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When does CM healing become easier?


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Hi, i'm just curious. Leveling a Combat medic atm, i rerolled from my 50 sage healer as i just couldnt stand the ammount of sages around, the sage armor and that my guild has 6 sage healers and one combat medic.

I'm around level 16 now, leveling in corauscant, ive been doing some HC quests with people, granted not optimal setups but nothing i woulda had a problem with as a sage and found myself struggling on some of the bigger pulls, running out of ammo fast when hammer shot was a waste of a gcd. I only have two heals atm, hammer shot :/, and medical probe. I understand that advanced medical probe talented is great and helps alot but thats much further down the tree.


So, TLDR; When does healing HC quests and flashpoints become easier and when do commandos feel like a proper healer able to heal through anything with smart heal usage?

I'm not looking for easymode, i made commando to have a challenge, but having one heal and hammer shot is a bit crappy. Not sure itll be enough for Flashpoints.



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Field Triage is a huge talent for resource management. Trauma probe is nice also, especially for your companion while leveling.


If you re-rolled for pvp I think you're going to hate it though tbh. I have one of each healer at 50 and my sorc is by far my fav healer for pvp. Sprint is the best defensive cd in the game for a healer...

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If you go straight up the combat medic tree i'd say low 30's you'd have all your main heals and abilities. Coming from a sage you may feel a bit underpowered, combat medics are good at sustained burst healing. You can heal for days with proper ammo management.
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If you spec straight through CM tree, I think you get all 3 points in Field Triage at lvl 27. At that point your AMP->MP rotation will let you heal through almost anything except high AOE damage without running out of ammo. And even the AOE damage can be overcome with Supercharge Cells and AMP->MP and Kolto Bomb.
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Yes, at level 30 you are freaking awesome. Trauma probe rocks.


Field Triage is also super great, AMP -> MP (as someone already stated) is amazing for resource management (and it heals for a ton...)


In PvP, commando heals are pretty awesome, but like someone else said its pretty important to play with a tank guarding you; if you are guarded by a good tank, the two of you can pretty much expect not to die as long as your team is fairly competent and your not grossly outnumbered...

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combat medic will never be as good as sage , the force barrier bubble that sages get is awesome and absorbs a huge amount of damage and is easily spammable . the bubble we get from kolto bomb is not near as good . is not spammable and needs a cast squeance .


if you do want to try be good as a healer , make a crit. surge build on your mods , but untill bioware shows combat medic some love , you will never match a sage .


dont underestimate just how good force barrier is

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