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Your assault commando vs a same level Sith marauder (for ex)?


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Hi there

Today, on Alderaan's wz I was defending "left" (from the Repu pow).

4 times a Sith marauder of my level (32) came, and we had pretty fair duels.

I won only once. The rest of the time the fights were pretty tough, I manage to put the bugger's life below 50%, but it was pretty hard for me to stay out of melee range, and it really hit me like a truck! It may have something to do with me having badly used my skills I agree, though I dont think I'm totally clueless as I usually play pretty well that kind of range classes in mmo, and without being "godly" I can handle what I should be able to handle if you see what I mean.


The question is:

is an assault commando meant to be successful vs a sith marauder or any other melee empire class of that time, in a 1v1 fight?

I have the feeling that we're much more a support class, doing pretty good damage in group, and not meant to be a "dueling class".

And it's fine with me! Balancing toward duels is a mistake Blizzard did, hopefully Bioware wont do it...

But hows is it for you? How do you see it?

Thanks for your replies.

Edited by Draksen
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If you can keep a distance or break LoS then yes a Assault Commando is deadly stacking DoT's. If you just sit there is has a higher DPS. I play Assault at 50, I'll DoT and move, always moving, only time im stationary is when nobody is around me and I can get off a Mortar Volley or Plasma Grenade for more DoT.


If you where defending Left and had a 1v1 with a melee the trick would be to DoT them, hop off the ledge right by the ramp and run back up hop back off. Keep circling or keep running around the turret itself. If you jump while kiting you can turn around mid air and fire also. Keep Hammer shot going when you can too, it will proc your plasma cell. Anyways just a tid bit good luck

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Honestly marauders that use their interupt, should romp all over your face in 1v1. We're not a 1v1 class, we're a group class. We suffer greatly if we're singled out by melee because they can lock you out of grav rounds for pretty much the entire fight (maybe not a marauder but a juggernaught can easily.)


Although, until a marauder gets geared up at 50, they're pretty weak and will fold quickly. Once they get geared though... they will melt your face off so quickly if you don't take precautions.

Edited by LordKivlov
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Honestly marauders that use their interupt, should romp all over your face in 1v1. We're not a 1v1 class, we're a group class. We suffer greatly if we're singled out by melee because they can lock you out of grav rounds for pretty much the entire fight (maybe not a marauder but a juggernaught can easily.)


Although, until a marauder gets geared up at 50, they're pretty weak and will fold quickly. Once they get geared though... they will melt your face off so quickly if you don't take precautions.


Hes assault, dont have Grav rounds. You can kite

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Honestly marauders that use their interupt, should romp all over your face in 1v1. We're not a 1v1 class, we're a group class. We suffer greatly if we're singled out by melee because they can lock you out of grav rounds for pretty much the entire fight (maybe not a marauder but a juggernaught can easily.)


You can't interrupt an Assault Commando in any significant way except if hes trying to do Mortar Volley or slow casting Plasma Grenade.


Incendiary, HiB, Hammer, Plastique, Stockstrike, Cryo, Concussion Charge <- Assault Arsenal and it's all instant.


Plasma Nade and Mortar are for distracted or stunned targets unless Plasma is thrown as an instant cast.

Edited by Gyronamics
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