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How can I marry Ashara?


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ok I dont quite understand is it even possible to marry Ashara? ive got her affection to max. Did all her cut scenes, and on the last she tells me she wants to get married but cant without the jedis permission then thats it... I mean seriously are we the only class that cant get married? someone please help if there is a way. Thanks
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Jedi are not suppose to be in a relationship, it goes aganist the Jedi code and the edicts of the Jedi Council.


Even though she is a Sith Inquisitor's companion, Ashara is still a Jedi and believes in adhering to the Jedi code & edicts of the Jedi Council.


Therefore, you will never marry her because the Jedi Council forbids marriages amongst Jedi.


This is the same for the Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular classess.

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This is the same for the Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular classess.


Actually no. The JK and JC can both get married and I believe that applies to both genders. With Kira it is a secret marriage between just the JK and her. With Nadia they just don't ever mention the whole ban on romance to th best of my knowledge. I'm not familiar with the romances for female, so I don't know how they play out(althoguh I know Doc does get married to a female JK).


However Ashara is one of only two(I think) companion romances where there is no option to marry. In Ahsara's case it is because she won't get maried without the Jedi Council's approval.....which she will almost certainly never get.

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  • 2 months later...

Actually, I think in 1.2 they're gonna fix that, and maybe instead of agreeing with her about her morals, (i would, but I wanna get married in-game) just push her into it. I don't know if it'll work, but try it.




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Actually, I think in 1.2 they're gonna fix that, and maybe instead of agreeing with her about her morals, (i would, but I wanna get married in-game) just push her into it. I don't know if it'll work, but try it.




darth sion server, <isotope> guild


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Do you have a source on this? I just checked the PTS patch notes and the only mention on Ashara was fixing a bug that prevented her from getting affection properly awarded on some missions.

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It might be unlocked in the first Expansion or something. Either you two will be able to get the Jedi Council's permission (IF they ever lift the draconian rule on it) or Ashara will finally say "**** it!" about the Jedi Council's garbage (which I find more likely) and you will be able to marry her. lol
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Personally.. (as a Light Sith of all things), I would break up with Ashara the day I am able to bring Rylee onto the ship.


Don't get me wrong, Ashara's romance is great and all.. but after giving me the silent treatment for 4 months, she's just begging to be "air-locked".

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Personally.. (as a Light Sith of all things), I would break up with Ashara the day I am able to bring Rylee onto the ship.


Don't get me wrong, Ashara's romance is great and all.. but after giving me the silent treatment for 4 months, she's just begging to be "air-locked".


I'd dump her in a heartbeat for Zash... or help Zash take over her body for that matter. :D

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