So I can wear the ones that make me look the way I want to look, still have my Armor, Bonuses, & Set Bonuses.


90% community would drop end gear look, faster then hungry man can devour his food.




Edited by JJDrakken
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This game has some of the ugliest gear I've seen in an MMO; the story is epic, the gear, not so much.


I've never understood why they put horrid looking gear in a game to begin with. It should be "looks nice", "looks good", "looks freaking awesome". Never should it be "looks stupid". And allow me to hide my companions head gear; I'd like them to be fully geared without looking like a moron.

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If they give us all the best/good looking gear at the start of the game (= current end-game), then what they could possibly give us later on with higher tier end-game? :rolleyes:


Take a look at the concept art pictures and you'll see there is plenty of other designs they can use for future sets :)

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Take a look at the concept art pictures and you'll see there is plenty of other designs they can use for future sets :)


What more ugly gear from artists who apparently love to look ugly?


Man, send their artists over to City of Heroes or Champions Online, have them talk to their art department, then come back to us.




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I have seen better "gear set" using the Darkspore equipment editor than the garbage tier gear.




Those are some awesome shoulder pads.


By the way, how much did this game cost to produce? Could you have at least provided a smidgen more attention to the art department?

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>.< Can someone please hire a real designer? I look like a tauren wannabe wearing shin guards strapped to my shoulders.


Once they allow Hilt and Armoring slots to be taken out of endgame gear (along with the set bonuses), this will be a moot point. And they've already confirmed that this is in the works.


So in stead of redesigning the endgame gear look, I'd rather they push out the customization feature described above so that you can make your endgame gear look like whatever you want.

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How this could pass quality control is beyond me. Im actually in awe. Cheating yourself through college and to a job at a world renowned company is pretty impressive.


You know, even putting aside the opinion that the Consular gear there looks horrible, you have to wonder at the competence of a team that can not even get set pieces, things theoretically designed to be worn as a single outfit, to work together without clipping.


So not only does it look terrible, but it was implemented terribly.

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I don't know what you are all complaining about! It's *still* a new game ffs! It's not like Bioware coppied this game using great ideas from other games that they have researched over the years. Honestly, who in this modern age of MMO gaming still wants to look different?


I mean, take Aion for example, you wouldn't want their skinning system where you can skin almost any item over another for the looks. Why the frick would you want that? You'll just get ppl selling skins all the time, or ppl grinding instas just to get that rare skin, and ppl will all look different and the game will struggle to load all the different skins.


I'm with Bioware on this one. Why do ppl want to look different? All it does is to drive ppl to be individuals, and promotes grind by ppl who soooo desperately want a certain skin and making then play more. Or ppl camping rare NPC spawns that sell rare skins, or ppl showing off rare skins from certain bosses that only drop under certain circumstances (Like very very hard modes).


Trust me, you don't want that sort of thing here. ¬_¬




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Once they allow Hilt and Armoring slots to be taken out of endgame gear (along with the set bonuses), this will be a moot point. And they've already confirmed that this is in the works.


So in stead of redesigning the endgame gear look, I'd rather they push out the customization feature described above so that you can make your endgame gear look like whatever you want.

For the most part I agree with you but I would point out that "endgame gear look like whatever you want" still only leaves us like three good choices based on what we have now.


We simply need more armor sets and we need them fast. A Sith sorcerer should not ever look like a Bull. There endgame Armor should look more like Darth Nihilus.

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For the most part I agree with you but I would point out that "endgame gear look like whatever you want" still only leaves us like three good choices based on what we have now.


We simply need more armor sets and we need them fast. A Sith sorcerer should not ever look like a Bull. There endgame Armor should look more like Darth Nihilus.


We are not limited to only three choices. There is a myriad selection of custom gear out there that you can use to customize your look till your heart's content. Once we are able to remove Armor/Hilt slots and set bonuses then the problem is solved. We just all need to show a little patience and wait for this change to be implemented, that's all.


Edit: I'm not saying the endgame pieces look great, trust me I think there are some that look absolutely ridiculous. But the fastest and easiest fix that gives the greatest diversity is what I just described. As opposed to trying to redesign the endgame pieces all over again, when the reality is that a piece of gear won't ever appeal to everyone.

Edited by GamewizX
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We are not limited to only three choices. There is a myriad selection of custom gear out there that you can use to customize your look till your heart's content. Once we are able to remove Armor/Hilt slots and set bonuses then the problem is solved. We just all need to show a little patience and wait for this change to be implemented, that's all.



That was mostly hyperbole about my opinion on what the vast majority of the armor looks like. Kinda like going to a buffet but out of everything they have only a few options look appealing.... or like the health inspector is being bribed.


One thing I would like to point out however is that some of the Sith masks would look really really cool if you could toggle the hood up on some of them like you can the breath masks.

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even in games with vanity slots you tend to see the majority of players still wearing the same few sets of gear the community has deemed "the best looking"... so that won't really solve it...


BW has said they are going to make it so mods can be pulled from endgame gear and put in other orange gear which should help... and i'm sure as updates and expansions come they will add more diverse looking gear


the only MMO I've ever seen with true diversity in what players look like is APB (and it's re-release APB reloaded) but that game was basically built around playing gangster barbie dress up


After transmog was introduced in wow,(I quit by this point) I heard a lot of people are wearing their transmog sets over any current tier, meaning tier 11 and 12. A transmog or apperence system WOULD help this and would solve every issue about looking like complete and utter morons.


The IA sets (which all look the same except for color) all look like crap.


The Sith Inquisitor sets also look just as bad. My wife is currently telling me she isnt wearing that because it looks like crap and if that is what she has to look forward too, she just isnt going to raid at all.


Making it to where mods can come out of end game gear is a step in the right direction, HOWEVER, people who take an orange set into a raid is STILL gimped compared to the tier pieces as the set bonuses push the tier over anything you can make with end game mods. Unless BW plans to also allow us to place our set bonuses on orange gear the point is moot. End game tier is still going to be better and I wouldnt take someone who is going to choose to gimp their character because of looks. I am personally not looking forward to raiding if that gear is what I get to look at in the end.

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