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jedi and sith vs the rest


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Hello! Do you know just how awesome Boba Fett and Han Solo are?


i do and i dont say i dont like them.i prefer my commando dps than any other class.i just say from the funs view all want to be jedi and sith because thats all they know.also a bit out of topic question,anyone knows the name of the commando on the videos we seen next to bastila?

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I started a SI and made it to level 25. Started getting a little bored of seeing myself everywhere so I rerolled a BH and have not looked back.


I love tossing meles across the room then blasting them as they crawl back to me just to drop at my feet.

Edited by Rygel
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I laugh in the face of Jedi and Sith.


No really, I do.


I have a Combat Medic and a Powertech and you want to see the hilarity of a Jedi or Sith (melee or ranged, i'm not fussy) try and take one of them out solo.


Although I laugh more at Operatives and Scoundrels.


Think they are so clever popping out from stealth and try and kill me in one go.


Pop a few heals on my Medic or finish my cup of coffee on my tech (because my health doesn't move).

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Typically, I don't like to generalize, but I think the non-force classes are more for the fans of the Original Trilogy. There weren't a whole lot of lightsabers around at that time, but there were lots of tough hombres with Blaster pistols and rifles. I'm not saying I don't have a force-using alt or two, but I generally prefer my Bounty Hunter.


I have to tend to agree with this. I am old enough to have seen the original trilogy in the theaters and Star Wars to me has always been Han Solo. Jedi and Lightsabers are cool and all and I will play them. But a fast ship, good blaster and a suicidal attitude are so much more fun .

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