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Changing Sides


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I love the idea. It was actually my original plan with the game to roll a dark jedi knight and cross over until I found out that it was impossible. So I had to make a sith warrior but I think it would have been more fun with the jedi ... immersion and all that.
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Would make a great story Arc, to be tempted and fall to the Darkside/Lightside, and then get the chance to be redeemed. Perhaps by your Companions and/or Guildmates. Or, to stay if that's what you truly want. Something to think about for the first expansion, could easily spend 10-20 levels with this idea and all the related quests possible.
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It would have to be designed to happen at a specific point in the class questline (likely between planets, somewhere around level 30) from a logistical standpoint, otherwise there'd be far too many variables. Remember that switching sides would be a very significant change, as all your missions would be null and void, and then there's the whole issue of your companions.


Would be interesting, but wouldn't solve the Empire/Republic imbalance.

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