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Please do something about population


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There's a lot of people here that are being ignorant for the purpose of being *******es. YOUR server might be fine and if it is why are you even in this thread? There are a lot of people that are playing on underpopulated servers, especially republic side. I myself am deliriously happy if i see 20 people on a planet. I can only dream of 60 on one. And my server is a so-called heavy one.


The designations are just as unbalanced as the ratio between Empire and Republic. YOU might not have a problem with this but plenty of people do. And empty servers cause people to quit. YOU might be happy the whiners go, but if a critical mass gets reached and enough quit then there goes your improvements to the game, your content and your satisfaction. It doesn't matter whose fault it is (and blaming the customer is actually ridiculous). Bioware actually facillated this situation and they're the ones who implemented a crappy engine that can't handle normal server loads. The cap on servers was too low, and opening up new servers was foolish. Full servers, proper balance between factions benefits even the fanboys because it causes the cash to flow in a positive direction.


This is a serious problem even if your server is populated. And jesus, some of you guys are twerps, how would you like it if you were in this situation? Rerolling isnt desirable for a lot of folks. I personally would rather quit that reroll.

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That's not required at all.


The most potent group I ever ran a herioc with was 4 operatives. Everybody takes a turn tanking. Get too banged up, pop combat stealth and drop into a secondary healing role.


Good point but, unfortunatly - out of the 6 people on hoth last night there were 4 sentinels which have 0 healing ability minus medpacks...


I would like to progress like a normal group would with the appropriate players.


Not saying its impossible but I dont want to work that hard consistantly..


my $.02

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I understand this game is new, and I really want to give it a chance. However seeing numbers like this in the Republic Fleet when I get home from work is very, very disheartening.


Can't you merge servers or something to get the populations up? This is supposed to be a standard population server. If seeing 7 people at peak times is standard I'd hate to see low pop servers.


Please do something to fix this! Listen to your community and step up.




Wow, even on Soresu, which is a lower pop server, I still see at least 25 people on the republic fleet at off-peak times. The Harbinger, at peak, will have over 200 people on the fleet.


There definitely needs to be something done to help out here but it's not as easy as just merging servers. So what happens to the people who have to re-name their character because it's already taken on the other server? What about the people that have more than 8 combined characters between the two servers and now they have to delete characters to merge? If they just allow free server transfers, then that may not solve the problem either because you could have wild fluctuations in server pop as people transfer in and out of servers in mass. They need to do something but they can't just make a knee-jerk response like shutting down 10 servers and doing a forced merge with 10 other servers tomorrow. It's going to take more time to work out a reasonable solution.

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Wow, even on Soresu, which is a lower pop server, I still see at least 25 people on the republic fleet at off-peak times. The Harbinger, at peak, will have over 200 people on the fleet.


There definitely needs to be something done to help out here but it's not as easy as just merging servers. So what happens to the people who have to re-name their character because it's already taken on the other server? What about the people that have more than 8 combined characters between the two servers and now they have to delete characters to merge? If they just allow free server transfers, then that may not solve the problem either because you could have wild fluctuations in server pop as people transfer in and out of servers in mass. They need to do something but they can't just make a knee-jerk response like shutting down 10 servers and doing a forced merge with 10 other servers tomorrow. It's going to take more time to work out a reasonable solution.


Exactly this. I'm sure the logistics aren't as simple as shutting down a few servers and transferring people. But I would really like to hear something about this issue, as I'm clearly not the only player seeing it.

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