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Operative vs Scoundrel Scrapper


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So I'm not sure what to think but my impression is that the operatives do their version of shootfirst, backblast, sucker punch, sucker punch, blaster whip, sucker punch alot faster and with less delay then I get to do it in.


is this just a matter of my skewed perception or do others see anything similar?

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There is a noticable animation delay on many scoundrel abilities. But the damage is applied correctly at the beginning of the animation, as soon as you activate the ability.


Yep. Most noticeable with back blast. You will see the enemy's health go down the moment you hit the ability, way before the actual shotgun blast goes off.

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Yep. Most noticeable with back blast. You will see the enemy's health go down the moment you hit the ability, way before the actual shotgun blast goes off.


But until the ANIMATION is finished I can not use the next ability and THIS is a BIG quality of LIFE ISSUE being ignored by Bio Ware.


Clearly the mirror class can get off the next ability much quicker as he is not waiting on a animation to finish for the next damage or healing ability to be used.

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Having tried both to a semi-reasonable level (not so far with my scoundrel yet), I can say that the operative plays just a little better and the animations seem a bit smoother.


Dirty Kick is the most obvious difference. It should definitely be fixed, but by no means is it gamebreaking.


Overall, I'd pick the story/side I enjoy the most and not worry about the little differences. I mainly notice them because I've played both, and even then it doesn't stop me from having fun.

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But until the ANIMATION is finished I can not use the next ability and THIS is a BIG quality of LIFE ISSUE being ignored by Bio Ware.


Clearly the mirror class can get off the next ability much quicker as he is not waiting on a animation to finish for the next damage or healing ability to be used.


The animation for back blast is less than 1.5 seconds in duration and the global cooldown is 1.5 seconds. You are not getting a longer delay between abilities than anybody else. You may come from another game (like daoc) where animation time is quite literally the delay between attacks, but that is not the case here. You are waiting precisely 1.5 seconds after hitting the ability before the next one can begin, whether the animation is .1s or 1.5s.

Edited by Kutsus
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if the animation of abilites wouldn't last longer than the GCD ppl wouldn't complain all the time

but they do (last longer). not all the time ofc but frequently


that's the big ability delay issue

animations lock out abilites

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The animation for back blast is less than 1.5 seconds in duration and the global cooldown is 1.5 seconds. You are not getting a longer delay between abilities than anybody else. You may come from another game (like daoc) where animation time is quite literally the delay between attacks, but that is not the case here. You are waiting precisely 1.5 seconds after hitting the ability before the next one can begin, whether the animation is .1s or 1.5s.


What if it is 1.6 seconds?

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What if it is 1.6 seconds?


According to BW, that will delay the next GCD. Thankfully our class doesn't have any animations that I know of which have that issue. The worst one I've seen is trooper mortar volley... the animation goes for almost a second after the channel is done.

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