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To the people talking about quitting


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Oh I'm shocked I tell you. Just shocked. I have played countless video games (including many MMOs) and I have never seen such a thing before. :rolleyes:




lol Are you people serious? Is this the first damned MMO you have ever played? Is it the first one you have played at launch? If you happen to play on Anchorhead and answered yes to all of the above questions and are really going to sit there and threaten to quit then feel free to give me your stuff and get out because you're too dumb to play on my server. ;)


I'm serious, I am so tired of reading the endless stream of "There is something I don't like about the game so I'm quitting" threads on every game I have played. Personally, I HATE space combat in SWTOR and there are a lot of other things (bugs, PVP issues, etc..) i dislike but I am not quitting because I'm smart enough to realize that the game was JUST LAUNCHED A DAMNED MONTH AGO!!! LULZ No game (including your precious WoW) has ever been perfect at launch. In fact, most are barely playable at launch. SWTOR actually has a pretty small number of issues compared to most so feel free to kindly shut the hell up and give them some time to work out the issues. And no, I am not a bioware fanboy. I am just a very experienced gamer who has seen it all a million times before.

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Id like quiting threads deleted as soon as possible.


If you want to go fine, but dont try and make the rest of us feel that we should agree with you.


I do agree with OP up to a certain point, but there is issues that i feel could have been learnt from other games that have crept into this release.

Edited by Urko
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Oh I'm shocked I tell you. Just shocked. I have played countless video games (including many MMOs) and I have never seen such a thing before. :rolleyes:



Thing is, in all the countless MMOs that have failed over the past several years because too many people quit, there have been tons of posts like yours in the forums too. When people quit and post about it in the forums, the devs get an idea of what people don't like, which can only be a good thing.

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Unfortunately there are too many people on these forums who cannot grasp the idea that other people often have different opinions to themselves. So, we constantly see anyone who has a different opinion being labelled as an idiot, a fanboy, a hater etc.


The people who like this game are not fools or idiots or fanboys. The people who don't like the game are not idiots or morons or haters. The real fools here are the people who cannot accept that another person's opinion of the game can be radically different from their own.

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Thing is, in all the countless MMOs that have failed over the past several years because too many people quit, there have been tons of posts like yours in the forums too. When people quit and post about it in the forums, the devs get an idea of what people don't like, which can only be a good thing.


Majority of quitters do it in such a militant non constructive way though.

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I'm fine with people not liking the game.


It's the people out there giving the game 1 star out of 5. I mean come on. 1 star???


Unfortunately that's typical these days, when everything is either 'awesome' or 'sucks'. An entire generations seems to have forgotten that other adjectives exist.

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Unfortunately there are too many people on these forums who cannot grasp the idea that other people often have different opinions to themselves. So, we constantly see anyone who has a different opinion being labelled as an idiot, a fanboy, a hater etc.


The people who like this game are not fools or idiots or fanboys. The people who don't like the game are not idiots or morons or haters. The real fools here are the people who cannot accept that another person's opinion of the game can be radically different from their own.


No, what makes them idiots is the fact that they are complaining a month after the game is launched instead of at least giving it some time. lol They act as if they have never played a MMO before.


Thing is, in all the countless MMOs that have failed over the past several years because too many people quit, there have been tons of posts like yours in the forums too. When people quit and post about it in the forums, the devs get an idea of what people don't like, which can only be a good thing.


Really? Have you read the WoW forums during the past... oh I don't know.... 5-6 years? People are constantly threatening to quit but the game is still okay. Most of those games failed because they just plain sucked and had nothing to build a playerbase.

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If you've been a part of a lot of MMO communities, especially at launch, how are you not used to this?


Well i've just finally had enough. Usually people at least wait several months after a game has been out before they start threatening to quit. lol

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We know that it can be frustrating to read through overly negative and criticizing posts and threads. Feedback of all types, positive or negative, is appreciated - we do ask that it is constructive though. Creating threads in order to call out others because of their opinions is not constructive and tends to cause just as many disruptions.


With this in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread now.


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