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BH Merc BG Healing - PvP


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Posted this in the healing forums but thought I'd post it here as well.


So I took a break from my Sage and am leveling a healing Merc on a friend's server. So far I'm loving the Merc. In some ways it's better than my Sage (blasphemy! Yes it's true!). The only thing right now is heat management but I'm sure I'll get better at that. But I have some build questions. I've seen a lot of PvE builds and guides, and "hybrid" PvP builds, but not much in the way of pure heal spec PvP builds.


From what I can tell, there are too many good skills and I can't decide what talents to use and which I can get rid of. The entire healing tree looks good, and then so does the entire first tier of Arsenal plus Upgraded Arsenal and System Calibrations and Advanced Targeting in Pyrotech. I've also seen builds that included Custom Enviro Suit and Muzzle fluting which if I had room I'd take. So what are some builds that you guys use for PvP healing? What reasons do you have for cutting out certain talents and taking others?

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In the healing tree, I skipped Improved Vents, Kolto Residue, and Protective Field.


In the Arsenal tree I took Integrated Systems, Ironsights, Custom Enviro Suit, and Upgraded Arsenal.


For Pyrotech, I took System Calibrations.


I'm contemplating dropping a point from Arsenal or Pyrotech and putting it into Kolto Residue for the chance to proc the effect. There's enough heat dissipation between Supercharged Gas and Vent Heat that Improved Vents isn't necessary. I'm not sure about Kolto Residue, but I like alacrity from System Calibrations. I feel that 2% Endurance and 6% received healing all the time from Custom Enviro Suit is better than 20% received healing for 15 seconds every 3 minutes from Protective Field.

Edited by ElanTheBear
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This is what I run, it hasn't failed me yet.


I would consider dropping a point out of the +armor% on heal for something else, but the other possible choices with extra talent are fairly minor.


Pretty much what I would go with too.


Maybe I'd take 2 points out of Warden for 2 extra points in Ironsight. The loss of 6% crit healing for 6% extra aim, is generally more than worth it. And maybe swap Kolto Residue with Critical Reaction or Improved Vents.

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probably a lie any sorc will outheal a merc purely because of their bubble absorb


As a merc healer, I'm typically the top healer for the majority of warzones where I do not just hold a point and twiddle my thumbs. I cannot claim to be the top 95/100, and while I suspect the above poster is slightly exaggerating, mercs can outheal a sorc. I'd chaulk it up to the fact that we have such high survivability, we are in the action for a long time.

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This is what I run, it hasn't failed me yet.


I would consider dropping a point out of the +armor% on heal for something else, but the other possible choices with extra talent are fairly minor.


With your build, here is where I would say the wiggle room lies.


First, I would reconsider the point in Heat Damping. This is for offensive skills and quite frankly as a full spec healer the chances of you killing anyone on par with your level is slim. Better to take that point and put it in either Iron Sights or System Calibrations.


Now if you wish to get the max benefit from those skill options, I would also suggest the following changes.


Take the point out of Reactive Armor. The armor bonus looks good on paper but it is a very short buff. Short of spam healing the same target, they are only going to keep that armor bonus for a few seconds. Odds are if you have to spam heal a player, you probably are not going to keep them alive for long. They are simply taking too much damage and that additional armor rating is only going to keep them alive for a second or two longer.


However, with that said, if you are doing PVE endgame content and you are assigned to be the healer for the tank Reactive Armor can be an assest. But I just don't think it is worth a point in PVP content. Things are just too volitale.


Cure Mind can also play a vital roll in PVE content but it plays less of a roll in PVP. Why? It isn't due to the lack of CC and DOTs in players arsenals believe me. But instead it has to do with the fact it is limited in scope. Cure works on tech related skills and debuffs but it doesn't fair so well against force related skills. And considering the number of players who play on Consulars and Inquisitors it really is a waste in warzones.


The last point I would argue is within Critical Efficency. With 3 points in that skill you get a 100% chance of reducing the heat cost. Lose just one point and it drops down to just 66%. This still puts the odds in your favor that you will get the heat reduction with the vast majority of your casts. It comes down to what you think is more important. With this build there are no points put in vent heat, so other options such as a fullly specked Critical Efficiency maybe a compromise. It really comes down to your ability rotation. You also have to consider whether a 33% chance of additional heat is worth another point 2 points of alacrity or 3% more aim.

Edited by ForceWelder
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As a merc healer, I'm typically the top healer for the majority of warzones where I do not just hold a point and twiddle my thumbs. I cannot claim to be the top 95/100, and while I suspect the above poster is slightly exaggerating, mercs can outheal a sorc. I'd chaulk it up to the fact that we have such high survivability, we are in the action for a long time.


So many variables can come to play here. The biggest variable is your team mates. Do they help you survive or do they leave you too your own resources? I have seen it go both ways and the results can be staggeringly different. Premade with vent or teamspeak is a must. but trying to keep a PUG together without those basic communications abilities usually means lots of deaths.


Also, how quickly the other team responds to your healing is a factor. On my server there are a shortage of Imp healers. If I am the only healer or if there is just one more, the Repubs go after us like we are a blue light special at Kmart. It is relentless. It is generally stun locks until you get full resolve and then they just interrupt you nonstop. Makes it impossible to heal. And although we do have our bubble, it only lasts 12 seconds and only works well if timed with resolve. Because without resolve you pop your bubble and they simply leave you stunned through the duration wasting it.


But team up with a tank who throws his guard on you and you can become an unstoppable team. If anything, you gain more attention from the opposing team which leaves your other team mates free to go after an objective or go after them.


The point I am trying to make is not every one can share the same level of success. It takes true team work to win a warzone or get top healing scores.

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