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To enjoy the game story, you need to know....


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a LOT about Star Wars lore.


For instance, on Taris, you fight against (and presumably for, on Rep side) Cathar setters. It seems just like another specie. You only appreciate their presence if you know that...


1)In the comics Tales of the Jedi, the Cathars inflicted a terrible defeat on the Mandalorians during the Ulic Quel Dromma affair.


2)Even more important, the Mandalorians, during their Wars (the ones immediately predating KOTOR) attempted genocide on Cathars, wiping out over 90% of their specie (hence the relocation). The Republic, presumably, made a comittee on the matter. The pro-intervention faction of the Jedi Order, however (they were called the revanchists) sent Jedis to investigate. The leader of this faction used a force technique to relive the last moments of a group of Cathar civilians, herded into the sea to be drowned. A single Mandalorian female protested agains tthis, and was killed with the Cathars. This warcrime enraged the leader, who vowed revenge on the Mandalorians for this genocide.


He was also so inspired by the courageous move of the lone Mandalorian, who disobeyed monstruous orders from her faction to protect innocents, at the cost of her life, that he picked her Mandalorian mask and placed it on his face.


After this day, he was only known as Revan.

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INteresting lore..


Thanks for postig.


Rep side I never saw any Cathar at all on Taris. Just Raghouls.. Rakghouls everywhere. nothing but Rakghouls.. clawing, scratching.. aaaaaaaa


What? No, I'm, not scarred. :p

Edited by Shinian
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The most enjoyable part I had in the story was as a Dark-side Sith Inquisitor.



I came across a Sith in a jail who was bragging about this holocron he had found, so in true Sith fashion we fought to the death to see who was worthy enough to have it. The Sith's father didn't like that. He was so distraught he pulled a blaster on me and tried to kill me, even though he wasn't Force-sensitive (He was an Elite, though :p). It was the only time in a video game I ever actually felt bad about killing someone. Lol.


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From personal experience I disagree. I know very little about SW outside of the movies (and even those are hazy) and I enjoy the stories I've come across immensely.


I will say, however, that they've piqued my curiosity and have actually made me go digging for more background info outside of the game. For instance... I didn't know who the heck Revan was. I just played through the storylines with misconceptions about the NPCs who worshipped him etc. but the more quests I came across revolving around him the more it started to make me wonder who he really was until it got to the point where it was driving me crazy. So I went and looked him up and from there it lead from one thing to another from the Mandalorians to the Infinite Empire, etc.


So in essence, NOT knowing has actually made it even more enjoyable. For me at least.


Mind you, I haven't had the time to read everything yet. I've been too busy playing the game. :p

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a LOT about Star Wars lore.


For instance, on Taris, you fight against (and presumably for, on Rep side) Cathar setters. It seems just like another specie. You only appreciate their presence if you know that...


1)In the comics Tales of the Jedi, the Cathars inflicted a terrible defeat on the Mandalorians during the Ulic Quel Dromma affair.


2)Even more important, the Mandalorians, during their Wars (the ones immediately predating KOTOR) attempted genocide on Cathars, wiping out over 90% of their specie (hence the relocation). The Republic, presumably, made a comittee on the matter. The pro-intervention faction of the Jedi Order, however (they were called the revanchists) sent Jedis to investigate. The leader of this faction used a force technique to relive the last moments of a group of Cathar civilians, herded into the sea to be drowned. A single Mandalorian female protested agains tthis, and was killed with the Cathars. This warcrime enraged the leader, who vowed revenge on the Mandalorians for this genocide.


He was also so inspired by the courageous move of the lone Mandalorian, who disobeyed monstruous orders from her faction to protect innocents, at the cost of her life, that he picked her Mandalorian mask and placed it on his face.


After this day, he was only known as Revan.




No man, I havent even seen the movies and I love the game (except for some improvements to be made).

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If you read my message, you would see that a lot of the brilliance of the story appears if you know that happens


The Killiks on Alderaan and their joiners looks pretty stupid if you don't have read the Swarm War.


I haven't read the Swarm War. Does that mean I automatically don't know anything going on, in Alderaan? Of course not. They don't look stupid to me at all, though, that may be because of Vector. :D


Agreeably, there are some easter eggs placed throughout SWTOR that make references to the films and KOTOR games (Ziost Shadow, anyone?). To the gist, though, I don't think all-time knowledge of the Star Wars universe is necessary to know what's going on. The NPC's do a fine job at that.

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I don't know much about Star Wars and I didn't really like any of the movies (I've seen 5 and never bothered to see the return of the sith) because they all felt pretty boring.


I love the story in the game though, and the writers have done an excellent job of revealing information through story and journal entries. I keep wanting to go look up some of the stuff that I don't quite know about, but for now I'm happy waiting and seeing what all will be revealed by the time I'm 50.

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Im starting to wish I had played the KOTOR's again just to remember the story, I regularly recognize fregments, races, pieces of stories and links to things from that game. It's fun to feel that and know more that what the imperial ensign thats giving you the quest no that youre in a different time period and see the advancements of things beyond the older games. Very cool.


TOR Writers deserve some props here.

Edited by Paralassa
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you would see that a lot of the brilliance of the story appears if you know that happens


The issue is, your Topic said "to enjoy the story..." which is not true, and what some people are taking issue with. People can enjoy the story without knowing a bit of SW lore, or having played KOTOR.


However the more lore you know, especially Old Republic era lore, you will find you do a greater appreciation for some of the things and stories in the game. Such as the one you mention about the Cathar.

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The Killiks on Alderaan and their joiners looks pretty stupid if you don't have read the Swarm War.


Unless I'm VERY confused (which is certainly possible) The Swarm War includes Luke Skywalker, making it far in the future compared to our quests - so I'm not sure why I need anything from that book?

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"Need" is a much stronger word than I believe is warranted in this context.


Does an expansive knowledge of Star Wars canon in all its arcane and sometimes-contradictory glory enhance one's enjoyment of the TOR storyline? Certainly, that's a reasonable statement to make. At the same time, though, the authors here have done an exemplary job of offering in the primary text (i.e., the game itself, as opposed to supplemental works) as much information as is necessary to make the immediate situation make sense. Is there subtlety and nuance missing? Sure, a little bit. But do we bumble around like ignorant fools for lack of out-of-game information? Not at all.


Quite the contrary, a lack of extensive background information can also serve to enhance the game. Using your own example of the Cathar/Mandalorian conflict and the origin of Revan's mask and name... these are events that occurred more than three hundred years before the "now" of the game. It makes no more sense for my Korriban-raised Sith to have an intimate knowledge of these root causes than it does for me, as a modern Canadian, to have an exhaustive understanding of the politics of the Netherlands in the 18th century. Relying solely on exposition that's doled out in bits and bytes can aid in focusing immersion in the here and now of TOR, which many players (myself included) find a preferable experience.

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I agree with SithZigg.


While someone who is well-versed in the lore will get a real kick out of many easter eggs and references, I think one can enjoy the story just fine on its own. You never know, it might even make them want to read the books and play KotoR and all that other jazz. :)

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Speaking of easter eggs, there is a delicious one


A quest in Nar Shadda features a relic of the Infinite Empire, the Infinite Engine

A device, that create worlds


What was the namme of the first bioware engine ?


The Infinity Engine.

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